
Just as they planned the rumors spread throughout the hospital and even to those people.

Somewhere in the city, in a dimly lit room, a person was sitting on the single sofa sipping his tea with one hand while the other was resting on the hand rest of the sofa. He tapped his fingers of the resting hand as he looked at his subordinate standing before him with a cold look in his eyes, "So, you are saying that two of the doctors in that hospital has a past of organ trafficking?"

"Yes, boss. That's what our men placed at the hospital reported us. The rumor started a week ago. Although the hospital management denied it repeatedly, the hospital staff is still talking. It turned out one of the nurses used to work for this doctor who was a junior of those two doctors. That nurse is on friendly terms with that Doctor, and he confirmed that they were indeed suspended during their internship and had to resort to some powerful connection to get out of that mess."

The person called boss then turned to the person on his right and asked with a sinister smile, "what do you think about this rumor, Danny?"

"It is indeed a great opportunity for us. With Doctor Veer gone, our gang was having problems re-establish ourselves in that New life hospital. If the rumors are true and we somehow manage to get those two doctors in our gang, it would be a lot easier for us to function. After all, out of all the hospitals, it is the only one that would not raise the suspicions of those officers. And with those two doctors in our team, the number of surgeries we could perform will double. That Dr. Veer mentioned before that Dr. Anaya despite being a gynecologist, is profound in cardiac surgery too. She would save us a lot of trouble of finding other cardiac surgeons to perform surgery while hiding the truth from them." The man named Danny analyzed.

"Heh… no wonder people call you are my right hand. You just know what I am thinking. But before we approach them, investigate if this is the truth and whether it's a trap. You have two days" the man ordered in a commanding voice "It'll be great if they could join us. We can then use their connections to make things easier for us".

The next day at the hospital Anaya, went to her department as usual. There Sister Marie notified her about the interns joining them from that day. "The hospital accepted six interns this year. The other interns have already reported to their respected departments but the one assigned to our department is yet to arrive doctor".

Every year, the interns were to be stationed at one department for a month after which they would switch between the different departments. This was to give them an experience of each field of medicine which was necessary for their future practice as well as to choose a major for them.

"Late for the first day of the internship huh? Doesn't he know the value of time for us doctors? No one will assign him any work till he learns the value of time, understood?" Anaya valued time as a doctor and despised those who did not give importance to it. the intern left a bad impression on her and she was furious.

"Yes," all the staff members said in unison.

"Good. Sister Marie follow me for daily rounds" saying this Anaya exited the room followed by sister Marie.

Just as she left, a young man entered the room. "Good morning everyone. I am Adi and I am an intern assigned to this department. I am so sorry for being late on the first day. I got stuck in the traffic. But I promise that it will not happen again in the future." He greeted everyone politely.

The nurses face instantly glowed as they saw the intern. They were happy to see such a handsome and polite man to be stationed at their department. They all had the same thought, 'He is so handsome. Too bad he got Dr. Anaya angry on his first day".

As he was so polite the nurses felt bad for him and greeted him. 'Dr. Anaya just ordered us to not give him any work. She didn't say we could not greet him.'

Soon all the nurses along with the patients surrounded him and began chatting with him. As all of them were ladies, there they felt happy to see such a handsome face so early in the morning. In addition given his polite and friendly nature, they all instantly liked him.

"I heard that Dr. Anaya is currently the best gynecologist in the country. She even surpassed her mentor. I am so happy to be able to work as an intern for her. I was so happy last night that I could not sleep at all till late night," Adi said, his eyes shining unable to conceal his happiness.

"So that was the reason for you being late huh? And you blamed poor traffic for it" one of the nurses laughed.

"We cannot blame him. Dr, Anaya is the best. Even I want to work under her".

"But you are a patient. You cannot work here. Besides, did you forget you are a corporate person?"

"Can't you let me dream and be happy for a moment" the woman pouted.

Everyone laughed.

"What's happening here?" an angry voice disturbed their happy conversation from behind.