Dr. Rudra Rathore

Standing in the corner of the room sister Marie had a worried expression on her face when she saw Dheer entering along with Rudra. It was alright with Rudra because everyone in the hospital knew that they were best friends. But Dheer was someone from the management and did not know Anaya that well at least that's what hospital staff believed. They were unaware of the strange relationship between Dheer and Anaya. And if he thought of it as bullying then it will be over for Anaya. It was already problematic for Anaya that the rumors were still spreading and if the word got out about her bullying the new intern it would make things even trickier.

Despite the rumors, she and everyone in her department believed in Anaya as they had been working for over a year with her and were aware of her excellent work ethics and her nature by now. So, before the situation got worse and Anaya got into trouble for bullying the new intern, sister Marie stepped up to clear the confusion. She was so worried that the content of Rudra's speech and the part of them already knowing each other before today failed to register in her mind. She was hooked up on the fact that Dheer showed at this critical moment and may think badly of Anaya. So, she quickly reiterated the entire incident in a breath.

"Whaaatttt?? He is a new intern? And Anaya has not even touched him? Then how do you explain him kneeling and crying here?" Rudra asked, not believing sister Marie. Or he did not want to believe it. Because if it was true, a certain Ducky will skin him alive for doubting her unjustly.

"Yes, sir it is true. I was just scared because I was late for my duty today and was then caught by this m… Dr. Anaya", he quickly corrected himself before he called her monster in front of them and cleared his throat "gossiping with the nurses and patients. So, I was only apologizing to her". Adi finally stood up straight and turned to Rudra.

"Just apologizing? Like this? Who on the earth apologizes like this in this era? Do you want to ruin my ducky's reputation by making people believe that she bullied you?" Rudra gave Adi a murderous glare. This glare was the product of dread of Anaya's impending anger on him.

"I am sorry that I caused this misunderstanding sir. I am also sorry for the rude comment I passed on you that day at the mall sir. I never got the chance to apologize to you that day. I admit that I was behaving like a spoiled brat. Forgive my impudent behavior." He sincerely apologized.

Adi was the young man that Anya and Rudra encountered at the mall when they went for an outing with Dheer and his friends and whom Anaya had beaten later for passing insulting comments to Rudra.

Adi wanted to pursue his master's in either gynecology or pediatrics as he found these fields intriguing. But never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that the two people that he worshipped and wanted to come under the wings of guidance were the ones he insulted just for some measly woman, who was found cheating on him.

Adi had only heard Anaya's and Rudra's names and their brilliance in their respective fields from his professors and senior doctors of his college and did not know how they looked. That's why he was unable to recognize them in the mall. How he wished to turn back the time and change his past.

"Are you guys done? It's almost time for my duty. The patients are already waiting outside. Mr. Dheer and Dr. Rudra Rathore" Anaya took his full name for the first time in years, sending shiver down Rudra's spine, "let us address the matter of the circulating rumors after my duty today." She said, looking at the door implying them to leave the room.

Rudra wanted to go to his knees and ask her forgiveness at once, just like how Adi was doing a few minutes ago, but he stopped himself lest he made her angrier. He could now only cry and lament on his misfortune today. He was dreading to face Anaya later. God knew, what she would do to him today.

After addressing the two men, Anaya then turned to the shuddering intern " And as for Dr. Adi it is good that you admit your mistakes but remember this is a hospital not some school or your family house where you kneel for your mistakes. Maintain the dignity of your profession and stop behaving childishly. Now stay here with me to help me with the patients today. You will do a night shift today as your punishment for your behavior earlier. This means you can only go home tomorrow night after you finish your duty tomorrow. Any question?"

"No ma'am."

"And as for your impudent behavior at the mall, I believe I already punished you for that and I hate to hold silly grudges and let them influence my duties as a doctor. Understood?" Anaya said in a commanding voice.

"Yes ma'am. Thank you, ma'am," Adi's face instantly shone as if he just got a new lease on his life.

Anaya then glared at Rudra and Dheer, who were still not leaving despite her signal earlier.

On receiving the wife's glare, Dheer instantly turned around and left, dragging a now stoned Rudra along with him.