Chapter Ten

Chloe's P.O.V

We headed down for halftime with minutes to go. The entire time we were warming up I couldn't help but feel super nervous yet excited. I couldn't explain how much I hated feeling the urge to go the bathroom each time I got nervous. Maybe I should get that checked out or something because I was sure it couldn't be healthy.

We got on the sidelines of the field and I could have sworn I saw one of our football players watching from a distance near the exit to the locker rooms.

With the few short, quick blows of the whistle and I was marching onto the field. I couldn't focus on anything else but my drills and music.

With impeccable focus, I managed to pull through and do my best for the halftime show. I absolutely loved the halftime music, and if my dad could have heard us play he would've loved it too. Usually, I wouldn't pick favorites since I loved all of the song choices, but all-time favorite was "You Can't Hurry Love" by Phil Collins. The arrangement was outstanding, and I couldn't commend the director anymore for his beautiful masterpiece.

The game ended forty-four to fourteen, Bama completely steamrolling the other team and I couldn't be any prouder. I was sure my family watched the game intently. Elijah was probably hollering, constantly being shushed by Felix who was probably happily munching on some popcorn. I missed spending game days with my family snuggled in my pajamas.

I went to my dorm room that night feeling sweaty and exhausted‒attractive qualities I knew was sure to entice any guy within a mile radius. There was a high chance my band uniform smelled like armpit, a sure sign that it needed to be washed before the next game.

Almost stumbling in my dorm room, I huff out a long, exasperated breath and look up to see Heather Bates in her cheerleading uniform sitting on the couch.

"W-what are you‒" I began, twisting my head in confusion.

"Chloe!" Hailee exclaimed, appearing out of thin air. "There you are! I would ask you about the game except Heather has already told me everything!"

It took me a moment to evaluate the situation. Hailee was wearing a white halter top, her blue bra very apparent underneath with high waisted black jeans with tears on the thighs. Her makeup was heavier than usual, covering up all of her freckles. "Where are your glasses?" I immediately asked, noticing the most identifiable item was missing.

"I told her she looked better without them," Marshall came into view, her piercing blue eyes analyzing every inch of me. "You look like you had a good time at the game," she smirked. I noticed that she wore a similar halter top to Hailee's, except hers was green, exposing her perfectly tanned and toned stomach. I wished I could have a stomach like that, except I loved eating so much it would never happen.

I scrunched my eyebrows. I didn't even know how she wanted me to process her words, but it sounded more like an insult than anything. "I think Hailee looks great with glasses," I said smartly as I walked past her and towards my room.

"Chloe Claire!" Hailee called‒more like screeched‒ after me.

I turned around, stopping where I was. "Yes?"

"I was going to ask if you wanted to go to a frat party with us," she said, her finger twitching since it was so used to pushing her black glasses up her nose.

I burst out laughing. "A frat party?" Seriously, did Hailee even know me? I could barely go to some social setting with a few people I didn't know, much less an entire group of people I didn't know.

"I told you she wouldn't want to come," Marshall ran her fingers through her mozzarella blond hair, jutting out her hip so far it could dislocate.

"Well you're right," I snapped. I had better things to do than go to some frat party that I would inevitably not even have fun at, much less the people around who would inevitably get wasted and grind.

"Maybe it's because she's all sweaty," Heather piped in, staring at her phone.

I was breathless. What the heck? I knew I was sweaty, but did she really have to point it out? What a…a…female dog! Yeah, she's acting like a female dog!

I expected Hailee to say something, but I should've known better. She wouldn't stick up for me in front of what used to be the two most popular girls in Willowbrook.

"Don't be a bitch, Heather," Marshall glared at her, shrugging her shoulder. "You're kinda sweaty yourself."

Those were the exact words I wanted to use but never would. I didn't mind when other people cussed but when it came to myself I couldn't muster up the courage to say the words. It felt wrong to me.

"I'm just saying the truth, even if it hurts," Heather cocked her head and took a selfie, making a cringeworthy duck face.

Sometimes the truth was better left unsaid, but I wasn't about to tell Queen Duck Face that. I rolled my eyes and sighed, feeling the exhaustion settle in further. "Well bye, Hailee. I'm going to go wash up since I'm sweating," I said, making a quick, hateful glance toward Heather. "Have fun at the party," I added before walking into my room.


The following Monday was rather gruesome. My calculus class was proving to be the worst, but it wasn't because of the math. The math was easy since I had already taken it senior year of high school, but the professor was extremely difficult. He made me want to claw my eyes out. He was the kind of professor who acted like he had something to prove; therefore, making his class as difficult as possible as if all the students only had his class.

The rest of my day went by rather smoothly, but there was something eating away at me– tonight's study group in the library. Not only was I annoyed that I waited to finish my chemistry homework for this, I was also completely unprepared for what may happen.

I finished eating a grilled cheese I made in my dorm, and headed over to the library. I probably shouldn't have eaten that grilled cheese, as it was beginning to settle in my stomach like a rock.

I loved living on campus, especially for the sights as I walked to each of my classes. I would walk around more leisurely if it weren't for my darn short legs that had to walk twice as fast in order to make it to classes on time.

I walked in the library feeling rather awkward since I didn't know what to do with myself. I didn't even know where to meet them. I began anxiously texting the group chat, wondering where everyone was.

Me: Where are you guys? It's 6:00 and I'm already at the library

It took seconds for Kason to reply:

Kason: We're already here in the lounge area near the barista

I was flooded with relief. Thank goodness they didn't decide to ditch me. I just wished Hailee could've texted me about it or something.

I walked in the lounge area to see them sitting in a booth. Kason waved while Hailee smiled a little too sweetly at me. I wondered for a second why but I look at who she's sitting right next to in the booth and it explained everything.

"I was worried that you guys would cancel," I admitted as I reluctantly sat in the only open seat next to Kason.

"We would never do that to you," Kason grinned.

"Good," I replied while getting out my computer, calculator, chemistry notebook and textbook.

"Jeez, Chloe. You sure are prepared," Kason settled in his seat, looking over my things.

"I only have what I need," I said as I went to the chemistry homework page online.

"I didn't even buy the textbook," Hailee chimed in, resting her pointed chin on her bony hand.

"Yeah I didn't think we need the textbook," Kason nodded.

I looked at them like they were crazy. How could they not buy the textbook? The textbook literally helps with everything I don't understand what the professor was talking about, not to mention the solutions to problems in the book. It gave me great examples of how to properly work each problem, which a girl like myself needed.

Luke, who I noticed had been quiet, cleared his throat and steepled his hands, resting his elbows on the table. "So what did you guys get for number five on the homework?"

Hailee threw her hands up in the air and shrugged. "I don't know I'm only on number one."

"Same here," Kason said as he was typing.

They haven't even started since we decided to collaborate tonight? What was wrong with them? Did they not know it's due tomorrow?!

"Hailee, you're smart since you got valedictorian of our class, why don't you help me with it?" Luke asked, looking her right in her eyes.

This was the first time I had seen Hailee blush in a long time. Maybe it just overwhelmed her that he asked her the question or was so flattered that he thought she was smart. Whatever it was, it was entertaining to watch.

"Let me see," she said, pushing up her glasses as she turned his laptop towards herself, somewhat leaning towards Luke.

For some reason their closeness bothered me, when it shouldn't. If anything, I should be a good friend and be happy for her.

"K_(2 ) 〖Cr〗_2 O_7," she said as she squinted at the screen. "Umm... it's... uh..."

"It's okay if you don't know," Luke said and I saw Hailee perk up with attitude. She did not like that at all.

"Potassium dichromate," I said as I stared at the most annoying problem of the homework–number thirty.

"What?" Kason wrinkled up his nose.

"Potassium dichromate," I repeated, looking at everyone like they should know what I'm talking about. "The answer to number five is potassium dichromate."

Luke raised his eyebrows in surprise as he scratched at his flawless stubbled at his chiseled jawline. "She's right. It's potassium dichromate."

"Let me just answer number five really quick, and then can you help me with number one?" Kason asked quickly as he frantically began clicking away.

I sighed. I guessed I could help him but it all seemed to be more trouble than it was worth.

"Didn't you need help with problem number thirty?" Luke suddenly asked.

I couldn't help but be shocked. He remembered? "Y-yeah actually."

"I looked over the problem and I figured out how to do it," he said, looking over me carefully.

He did? "Really? How do you do it?" I asked with wide eyes. How did he do it and when? It didn't seem like he just started on it just now.

He slid out of his side of the booth and walked over to my side. I instantly smelled mahogany teakwood. He leaned over and looked at my notebook. "May I?" he asked, staring at my pink mechanical pencil with his bright green eyes.

"Sure," I mustered out, trying not to blush as he leaned over and scribbled down the problem. I guessed I knew how Hailee felt now. Flustered.

"I thought for the longest time this was how you were supposed to solve it but every single time I tried plugging in the answer it told me I was incorrect," he said as he circled what I had done in my notebook.

I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. It was a little surprising and incredibly attractive at how smart he was. I couldn't help but watch in awe as he finished my homework problem with ease, explaining each step so simply that even a kindergartener would understand.

"And that is how you get the answer," he said, handing me my mechanical pencil.

"Thank you," I said, looking at the perfectly finished problem in shock.

"No problem," he broke into a grin, showing off his perfect white teeth. I wondered if he used Colgate or Crest.

"Damn Luke. Not only are you built like a fucking beast but you're incredibly smart, too. You must be a hit with the ladies for sure," Kason said smugly, showing off his dimples for the first time–or maybe I just noticed them for the first time. It was actually kinda cute.

Of course, Luke was a hit with the ladies. He always was, even in middle school. Any time there was a vote for class favorite, best dressed, best guy to take home to your family, and most athletic, he always won. Thinking about athletics, I remembered the football game Saturday.

"Congratulations on making a touchdown Saturday night," I said suddenly, completely unaware at how bold I was being. Normally I would just keep it to myself, but this was something I couldn't overlook. "You were really impressive." Okay, maybe I couldn't overlook his amazing touchdown, but did I really have to tell him that he was impressive? Really Chloe? How stupid are you?

Either way, I guessed it isn't matter because his grin grew wider. "You saw that?" he asked, cocking his head in surprise. Dang his radiant smile. Dang everything about him.

I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks and I looked away. "Of course, I love football," I said quickly.

He opened his mouth about to say more but Hailee cut him off, "Yeah I saw it too and you were totally amazing. It was the best all night."

I narrowed my eyes at Hailee. She didn't even like football but whatever. She just wanted to suck up to Luke, and that's fine. More power to her. He's probably too oblivious to notice anyway. I couldn't help but laugh to myself at the thought.

With the help from Luke, I was finished with my homework, but I couldn't just get up and leave. I wanted to help him out with anything he needed since he was willing to help me. That was the least I could do.

Luke scratched behind his head, somewhat embarrassed. "I wouldn't say it was the best…"

But of course he wouldn't say that he was the best. He always acted humble no matter what. I could never tell if it was genuine or not.

"Don't you fucking lie," Kason pointed his finger at Luke accusingly with a wicked grin spread across his face. "You won more brownie points with Coach Saban after that."

For a split second I could have sworn I saw annoyance flash across Luke's face but then it returned to his normal, smiling self.

"So, Luke," Hailee rested her face in her hands as she looked at Luke dreamily. "Since you knew how to do number thirty, do you know how to do number three?" she asked, batting her eyelashes.

Luke scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, but happily obliged in showing her how to do the problem.

Meanwhile, Kason kept pestering me on how to do homework problems. Kason might be cute, but he certainly wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. I couldn't help but wonder if he bothered to take any notes in class or was just using me as his crutch‒ and I was not having it.

Every once in a while, I would glance up and see Hailee inch closer to Luke. For some inexplicable reason, I winced at the sight. I knew I shouldn't have felt the way I did. I wasn't close to Luke and Luke didn't like me. I didn't own him and obviously others have eyes, so it only made sense as to why they check him out and fall completely enamored by him.

After ten minutes, Hailee yawned and stretched dramatically, showing her rib cage through her shirt. "I think we should take a coffee break, what do you guys think?" she asked, her voice slightly deepened.

Kason threw down his mechanical pencil so fast I jumped back, worried about my safety. "That sounds like a great idea!" he exclaimed, causing others in the library to glare in our direction. It wasn't like there was a "No talking allowed" sign hanging anywhere on the first floor.

"Luke?" Hailee raised her eyebrows, her voice impatient with his response.

"I'm fine with it," Luke slightly smiled at Hailee, folding his arms on the table.

"Good," Hailee responded, pushing her glasses farther up her thin nose. Her face quickly changed from annoyed to happy as she said, "Okay then, let's get some coffee!"