Chapter Thirty-four

Luke's P.O.V

"You told me that Chloe liked me," I said angrily to Jacob, who was casually chatting it up with some random girl dressed as a slutty nurse. I had already seen four girls dressed as slutty nurses in the past thirty minutes. I guessed it was a super popular costume.

"Chloe does like you," Jacob huffed out a breath, clearly annoyed that I was pestering him while he was trying to score.

"Then how come she left the frat party with Kason?"

"What?" He stopped talking to the slutty nurse and turned to look at me with confusion. "She left with Kason?"

"Yeah, she did," I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I felt a little betrayed by Jacob for giving me false hope. "Was it all a lie, Jacob?" I asked.

"What? Of course not. Why would I lie about something like that? You're my best friend," he said, and I could see how genuine he was. Jacob was hardly a serious guy, but I supposed when it came to me he was different. "I guess I was wrong. Sorry man. I genuinely thought she was into you," he apologized.

I gave a pained smile. "It's okay. I'll get over it."

"Why do I think that's bullshit?" Jacob gave me a slight smile.


My worst fears came to fruition when I went to Calculus the next day. Kason and Chloe were officially dating. They weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, but they were seeing each other romantically. Gunther was stoked about Kason's relationship with Chloe, congratulating him on finally getting the girl. Jess and I were the only ones who didn't like it.

After class I tried ditching Kason to walk by myself, but instead was stopped by Jess.

"So obviously I ruined everything with Kason that night, didn't I?" Jess said. I had never seen Jess bummed about anything before. Her feelings for Kason were real, that much was for sure.

I shrugged. "I don't know, Jess. Maybe he didn't like you in the first place." Just like how Chloe didn't like me in the first place.

"Well that was fucking rude. What has gotten into you, Luke? You're usually not his moody."

"It's nothing," I sighed, adjusted my backpack over my shoulder, and shoved my hands in my pockets. "I just don't feel good, that's all."

"Maybe you're coming down with the flu. It is flu season after all."


"Anyway, I guess I'll see you later in Theater Appreciation?" she asked while frowning.

"Yeah, I guess," I shrugged, and sauntered off to chemistry.

I went up the flight of stairs to already see Kason sitting…in my seat?

"What are you doing sitting in my seat?" I frowned.

"Well I figured that since Chloe and I are dating that we should sit next to each other," he grinned. "I thought you wouldn't mind."

"I don't mind," I smiled slightly and sat on the other side of Kason.

It didn't take long after to see Chloe walk in the auditorium. She looked different from her usual sweatpants and t-shirt. She wore a pastel–at least I think it's pastel. I'm not exactly an expert on colors–pink top that reached down to her thighs with leggings underneath. Even her hair was different. She obviously curled it, which framed her rounder face beautifully.

"Isn't she pretty?" Kason grinned sheepishly.

No. She's fucking beautiful.

"Hey Hailee…hey Kason," she said and sat between Hailee and Kason. She didn't even look at me when she said, "Hey Luke."

"Hey," I said while trying to smile, but it was so damn hard. Why was I even trying to smile? She wasn't even looking.

I swear that lecture was the worst lecture of the semester. It was annoying how Kason kept talking to Chloe, trying desperately to make her laugh with some success. I was trying to pay attention to Dr. Knapp, which was already a challenge, but Kason was just making it worse.

Chloe walked faster than usual as soon as the lecture was over, and I couldn't help but feel like she just wanted to get away from me.

If I couldn't be with Chloe the way I wanted, at least I could still be her friend. Being her friend was better than being nothing at all.

I caught up to her and put on the fakest smile I could. "Do you want me to carry your backpack for you?" I asked.

Chloe pursed her downturned lips. "I know that's normally our thing, but Kason really doesn't like that. He thinks it's too 'couple' like."

That was kind of the whole point, and from Kason's perspective I could understand, but regardless, I knew that she had a bad back and it was a struggle for her.

"I completely understand," I agreed, and we walked to Theatre Appreciation in silence.

As soon as we sat down in our usual seats, Jess leaned forward and asked, "So, Chloe, do you and Kason have anything planned this Friday? I was thinking that maybe we could all get together and hang out."

Was Jess seriously still trying to get with Kason? I might be oblivious, but I wasn't stupid. Even I knew when she was trying to screw things up. Game's over, Jess. Don't be a homewrecker.

"Actually, Kason and I are going on a date this Friday," Chloe responded, her leg bouncing up and down nervously.

But of course they were. I shouldn't be surprised. They were dating, Luke.

After class, once again I had to catch up with Chloe. Normally, we would chat with each other under the tree and grab dinner afterwards, but Chloe seemed to have different plans. "Hey Chloe, do you want to go grab dinner?" I asked. I might as well gave it a try.

"Sorry Luke, but I have to go finish some chemistry homework. Maybe next time?" she bit her lip.

"Sure," I smiled weakly. Why did I feel like there wouldn't be a next time?

"Maybe you and Jessica can go grab dinner instead?"

Jessica and me? What gave Chloe that idea? Jessica and I might have been friends, but I never really wanted to hang out with her that much outside of class–not that there was anything wrong with her, except when she kissed me.

"Catch up with you later then?" I asked.

She nodded, giving me a thumbs up, and left for her dorm.

I felt a pang in my chest as I watched her walk away.


I worked out at the gym more than usual. Typically, I spent an hour to two hours at the gym, but this time around I spent three hours working myself out to death. I wanted to get myself so physically tired that I couldn't think anymore because every minute or two I pictured Kason and Chloe together.

Unlucky for me, Kason decided to go to the gym the same time as me one day.

"Wanna work out together?" Kason asked with a stupid grin on his face.

"Sure," I said even though I didn't want to. I knew what would happen. He would talk about Chloe.

Kason spotted me as I bench-pressed, and just as expected, he talked about Chloe.

"I don't know if Chloe told you or not, but we're going out on a date this Friday," he said excitedly.

"Yeah, she told Jess and me," I grumbled.

"I don't know if you can tell or not but I'm super excited. I've practically had a crush on her since the beginning of the year and to know that she likes me back was super overwhelming at first, but then again, I knew she liked me back the entire time."

"Mhm," I grunted as I did my reps. "Good for you."

"I'm bringing this up since you knew for a while that I liked her and thought that maybe you could give me a couple of pointers on what I should do on our date."

"Why would you need my help?" It was becoming harder for me to talk while lifting the bar. It was starting to become extremely heavy.

"Because I figured you have a lot of experience in this area–dating I mean."

I put away the bar back in its place and laughed. "Sorry to disappoint but I haven't had much experience in the dating area."

"Really? But you're Luke Armstrong. You're the guy who gets all the ladies," he raised his eyebrows.

I got up and switched places with Kason.

He had to remove a couple weights from the bar before sitting down.

I laughed and shook my head. "Nope. I've only dated several girls."

"When was the last time you went out with a girl?" he asked, intrigued by my dating life.

"Junior year. It was with Chloe Marshall."

"Really?" he grunted. "She's hot and all, but she doesn't really seem like your type," he squinted his eyes and bared his teeth as he lifted the bar.

And who was my type according to Kason? "You're right about that one. I figured since everyone wanted us together that I would at least give it a try. In the end it just turned out that we were pretty good friends. It was all Jacob's idea." Jacob's idea…and he knew I still liked Chloe…

"That sounds about right. To be honest, I think you and Jess would make a great couple. I see the way she looks at you in Calculus," he grinned.

What was up with everyone talking about Jess and me? "Trust me, she doesn't like me that way," I snorted. She liked you that way though.

"So you like her that way?" he grinned stupidly. "I can easily set you two up. Jess and I have been friends for long time so I'm sure she'll want to go out with you by the end of our talk."

"Please don't. I seriously don't like her like that."

"If you say so," he winked.

Kason finished his reps and it was now time to run on the treadmill.

"Who was your first crush?" Kason asked as I began jogging.

Chloe Claire. "I'm not telling you that," I blatantly said. There was absolutely no way that I was going to release that information. Not over my dead body.

"Come on," he grinned. "You can tell me. It's just between us guys."

"Nope," I faked a smile.

"If I had to guess she's still in your friendship circle and you've never told her how you felt?" he grinned sheepishly.

I didn't answer. I was getting tired of Kason's useless banter. I get that he was trying to be friendly, but I wasn't in the mood. I did remember a time when I was going to confess my feelings to her long ago. I remembered it just like it was yesterday.

Jacob and I were playing on the playground when I saw Hailee chatting with Heather under the awning with Chloe nowhere to be seen.

I didn't want to go confessing blindly at the time, so I thought that it was a brilliant idea to ask Hailee if Chloe liked me or not. I remembered Hailee's remark as soon as I asked her.

"Chloe Claire?" she asked disapprovingly. "What makes you think that she likes you?"

My little heart began to break. "I-I don't know. I just thought–"

"Well go ahead and get that idea out of your brain because she will never like you. She told me that herself," she said with a sassy attitude, her thin hands on her nonexistent hips.

I should've listened to her from the get-go, but my stupid self didn't believe her until Chloe flat-out ignored me. So much for thinking that I could somehow get her to like me many years later.