“Xuiye…It’s been a long time. Good to see to you again”.


"Ohh My God, so the rumours of Mr Gu were true!"

"I feel pity for Miss Lee.".

"It's all Wang Family fault, I heard that Elder Wang had decided this engagement only to save his family name."

"How can they be so cruel?"

Soon all the reporters were starting to gather around Gu Kai.

"Mr Gu, what do you want to say about this video?"

"Mr Gu, who was the lady with you in this video?"

Seeing the situation was going out of hands, Wang Hui hinted his assistant to get rid of the reporters. Soon, the hotel security team came into the hall and removed the media from the hall.

Gu Family members' face turned pale, they all knew Gu Kai's deeds. After media and guest left from the hall, only Gu Family, Wang Family and Lee Xuiye & her assistant, Long Xue were left in the hall.

Everyone was silent, no one knew what to say because whatever happened was their fault.

After a while, when no one wanted to speak, Lee Xuiye moved forward towards Elder Wang "Grandfather, I agreed for this engagement only because of you, but I don't think I can continue in this relationship anymore. Sorry!"

Everyone was stunned, if this engagement got cancelled, then it would mean that whatever video showed was true and in consequence, Gu Family would lose their reputation and Wang Family would lose one of the biggest investors.

Before Wang Hui stopped Lee Xuiye to cancel this engagement, Elder Wang stood up and commanded "Xiao Xuiye, it's your life and I have no right to make the decision about it if you are unwilling. Do whatever you want to, you have my support."

"Thank You Grandfather, then I shall take my leave." Lee Xuiye bowed him and turned to leave.

However, she halted in front of Gu Kai and showed him a mischievous smile and then left the hall with Long Xue.

Gu Kai knew today's video was planned by Lee Xuiye, but he couldn't do anything to her right now, but he would get back to her and make sure to get her to pay a hundred times.

Lee Xuiye and Long Xue didn't leave the hotel rather they booked a room to celebrate Lee Xuiye's success. This celebration was not only for securing the title of International Model but also getting rid of that bas*** Gu Kai. Currently, only Long Xue was the one to whom, Lee Xuiye could rely on and trust.

Both of them were singing karaoke, which was the latest DJ song and only Lee Xuiye was allowed to drink, she usually got less chance for the celebration. So Long Xue decided not to drink and handle Lee Xuiye because whenever Lee Xuiye got drunk, she wouldn't be herself and that was enough reason to have a scandal.

It was almost midnight when Lee Xuiye and Long Xue left the room. Lee Xuiye drank so much and she wasn't able to balance herself, so of course, Long Xue had to handle her.

"Xue…Xue…Xue…You know…I love you." Lee Xuiye smirked and clapped her hands.

'Dear God, how can someone forget their sexual orientation?' Long Xue thought herself.

"Muumaa….I Loooovvvveee you, Xue" Lee Xuiye shouted.

"Xuiye, don't say that so loud, what if somebody heard?" Long Xue panically said while helping Lee Xuiye to walk.

Lee Xuiye stopped walking and narrowed her eyes and shouted again "Xue…. Why can't I say it aloud? Do you have someone else in your life? Xue… Are....are cheating on me?...I don't want to go home." Lee Xuiye sat on the floor and crossed her legs and started to crying.

"Ahhhh…. Xue … How much I loved you? How can you cheat me?....Waaaahhhh."

Long Xue felt like hitting her head on the wall. Why did she agree to accompany Lee Xuiye? When she already knew that Lee Xuiye would not be herself after she got drunk.

"Yes…Yes…Xuiye I love you too. It's just that I want to keep our love secret." Long Xue tried to manage to Lee Xuiye.

"Why?" Lee Xuiye cried out.

Long Xue could not help but feel a headache coming, how could she allow her to say aloud that 'she was interested in women instead of men'?

"Because people will envy by seeing our relationship and they will create misunderstanding between us and I am sure you don't want that, do you?"

"Yes…Yes…Xue, we don't have to reveal our relationship." Lee Xuiye agreed like a small child, who agreed to do anything because in exchange as rewards he would get his favourite chocolate.

"Good. Come let's go home." Long Xue praised Lee Xuiye like a mother and helped her to get up.

"Xue… I want to go to the washroom."

"Okay, let's go there first."

Long Xue helped Lee Xuiye to take her to the washroom and told to wait for her so that she go and arrange a driver.

However, Lee Xuiye didn't wait for her and come out, after finishing her business. She tried to balance herself using the wall and shouting all the way "Xue… Where are you, My Love? I promise I will never tell anyone that you are my Love. Xue….My Love, where.... are.... you?"

However, when Lee Xuiye reached the end of the corridor, she slipped and she was about to fall when a big hand came and held her waist and prevent her from falling.

After a couple of minutes, Lee Xuiye opened her eyes and saw a pair of black eyes, his eyebrows were thick, his nose was pointed and lips were thick. Lee Xuiye blinked a few times and gazed at all the features of the man's face.

At that time, Long Xue reached the washroom but found that Lee Xuiye was not there. She hurriedly came out and panically searched for her. When she reached the end of the corridor, she saw Lee Xuiye was in the embrace of a handsome man.

"Xuiye!!" Long Xue called out.

The man came back into his senses and straighten Lee Xuiye, however, Lee Xuiye was still looking at him.

Long Xue strode towards them and apologized "I'm sorry Mister." and stretched Lee Xuiye hand and reprimanded her "Xuiye, What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay at the washroom? Now come on, let's go"

Long Xue pulled Lee Xuiye towards the elevator.

The man watched the slim figure go away and disappear. Corner of his lips curved up.

"Xuiye…It's been a long time. Good to see you again".


Editor-Shikha Shah.