"Fine, then let the world know that Xiao Xuiye is an illegitimate child"

"You Bast***" Zhang Wei was about to get up to beat Wang Hui up.

However, Lee Chang-You stopped him "Wei…No…"

Lee Chang-You didn't want to create any problems for Zhang Wei, as Wang Hui was already in a sorry state, thanks to Mo Lingtan's fighting skills. Now if Zhang Wei would join in to beat Wang Hui up, then Wang Hui would surely die.

At that time, police arrived, as one of the neighbors had already called the police earlier when they heard the screaming. Lee Chang-You and Lee Xuiye were living here for the last one-year peacefully and now this man, whose name was Wang Hui, was coming here, again and again, causing unnecessary trouble for the mother-daughter pair.

Police took Wang Hui with them. Zhang Wei and Mo Lingtan's driver also went with the police to file the charges against Wang Hui for physically assaulting the two women.

Mo Lingtan and Lee Chang-You took Lee Xuiye inside the room. Lee Chang-You helped her to change her dress and apply ointment on her face. Lee Xuiye had a fever and she was also appearing to be very pale.

Mo Lingtan's heart ached watching Lee Xuiye like that. His mind had several questions, which he wanted to ask.

Why didn't she tell him about those girls?

Who was that man who was beating her and her mother up?

What was going on in her life?

And many more…

However, he stopped himself as it was not the right time.

Mo Lingtan was in Lee Xuiye's room, he was simply staring at her while Lee Chang-You went to the living room to clean the mess.

The biggest mistake of Lee Chang-You's life was to love Wang Hui. There was no one else to blame for it, it was her fault in the first place.

Ding… Ding…

When the doorbell of Lee Xuiye's house rang, she got up to open the door. After Lee Chang-You saw who the person was on the door, her expression turned cold and indifferent.

"Can we speak for a minute?" A man said.

"What do you want now? Your son is in jail. Go, meet him there." Lee Chang-You coldly said.

The person standing at the doorway was Wang Hong Wei and behind him was his assistant.

"Fine, then let the world know that Xiao Xuiye is an illegitimate child." Wang Hong Wei threatened her.

Wang Hong Wei hit on a sore nerve [1] of Lee Chang-You. She didn't want to let the world know that Lee Xuiye was an illegitimate child. She didn't want Lee Xuiye to face the world's scorn by having the label of an illegitimate child.

Whenever anyone asked about Lee Xuiye's father, Lee Chang-You always told them that he had died. In fact, in Lee Chang-You's eyes, Lee Xuiye's father was dead when Wang Hui first suggested her for the abortion.

In fact, Lee Chang-You didn't even want to live in City B, but Wang Hong Wei had stopped her. Also, Shen City didn't have good medical facilities, so Lee Chang-You decided to stay in City B only for the sake of Lee Xuiye's health.

Lee Chang-You clenched her fist and her eyes turned cold and a murderous intent was emitting from her.

Even Wang Hong Wei was taken aback after seeing her murderous aura. He never expected that the weak Lee Chang-You had this side to her as well. It would be better not to provoke her any more.

"Lee Chang-You, I know it was my son's fault, but can you please forgive him?" Wang Hong Wei tried to convince her.

However, Lee Chang-You didn't give any response nor there was any change in her expression.

Wang Hong Wei was feeling panicked. If news about Wang Hui's arrest leaked in the media, then it would be a troublesome problem for Sky Imperial. It was already very hard for him to convince the police not to leak the news of Wang Hui's arrest. He now just had to convince Lee Chang-You to take back her charges against Wang Hui, otherwise, everything would become more complicated for him to handle.

He was very angry at his stupid son for making his life hell. First, Wang Hui had an affair with one of the artists from their company and then he made her pregnant. Afterward, he failed to sway that woman into aborting that child.

It was a good thing that Wang Hong Wei learned the truth about Lee Chang-You and Lee Xuiye at the earliest. He saved the life of Lee Xuiye only because he wanted to seal Lee Chang-You's mouth about her affair with his stupid son.

After Lee Xuiye's operation, Lee Chang-You wanted to go back to Shen City but Wang Hong Wei stopped her and persuaded her to stay in City B because he wanted to keep an eye on her so that she wouldn't cause trouble for them in the future.

Who would have known that instead of Lee Chang-You, his own son would cause trouble for him?

Back to the present…

"Lee Chang-You, try to understand. If the media comes to knows the news of Hui's arrest, it will create a problem not only for us but also for Lee Xuiye. I know you don't want the world to know about the relationship between Lee Xuiye and Hui. Please Lee Chang-You, I beg you, please take back your charges against Hui. I promise you, whatever you want I will try my best to fulfil your wish, you just…just have to say it".

Lee Chang-You still didn't show any response…

Wang Hong Wei's forehead was covered in a cold sweat after seeing Lee Chang-You's nonchalant response but he couldn't do anything instead of begging in front of her.

"Lee Chang-You, I am begging you…"

After a while, Lee Chang-You opened her mouth, "Fine, I will take my charges back, but Chairman Wang, remember that there will be no next time. Tell your son, never to show his face again, neither in front of me and certainly not to my daughter. Otherwise, don't expect mercy from me that time around.".

Wang Hong Wei sighed in relief and hurriedly replied, "Yes…Yes…Lee Chang-You, I promise you, Hui will never show his face to you again… I promise."

Wang Hong Wei paused for a second and continued, "Tell me, what do you want? I will fulfill your any wish… any wish…".

Wang Hong Wei thought Lee Chang-You would ask for money like all other cheap women, however, he never expected what Lee Chang-You would do…

"Get out." Lee Chang-You coldly said and shut the door on his face.

Lee Chang-You turned back to go back to Xiuye's side, however, she halted in her steps when she saw the person in front of her…

Mo Lingtan…

Did he hear everything?

Did he hear that Lee Xuiye was an illegitimate child?


[1] hit on nerve (दुख्ती रग को छूऊना) means hit on their weakness.