"Go… get our boys, it's time to show our power"

"Big Brother…" Mo Xingjuan called out, as she ran towards Mo Lingtan, panting heavily.

"Xingjuan, what's wrong? Why are you here? Didn't I tell you to stay in your class?" Mo Lingtan worriedly asked.

Mo Lingtan and Lu Yichen were planning to save Lee Xuiye from management in the backyard of the school instead of attending their class.

"Big Brother…That Xuiye…Principal Sir has called her to his office a while ago. What should we do now?" Mo Xingjuan reported.

Mo Lingtan had already informed her about Lee Xuiye's incident and told her to report him about whatever was happening in the class.

"What...? Wasn't the management meeting going to be held in the afternoon? How come is it happening so early?" Lu Yichen worriedly asked.

"Maybe because of Chi Rui'er's father…" Mo Lingtan guessed.

He took a pause and then continued, "We don't have time now. We have to find a way to save Xuiye.".

"But…What can we do? Even from the footage from the security cameras of the library, we couldn't find anything against those girls. They simply tore Xuiye's notes up and after that Xuiye got wild." Lu Yichen helplessly said.

After a few minutes, Mo Lingtan said after thinking about something, "Let's go… Let's make the culprits confess their crime."

Lu Yichen and Mo Xingjuan looked at each other and then confusingly looked at Mo Lingtan.

"What do you mean, Big Brother?"

"Those girls…"

Exactly, Chi Rui'er had the power because of her father, but those other three girls, they were the dogs of Chi Rui'er., Naturally, they had to open their mouth in front of Mo Lingtan.

"Go… get our boys, it's time to show our power." Mo Lingtan authoritatively said to Lu Yichen and stood up.

Lu Yichen nodded as he understood Mo Lingtan's plan and immediately ran inside the school building.

In the next 10 minutes, Mo Lingtan, Mo Xingjuan, Lu Yichen, and six other boys gathered at the school canteen.

It was break time, so most of the students were in the canteen. Those three girls were there as well.

"Big Brother... look." Mo Xingjuan used her chin to point out at those three girls.

Those three girls were sitting in a corner and bullying another middle-class girl. When Chi Rui'er assured them that Lee Xuiye was going to be expelled, those three girls became more daring and found another target to bully.

"Come on…darling… eat this…" 'Girl 1' forcefully made a middle-class girl eat soybean. Even though they knew that she had an allergy to soybean, they didn't care. They just wanted to have some fun.

"Let me have a taste of it," Mo Xingjuan said in a high voice.

All the students present in the canteen at that time turned towards the source of the voice and their attention went towards Mo Lingtan and his gang.

The fork fell from the hand of 'Girl1' when she looked at Mo Lingtan and his gang. Chi Rui'er and her friends could only bully the middle-class students but Mo Lingtan and his gang could bully anyone, regardless of whether they were from the middle-class or the upper-class.

However, it was a different case that Mo Lingtan and his gang didn't waste their time on bullying.

Mo Lingtan's gang dragged the chairs from nearby tables and arranged them in two rows on which Mo Lingtan and his gang sat down.

Mo Lingtan sat in the center, on his left side was Lu Yichen while to his right was Mo Xingjuan.

All the students stopped eating and turned their attention towards Mo Lingtan and his gang as it was clear that Mo Lingtan and his gang's target were those three girls.

Seeing Mo Lingtan and his gang were targeting them, a chill went down their spines and they subconsciously stood up.

"Xingjuan…Xingjuan…We are just playing… there is nothing serious going on." 'Girls 1' stuttered.

"Ohh… really… then let's make it more interesting. Go get a full plate of Soybeans." Mo Xingjuan said with an evil smile.

That middle-class girl started shivering after hearing Mo Xingjuan, as after eating a full plate of Soybeans, she would definitely die. However, she couldn't do anything as no one was going to help her. If Lee Xuiye would have been here, she would definitely help her, but she was in the Principal's office. She was regretting for not helping Lee Xuiye when she earlier wanted to complain to the Principal regarding ragging, but what could she do now??

Those three girls sighed in relief and a smile appeared on their faces. 'Girl 3' immediately went towards the food counter and brought a plate of Soybeans and gave it to Mo Xingjuan.

That middle-class girl came forward and kneel down in front of Mo Lingtan and his gang and she started crying, "Please….please… leave me…. I promise, l will leave this school…but please leave me…"

Those three girls were smiling, as from now onwards they had Mo Lingtan and his gang's support. Therefore, they could do anything to any students and no one would open their mouth against them.

Today was their best day, as not only Lee Xuiye was going to be expelled but also they had the support of Mo Lingtan and his gang, as Mo Lingtan and his gang didn't take anyone in their gang so easily.