Horrible dreams...

The next day, Zhuo Ziyao reached school to teach Lee Xuiye a lesson for seducing Mo Lingtan. However, she couldn't do anything alone. Therefore, she told her plan to her friends and asked for their help.

To her surprise, all her friends rejected her idea and tried to maintain the distance from Zhuo Ziyao. Some of the girls already told Zhuo Ziyao's plan to Lee Xuiye and told her to be cautious.

Of course, the whole school knew how Chi Rui'er and her friends were expelled from this school only because they bullied Lee Xuiye and in reflection, Mo Lingtan leaked the video of their bullying on a news channel.

Chi Rui'er and her friends were not only expelled from the school but also, the society of City B looked down on them.

Chi Rui'er's life became normal after that incident because of her father, but her friends were still suffering in their daily lives.