
Since that day when Mo Lingtan had learned that Lu Yichen was going to confess his feelings to Lee Xuiye, he started feeling restless. However, even he didn't understand why he was feeling like this.

The night before Lu Yichen's birthday, Mo Lingtan came home and he directly went to the bar. In the Old Mansion, the whole third floor was allocated as a bar where all kinds of drinks were available.

After drinking three full glasses of whisky, he still didn't feel good and he was about to drink his fourth glass, at that moment, the door of the bar opened and Mo Yinan stepped inside.

"Grandpa…" Mo Lingtan looked up and saw that Mo Yinan was the one to come inside. After drinking three glasses, Mo Lingtan still seemed to be sober.

Mo Yinan sat beside Mo Lingtan and poured the wine in a glass for himself and said while he was still pouring the wine. "You don't look good from the past few days, so I come to look for you."