Controlling man!...

"Xiulan, do you really think that she could train herself in a week?" Xia Xiulan's assistant asked as they watched Lee Xuiye go back to the restaurant.

Xia Xiulan didn't reply, but her eyes were already telling the answer.

After having dinner, Lee Xuiye immediately took off to her room saying that she was tired. However, instead of going to sleep, she began searching for fashion shows and ads in which Lee Chang-You had worked.

Lee Xuiye knew that Lee Chang-You had given up her career and if someone mentioned her career in the showbiz in front of her then it was equivalent to opening her wounds. Therefore, Lee Xuiye didn't ask or even didn't mention anything about showbiz.

However, now Lee Xuiye didn't know how Lee Chang-You would react when she would learn the truth that her daughter was going to build her career in showbiz?