The patient has gone to the coma...

"She is not here. Now don't waste your time here anymore." Xia Xiulan's Assistant (Liu Yang) came forwards and whispered in Xia Xiulan's ear.

Xia Xiulan nodded and left the hall.

"Didn't you say that she came to collect the audition form?" Xia Xiulan asked while walking towards the audition hall, where the audition was going to take place.

"She did, but I don't know why she isn't here. She may have gotten scared and retreated without even trying." Liu Yang swiftly replied.

'Did she really get scared because of her mother or did something else happen?' Xia Xiulan thought while she stopped in front of the door of the audition hall.

"Maybe she will come late." Xia Xiulan murmured.

However, Liu Yang heard Xia Xiulan but her thoughts didn't match with Xia Xiulan's thinking. It was an important audition for every new artist who wanted to be late on this day? Nevertheless, Liu Yang was a mere assistant and she couldn't raise her voice.