'Xuiye, this time you can't escape from me.'

[Author Note:- Guys, from this chapter onwards, I am going back to the present life of Mo Lingtan and Lee Xuiye.

Although I have mentioned before that I will describe Mo Lingtan and Lee Xuiye's first night and then their breakup, however, I realised because of the changes I won't be able to describe Mo Lingtan and Lee Xuiye's lovey-dovey moments to the fullest. So again, I am changing the plot to describe more lovey-dovey moments between Mo Lingtan and Lee Xuiye and I hope this time, it will be final.

Don't worry for the reason behind their break-up, I will reveal it soon before starting their lovey-dovey moments.

Therefore, I am warning you to please prepare for dog-food especially the single one.]


[7 years later]

[Back to present life of Mo Lingtan and Lee Xuiye]

