Incapable artist.

Yue Wanwan rolled her eyes, day by day this Lee Xuiye was becoming more daring. No artist had the guts to talk to her like this. Here, Yue Wanwan was rushing here as soon as possible, worried sick that the stupid director would hurt her, but instead of being thankful, she started complaining.

Is she serious right now?

Who the heck does she think she?

Did she forgot that she is her artist not the other way round?

Nevermind, I will deal with her later!

If Lee Xuiye wasn't Lee Chang-You's daughter, then Yue Wanwan would definitely teach her a lesson. Normally she wouldn't even give a second thought to punish an artist under her, who would dare to act this way. But, if she was being honest, at least Lee Xuiye worked hard.