His stupid Xuiye turned into a scheming one!

Unbeknownst to her about all of the chaos happening on the internet, Lee Xuiye went to fight for her partner "Miss Zhuo, stop right there!"

Mo Lingtan and Zhuo Ziyao were about to enter into the hall but stopped when they heard Lee Xuiye's voice.

Lee Xuiye went towards them and immediately parted their hands away ferociously and rightfully said: "Miss Zhuo, I heard that you are a daughter from a prestigious family, who has been known for being a proper lady but don't you think snatching someone else's boyfriend would affect your image?"

"..." Zhuo Ziyao was speechless. Since, when did she snatch someone else's boyfriend? It was Mo Lingtan who had agreed with her to be her partner. Wasn't Lee Xuiye being unreasonable by saying 'snatching someone else's boyfriend'?

However, Zhuo Ziyao didn't want to damage her ladylike appearance especially in front of Mo Lingtan, she just looked at Mo Lingtan with pitiful eyes as if Lee Xuiye was bullying her.