Darling Xuiye and Baby Lingtan!

Then Mo Lingtan began to guide her slowly...slowly…

"Yes!!!Now Faster!!" Mo Lingtan hissed and he closed his eyes.

Lee Xuiye was stroking him faster as she could. She didn't dare to lose her grip seeing his pleasurable expression.

He grabbed her head and kissed her passionately like a thirsty beast.


Lee Xuiye moaned and was also losing her control in his kiss, but she snapped back to her senses when she felt how much harder he was getting now.

"Faster, Xuiye!!!" He growled.

"I...I am trying…" Lee Xuiye increased her speed much faster and then…

He groaned loudly and spraying all over the two of them.

He pulled her closer and kissed her as if he wanted to eat her up here and there right at this moment!

After a minute, he calmed down and left her lips and sighed in satisfaction.

"Done!!!" Lee Xuiye exclaimed as she had done her job.

"Not yet, Darling!!!"