More lucky!

On the other side of city B in the apartment of the Yun Building, the atmosphere was quite harmonious and romantic as well. Tangning and Long Tianze were sitting together in each other embrace watching a movie.

"Are you really sure that if you go home late tonight your family won't mind it?" Long Tianze concernedly asked. Tang Family, especially Ding Jiaye, was very strict towards Tangning and was recently continuously pressuring her to meet Fu Feng by setting dates for them which made Long Tianze quite unhappy also.

However, he didn't say anything to Tangning or let out his unhappiness on her, but Tangning knew that he was unhappy. Therefore, she had planned this date to make up for his unhappiness and to let him know that no matter how many Fu Fengs came in her life, there would only one Long Tianze in her life to which she would marry.