First Night(Part-2)

"Are you mad? Don't you understand the meaning of the drug?" Mo Lingtan angrily snapped.

"Ahhh...The heat is so hot...Ahhh… Brother Lingtan...Help me!" At that moment, Lee Xuiye moaned and pressed her body to his body and kissed on his neck as she was feeling good this way!

Yue Wanwan heard Lee Xuiye's voice from the background and hurriedly said "PLEASE...Mo Lingtan...Listen to can't take her to the hospital...If the media catches both of you, all of Lee Xuiye's efforts would be ruined and she has to start again. I know you love her so you can't bear to see her suffering...Listen to me...You must have a suite in this hotel ...Take her there and you can help to take care of are her boyfriend...there is nothing wrong to do things as a couple...Did you hear me? Please listen to me...I am begging of you!"

"Brother Lingtan… You are cold...Help me!" Lee Xuiye cried out and started to unbutton his shirt.