Engagement Cancel(Part-1)

At that moment, Long Xue came with the four men following behind her. She seemed to be unhappy with Lee Xuiye's act last night with Wang Yeyi, she felt that Lee Xuiye was being very cruel but now she didn't think like that and her face was now showing full support towards Lee Xuiye with confidence.

However, there were two people whose confidence had shaken down seeing the face of the men who were following closely behind Long Xue.

And those people were none other than Wang Yeyi and Huan Ding.

What were these men doing here?

Did they not agree to leave City B?

These were those men who had agreed with Wang Yeyi to violate Lee Xuiye, even that waiter who had given drugs to Lee Xuiye was also present and seemed to be more scared than those three men.

It was clearly seen from the men's faces that they were scared of Lee Xuiye, she must have something against them which made them come here.