Ideal life!

There were three days left for Song Zhilian's birthday and in these three days, Mo Lingtan stayed at home to accompany Lee Xuiye despite having a lot of work from the company but it didn't matter to him when it came to Lee Xuiye.

As for Lee Xuiye, she had completed all the discussions regarding her jobs and now she had to do only photoshoots and act in commercials which she would do as per the dates allocated by her clients and most of the shoots were after the photoshoot of Shaan Industries. So there was no work regarding her jobs. 

Nevertheless, she had companies to run but Mo Lingtan hijacked her in his house by saying that she should think of a way to make it up to him for the last five years by spending all her time with him. In other words, Mo Lingtan wanted her to cling onto him 24/7 or vice versa.

Lee Xuiye could only scoff hearing his words and then hissed him off "Dream on!"