Break Up(Part-1)

"Old Shen, how is Yinan now? Is he okay now? What happened to him? I have never seen him like this, don't hide anything from me. Tell the truth!" Song Zhilian worriedly started asking the questions as soon as Dr. Shen came out from the operation theater. Dr. Shen was also a very good friend of Mo Yinan and Song Zhilian. He understood what kind of shock this was on her and the family, so the questions coming from her were normal in his ears.

"Zhilian, relax! If you can't take care of yourself then who will take care of Old Mo. He had a minor heart attack…."


"Heart attack…."

"How is it possible? Grandpa was in very good health and so…"

Song Zhilian, Mo Lingtan, and Mo Xingjuan immediately got tensed up when they heard that Mo Yinan had gotten a heart attack.