Planning something big!

Everyone felt a chill down their spine. 

Ohh...My...God, did President Mo lose his senses after hearing that he was going to lose his position?

It seems that they were wrong to appoint Mo Lingtan as CEO. If they had known that Mo Lingtan would lose his senses and start killing the people around him upon losing his position as a CEO, they would not have dared to appoint him in the first place.

However, what could they do now?

Should they call the police?

Or, should they call to the mental hospital first?

"Mo. Lingtan. Are you out of mind? How dare you use violence in this meeting? Do you know the consequences of your actions?" Mo Qiwn howled.

Mo Lingtan tilted his head towards Mo Qiwn and sneered "Don't you think your people have said more than you have paid them for?"