Justice (Part-6)

When Mo Qiwn heard Mo Lingtan, he was shocked.He looked at the child who was hiding behind Mo Lingtan and looking warily at him.

Those eyes…

His eyes looked the same as Xia Xiulan.

Mo Qiwn never forgot about Xia Xiulan's eyes as those eyes revealed her love for him. 

Was this child really his and Xia Xiulan's child?

But she didn't mention to him anything about this child.

Could Mo Lingtan be lying to him?

Yes! This must be the case.

But then why did this child's eyes look like Xia Xiulan's eyes while his nose and mouth…

It was looking like his…

Oh God! What was happening?' 

He always thought that his child was dead then where did this child come from?

Why didn't Xia Xiulan tell him about this child?

Mo Qiwn's mind was in mess but a knock brought him back to his senses.


"President, they are here!" Qi Zhu announced.