Give a Chance(Part-2)

"I have a solution to your problem." Lee Xuiye said which snapped Su Wan back from her deep thoughts and looked at her in the expectation that she would continue. 

Lee Xuiye continued after noticing Su Wan's attention on her "Why don't you accept Yan as your husband?"

Su Wan frowned at Lee Xuiye's solution "This is not possible."

"Why? Did your feelings for him die out?" Lee Xuiye asked.

"Our relationship does not only depend on my feelings. Li Yan doesn't have any feelings for me." Su Wan responded back. 

Even if she wanted to try to forget that horrible night from her life, she couldn't do it without the help of Li Yan.

Helplessness brought disappointment to her. Like every other person, she also dreamt about her wonderful future even though her present life wasn't so good but now…


Perhaps, she was destined to be alone.

This disappointment sank her heart that made her eyes tear up.