New Year (Part-1)

The next day was the last day of the year, so the husband and wife had decided to go shopping and bought gifts for their family members.

Since they were in Las Vegas and more of that, that day was the last day of the year where every other person wanted to use their luck for the year in the casino, so how could Lee Xuiye stay behind?

However, as usual, Mo Lingtan knew that whether it was the first day or last day of this year or any year, Lee Xuiye's luck was still the same.

So guess what happened next…

"YOU SCOUNDREL!!! YOU CHEATERS!!! How is it possible that you all earned money and I am the only one who lost? It is clearly cheating, I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!" Lee Xuiye angrily shouted.

This casino was not in the Royal Blu Hotel so Mo Lingtan didn't have any power here. However, he swiftly held Lee Xuiye up and left before bouncers came and threw this troublemaker out.