Sleep on couch!(Part-2)

Facing Lee Xuiye's direct question, Mo Reng didn't know how to respond.

Lee Xuiye didn't force him and calmly waited for him to say. Finally, after being unable to hold her intense staring, "Mama…" Mo Reng called her in a low voice while his round black eyes looked at her with traces of tears evident at their corners.

"What happened?" Lee Xuiye's heart sank seeing tears in her son's eyes.

"You won't love me once the baby arrives." Mo Reng grunted while trying to hold back his tears but in vain.

"Who told you this?" Lee Xuiye pulled him in her embrace and softly asked.

In response, Mo Reng shook his head "No one…"

"I...just feel like that…" Mo Reng whimpered while staring at his hands. He didn't have the courage to look at her as he knew that he wasn't her biological son so it was inevitable for her to love her biological child more.

"And why do you feel like that?" Lee Xuiye calmly asked him to know which thing had been bothering him.