Bachelorette party (Part-7)

Lee Xuiye then turned towards Long Xue, "Xue, bring in our entertainer."

Hearing this, Long Xue's expression changed which the other ladies failed to notice as they had already turned around and went towards the couches. The waitresses soon came forward to serve drinks and snacks to all the ladies. 

On the other hand, Long Xue took a deep breath and dragged her heavy steps towards the door to invite the male hosts inside.

She opened the door and found a group of men was standing outside with masks on their faces and bright colored clothes on their bodies. The allure of their muscular and well-shaped bodies couldn't be hidden underneath their clothes that even Long Xue blushed upon seeing those hot men but she instantly lowered her eyes as she didn't dare to look up at those men. 

"P-Please come...come in!" Long Xue meekly said and made a way for them.