The Baby (Part-1)

Eight months later.

The Royal Blu Hotel.

"Awwww… He is so cute." Lee Xuiye's heart melted looking at the little boy who had just woken up. His big bright and moist eyes were staring at the people who were coming to meet him here every now and then. Drool was continuously dribbling down his mouth that a familiar looking lady was wiping continuously and looking at her, he got excited and moved his fists and legs in excitement as he was sure that this lady must be his mother.

"Of course, he is my baby. He will be cute just like me. Right baby?" Su Wan sported a million-dollar smile on her face since her son was born.

Today, they had thrown a party to celebrate the completion of her son's full moon. Where Su Wan had a beautiful smile on her face, Li Yan had a poker face.

Only he knew how much in shock he was in when he heard the doctor saying that, 'Congralution Mr. Li, it's a boy.'

What was there to be congratulated?