
few weeks passed by. ever since my collapse i was put on bed rest. colby had recovered and moved in with me. seb stayed by me the whole time. colby was also informed of the incident and understood that we were in a serious condition. also finding out about our body and its organ layout. he had the same thing in his world. he also was a doctor back in his world.

"vala. you should eat this. there are special herbs that will help the organ heal faster and strengthens the immune system. " colby stated handing me a bowl of green soup. " its great knowing that theres someone who knows the organ better than me. " chris sighed with relief. "oh is v getting better?" seb asked chris. " seb. vala is recovering pretty slow but that is to be expected. since she suffered a fever and collapsed that was somewhat unexpected and quite rare. but there are two possibilities for the cause of that." colby explained placing a hand on my shoulder and sighed. his cheeks turned slightly pink. "first reason could be a traumatic event occured. or secondly... pregnancy..." colby said with few pauses. " from your current cjeck up it seems like both of the possibilities are the cause of the collapse. i would do the check up but unfortunatley i dont have the ability yet. i was a medical student who sadly got attacked and travelled into this world. so im no use at the moment. all i know is that i have to meditate 3 days and 3 nights without resting. " he said as he sighed.

"colby, may i ask a question?" i asked. " y-yes. of course anything." he jumped in abit of shock. "what exactly happened back in your world? its ok if you dont want to answer." i replied. "well. good question. i dont exactly know what happened myself. i can only tell you what i did. in my world medical students are seen as bad people. reason being we apparently experimented on our own bodies. which was false. but this sparked because one of our classmates experimented on themselves to the extent where they had caused themselves go insane. he went insane and started experimenting on other people. pregnant women. one experiment had failed and had created a child who possessed a demon in them. during that experiment another child had appeared out of nowhere. meaning that the objective of his experiment had failed. his goal was to merge to bodies together. a demon and a human. except it had failed as they didnt merge. the human child was later on stabbed by her own mother in the chest 66 times-" colby stopped talking. he mustve noticed my expression. he didnt travel through worlds. he travelled through time. how come it never went public. "vala are you alright?" colby asked as he looked abit worried. "colby. i dont think you traveled worlds. i think you traveled time. " i replied with slight concern. "shes right. the experiment you just told us. is how me and v were created and are still alive." seb interrupted the conversation. colby looked at us both in confusion. "vala could i check your chest. " colby asked hesitantly. "w-what??" i quickly crossed my arms defending my chest with my cheeks starting to burn up. i could see sebs face blushing. he stood up quickly amd stood in front of me. "hey im the only one who can do that!" seb exclaimed bravely. "h-hey you cant say that. and i wont let you check my chest out because of the scars. the scars are exactly 67. due to the incident few weeks ago. but i originally had 66 because of that experiment. i remember that night as its burned into my memories forever. i dont excpect you to believe me. i had a number engraved on my chest aswell. the number was 666. abit ironic as i have part of satan in me." i quickly explained to colby.

"ah i see. sorry about that dumb request. i only wanted to see if the number was there. and it seems i was right. you are not actually the failed experiment. your mother was. you actually were a succesful one. your mother had gone completly insane. she was 10 when she was impregnated and experimented on. she was also stabbed 66 times in the chest. it seems she had done it to you because thats her only memory. im really sorry about your past. i didnt relise anyone survived his experiments. the reason i was attacked was because i looked abot similar to him and the person was someone who had lost their child beacuse of him. i was helping those who were being experimented on without knowing. i worked in a hospital that was filled with people like you two. different from normal humans. it was a hidden from the world by the government. it was a secret from the world because of the fear of people like you going rampage. time passed and i began to relise some of the patents were going missing, getting bruises and some who went insane and very aggressive. i began to do some investigations. i even hired a private investigator. that investigator dissappeared but later on i found him in one of the rooms. he had completly gone insane. later on i found out he got tortured. tortured so much to the point he lost his sanity." he said with eyes filled with hatred. pain. guilt. "its not your fault. this is what people call fate. sometimes that fate can be a curse. but that fate brings you somewhere in life. theres nothing we can do to change it. its written in the stars. i believe that all of us here where brought together by fate. there is a reason why we are together. it could be bad or good but what matters now is that we accept it. guilt or anger, happiness. fate can bring these emotions for a reason." i said as i placed my hand on colby's shoulder. "i think that we in the same area during that experiment without even knowing." i said whilst thinking. 'if we met before and now again. its not an ordinary coincidence. could it be that his experiment is still ongoing? "what if the experiment is still ongoing?" i said breaking the silence with more silence and confused faces.