
"fine we will all go." colby said in defeat. "great now could you leave the room." I said politely as I was looking through my closet to find my confortable outfit. " right. a girls got to change." Chris said smirking as he got up to stretch and walked towards the door waving his arms for colby and seb to follow him. "meet you downstairs v." seb said as he softly pecked on my cheek.

after I finished getting changed I walked downstairs carefully. I had to hold on to my stomach, it felt like I was being stabbed repeatedly. seb walked up the stairs to help me get down with slight worry in his eyes. I could feel his hands trembling. "seb it's alright. no need to worry about me." I said trying to reasure him. "alright let's go." said colby.

as we were walking towards the place i noticed that seb was looking abit uneasy. i slowed my pace to equal it with sebs. i placed my hand around his neck and gave a kiss on his cheek which startled him, his face turned red. "w-what was that for" seb alarmingly said. " seb calm down. theres nothing to worry. " i responded with a smile on my face. and without any warning seb kissed me on the lips. "feel better now." i said as i began to blush slightly. before seb could answer we were interupted by chris "we are here."

we stood there in silence staring at a building that we all had some sort of experiences. except for one person. "chris have you ever been here before?" i asked with slight fear. "nope. but it seems very familiar. i may have been here. not physically. maybe through a memory or a dream. but this is the first time im here." he said with confusion. "

i ran towards the entrance doors and all of a sudden i feel this sudden pain in my chest. thats when i knew i was right. i fell to the floor holding my chest tightly. seb ran towards me only to be stopped by colby. "what the hell man. why are you stopping me. shes in pain. let go of me!" seb yelled. "shes right. she was right all along." colby said looking at me. i could tell he understood what i had relised.