Lunchtime *Ty*

Jaclyn came back to class right befire lunch. She didn't have the ice on her face anymore. She sat at my table (it's where she sits in math class), grabbed her notebook and wrote something down, then closed it. The door swung open and Carter sat down at the next table over (right behind Jaclyn's seat). After the lesson was over, we all went down to lunch. Ruby, Jaclyn, and Rose sat at our assigned table. We all either got a lunch from home or got a school lunch. Jaclyn opened her lunch box and revealed one of her mother's famous sandwiches.

"Can I have that sandwich?" Ruby said.

"Not the whole thing." Jaclyn said as she handed Ryby one half and kept the other.

"Can I sit here?" a familiar voice said directly behind Jaclyn.

Jaclyn jumped and launched back her strongest fist and hit Noah in the same eye that she was hit in. Then, she turned around and helped him up.

"Sorry. Reflexes."

"It's okay sleeping beauty."

"Don't fucking call me 'sleeping beauty'."

Noah sat down and ate. Then, a certain someone knocked his milk off the table once he opened it.

"Why you little sh-" he was interrupted by the bell.

We all left and went outside for recess. Rose and Jaclyn sat by a tree and drew. Rose went ti find Frankie. Noah and I went to play sports like football until the bell rang for us to leave.