chapter 2

"I'm sorry miss are you ok? " the handsome man asked me he offers a hand but I refuse and stood up by myself "I'm ok but you should watch were your going next time it might not be a few bumps and bruises, ok" I told a little annoyed "WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD WATCH NEXT TIME TO! " the rude woman yelled at me. A little later when I get to the supermarket I spotted the man, the man spotted me to and started to talk over "Sorry" he told me "What for? " I told him "For crashing into you" he said embarrassed "Trust me it fine" I said "I'm Jason by the way, what's your name" he asked me "I'm Brooklyn I thought you had a girlfriend" I questioned him "OH sorry about her she's my older sister here is my number so I can make it up to you" he apologize "ok but I run a tight schedule cause I run a daycare" I told him "REALLY GREAT my sister is looking for a daycare... so what's the name of the daycare? " he asked "The name is Winnie's daycare" I replied "ok noted and do you need help with your groceries?" he asked "actually I do can I get a ride? I mean if you don't mind" I asked him. He drives me home and we get to the daycare "thank you.... not for hitting me this time lol" I teased him