Chapter 10

girl a and girl b walks toward me "Hi I'm Olivia and that Aubrey I'm sorry that happened to you why dont you come shopping with us" Olivia asked me. At the wedding venue, " I can't find Brooklyn and she turned off her phone!" Jason told Lucy "well I dont blame her you were a such dick that was not cool!" Lucy told him "your right I need to make it up to her, " he told Lucy" and how are you going to do that!" lucy questioned "I'm going to get her favorite flowers and then... I dont know" he says nervously " do you even know her favorite flowers do you?" lucy questioned " yes I do there roses!!!!" he told Lucy "no they're not her favourite flower is forgotten me not cuz it symbolized true love and true blue and that means faith, love and memories" Lucy informed Jason " ok and after I will tell her that she's the only one that I love and I will love and want her forever until the end of time" Jason said "Hey Lil bro she just heard what you said" Lucy told him. Back in Brooklyn, we get to London shopping center first we go to sunbucks after that I exchange numbers with Olivia and Aubrey I head back to the wedding venue "No one should still be here" I hear a voice and I hide "Ok and after that I will tell her that the only girl I love will be her and want to be with forever until the end of time" "I think you she already heard you I'm going to excuse my self good luck dont fuck up Jason!" Lucy warned him "why didn't you tell me about the miscarriage " why i didn't tell you was because i was forced" I told him "YOU TELL ME WHO RIGHT NOW" Jason questioned me "when I was 17 I worked at hotel and a V.I.P guest asked to see me... and then he jumped on me and then I got pregnant I told the owner and he did nothing" I started crying again. I wipe away my tear "Why didn't you tell me about Julia lin" i questioned him "I've been engaged since I was 7 years old I used to talk to Julia all the time when I was little but when I got to high school I stopped talking to her because I was focused on studying and my grades I haven't seen her since high school and then I hit you with my scooter and we started talking and then I fell in" Jason told me