I do not like you

Alex felt that his power did rise, and by a lot. He felt an incredible amount of pain everywhere in his body. The pain was so much, that he almost lost it. But 500 years of torture in hell, this was almost nothing, but it still hurts.

After a few minutes, Alex felt extremely refreshed. As if the pain had given him new life.

He felt a great power inside him. This is not something that is related to something he bought on the system store.

"Cultivation! My meridians, my power that Ajax took is back." Alex rejoiced. According to his other knowledge, this is indeed the power that was taken from him.

He was only at Dui level, before Ajax robbed him of his cultivation. But now, he was at low tier Xun level. Even Hao Ren could not raise his cultivation this quick.

Too bad that most of his cousin's cultivation power leaked out from Alex's body. If he had been more careful, his cultivation would be higher by now.

It was his first time eating a soul, so he was not aware of the difficulties it possessed. But still, he got considerably stronger just by eating that one soul.

If it had been a weaker soul, the results would not be the same.

"I might be stronger than Hao Ren, but is still far from enough power. I need to reach soul master formation as quickly as possible, and also unlock more powers from the system."

"Hey, what other missions are there available for me?" Alex said to the devil.

He did not get a response from him, but a response from the bluescreen in front of him.

1# kill HaoRen when he is weak: 100,000 SP

1.1# Kill Hao Ren when he is at a Zhen level. 250,000 SP

1.2 Kill Hao Ren when he is at Gen level. 500,000 SP

2# Kill or enslave the Lu sisters. 500,000 SP

3# Kill Xie Yujia or enslave her 750,000

4# Kill, torture or enslave Zhao Yanzi 100,000 SP

5# Take over or destroy a dragon clan. 25,000 SP each.

6# Kill or enslave Su Han 300,000 SP

7# Steal a dragon core (???) SP (note: the more important the person that you take the dragon core from, the higher the reward.)

8# Kill a soul formation cultivator, heavenly dragon, or a demon king. 750,000 (Note: the stronger the opponents soul, the higher the reward. That 750,000 is only the minimum.)

9# conquer first heaven 100,000

10# Kill a family member 50,000 SP (completed)

"WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! The fuck man? What the hell is wrong with you?" Alex said loudly to the demon king.

"What do you mean?" He responded confused.

"How can anyone even think to kill the Lu sisters? They are the best thing in this story. I can understand Zhao Yanzi, and maaayyybeeee Yujia, but how can you put this kind of a sick mission on the Lu sisters?"

"I am the demon king, I do not love or sympathize with mere mortals. If you do not want to kill the Lu sisters, then that is fine by me. I only offered this kind of award because the Lu sisters are pure hearted souls (maybe) and are very valuable to me." He gave a simple explanation to Alex.

(Oh my god, you really are the devil.)

"Okay fine. I never really liked Su Han much, as I always found her kinda greedy and weird. But, how can I enslave them?"

(Da fuck! How can this asshole not like Su Han. She hot man! But, I guess everyone has their own tastes.)

"By using your truth commandment, of course. Just by saying 'I will let you live, but now you are my slave. If you break your word, the power of the commandment of truth will turn your body to stone.' It's simple really, nothing complicated." The demon king said.

"Oh… That is simple! But another question, it says here that I just completed a mission already? But I did not receive my reward." Alex pointed out something wrong with the missions.

"I honestly did not expect for you to eat a soul this quickly, especially from one of your relative's." he was quite surprised that Alex ate a soul on his first day, most people don't do this until much, much later.

"Then give me my reward." Alex demanded. Those SP are very important to him.

{50,000 SP} received from mission.

[You currently have 75,000 SP]

"Sweet! Are there any more missions available for me?" Alex said.

"Not yet. Unless if I want to, then this is all the missions you will receive."


Alex went into deep thought again. Then he remembered that there is an empty vessel standing in his room. If people find out about this, then Alex will be in a lot of trouble with the heavens, literally speaking:

"Do I have a system storage, where I can store things in the system?" Alex asked the demon king.

"Yes you do. Just give the command 'storage' and you will be able to store things inside. The space inside is infinite."


Without feeling remorseful for his cousin, he grabbed the empty vessel and stuffed him into the storage space.

"Count yourself unlucky for messing with me." he said with a smirk. Ajax made this body suffer for a long time, yet most people knew but didn't bother doing anything for him. If it weren't the fact that Ajax was the strongest being on 8th heaven, then people would actually have done something for him.

After spending 500 years of torture in hell, something changed inside of Alex. It is no wonder that he felt nothing when he ate the soul of a human.

He inspected the shop one more time, and found nothing good that he could buy right now.

Alex really wanted to buy [Chastiefol], as it is his favourite weapon in the entire series. However, he also needs to buy [disaster] to fully use the powers of the fairy king. But those two items combined cost [90,000 Sp.] not to mention that he needs to buy the forms of the {Chastiefol} which easily amounts over [100,000 SP]

"Maybe I should Kill Hao Ren now, and Zhao Yanzi in two weeks when they meet. They will be defenseless against me, and I will be able to earn [200,00 SP] easily, plus the dragon core inside Zhao Yanzi as well. I could possibly get over [300,000 SP] easily. That would be enough to get [Sunshine]"

Alex thought of this, but chose not to. China is where they live, and with his cultivation and the help of the system, he should be able to pinpoint their locations.

Hao Ren will become powerful, but what if he can limit his powers in the near future.

It is mentioned that Hao Ren is very gifted at cultivation, but that is also due to the dragon core inside him.

Alex has no idea how to limit his future accomplishments, but he has two weeks to think about it.

He exited his room, as if nothing had happened. He was quite familiar with this place.

Eight heaven deserves to be above the other heavens. Most of the people here are on Qian level, the same as the Lu sisters and Zhao Kuo.

There are lots of cultivation techniques here, that could be considered priceless to 7th heaven, but very common to ninth heaven.

The air here is fresh without a doubt. However, Alex did not care about those things. He did not want any cultivation techniques on 8th heaven, as he knew that they weren't the best. Ninth heaven is the place that he needs to go.

Alex is not greedy, but he won't settle for crumbs, he wants to have the entire plate to himself.

The devil mentioned that he should not waste his time, that probably also means that he shouldn't waste it on other people here. He could only bring one person to other worlds, his wife.

However, in this world, he doesn't love anybody, and that's the truth.

He does admit that there are beautiful girls in here, and strong ones as well. But, there isn't one girl here that he would choose as his wife.

He has one girl in mind, but she is not in this world.

"Alex!" A sweet sound ringged through his ears.

That voice should be very familiar to Alex, as it is the girl that likes him, Evangeline.

She had long white hair, with gray eyes. She wore a white dress with blue and purple stripes. She looked very beautiful, but Alex wasn't fazed by her beauty, as he has seen her face dozens of times.

"Evangeline!" Alex waved at her. His impression on this girl is okay, but not to the point where he likes her.

"Do you wanna go out with me-... wait a minute! Are you… oh my supreme deity! YOUR CULTIVATION IS BACK!!!" Evangeline just noticed it, and couldn't help but scream out loud.

According to Ajax and Alex, he lost his meridians fighting a strong opponent on first heaven. But, Ajax broke through Qian level at that time, and managed to save both their asses.

Of course, that was a cover up of the truth.

"Yes, I did." Alex said truthfully.

"But how?!" She really wanted to know.

"Let's just say that Ajax had a lot to do with it." Alex said. That is technically true, and therefore he isn't breaking his own commandment.

"Bless Ajax. But I thought it was impossible to bring back your cultivation?"

"So did I, but Ajax made it easy for me." He is also correct. Ajax underestimated Alex too much.

"I gotta go talk to Ajax about this. Do you know where he is?" She couldn't wait to say how happy she is for what he did for Alex. She has to thank him herself:

"Let's say that he is closer than you think." He couldn't help but think of his body inside the system storage.

(Hahaha! Clever bastard!)

"You tease! I'll find him myself." Evangeline pinched his cheeks and smiled at him, then ran off to find Ajax. She thought he was only teasing her, that is why she didn't put that much thought into it.

"That was a clever way of avoiding the punishment of your own commandment." He couldn't help but praise Alex for his smarts.

"This is weird coming from the devil himself."

"I may be the most vilest, cruelest, and most evil thing that you can think of, but that doesn't mean that I cannot compliment someone."

"Good point."

Alex kept walking to a specific building. This is the building of his cousin, Ajax. Once he was renowned as the strongest being on eighth heaven, he immediately built a sect under his name.

The place was flooded with people, from cultivators to others… I don't know just imagine a lot of people in one place.

The building was big and powerful, filled with riches that could make even the richest tycoon on first heaven seem like nothing.

"System, can you hide my cultivation from these people?"

{Yes I can, this does not require SP]


There are a few ways to hide your cultivation, one of them is having a higher cultivation than the person. But, since he is only at the Xun level, he cannot hide it from others.

He entered the building. Upon entering, several people noticed him and immediately recognized him.

They all envied him. If he weren't the relative of Ajax, he would have been kicked out of eighth heaven long ago.

Of course, Ajax didn't kick him out because it would ruin his image.

This always happens when Alex comes in here. It is like having their boss around, so they dared not to fool around him.

Alex entered a special room. This room is where they housed all the weapons and treasures that are collected. Some of them are valuable, while some are priceless. As expected no less from eighth heaven.

Alex did not want to stay in the eighth heaven for too long, it will be a matter of time before they discover that something happened to Ajax.

Alex wanted to abuse his authority, to get some stuff out of these guys. He knows that human cultivators cannot venture below 5th heaven, as that would go against the rules and it could get them killed.

He does not expect people under fifth heaven to protect him, but he has a system to help him out.

He does not feel close at all to this place, kinda like he never felt close to his parents. However, it will be a long time before he comes back here, so he must take advantage of this opportunity.

This wouldn't have happened if he killed Ajax, but he couldn't take it anymore and decided to kill him. Fuck Ajax.

He entered this building for a few reasons. First, take a powerful treasure that can be used to escape at great speeds. If he combined one of those treasures, with his demonic power, lightning bolt, and cultivation, even a human soul cultivator would find it hard to follow him.

Second, find something that might help him in the future.

"Jerry. I need to pick up some stuff here." Alex said to the man in front of him.

This room was not small, as it contained lots of precious stuff in here. There is only one person here, but he is a Qian cultivator, one of the strongest people in this heaven.

"Pick whatever you want, I don't care." Jerry responded casually. Since Alex is the cousin of Ajax, he gets special treatment.

Mistreating Alex in any way, is like insulting Ajax in a way.

"Sweet. I'll take the cloud surfer." Alex recognized a treasure here, and took it off the shelf.

The treasure was the size of a ring. However, once you insert your cultivation in it, it'll transform into a giant surfboard, that could fly faster than any other object in 8th heaven.

"Hey hey hey! That is a priceless treasure. You can't take something like that!" Jerry almost spat out blood when he saw Alex take something incredibly valuable to them.

"I thought you said you didn't care?" Alex couldn't help but frown.

"I thought you would take something cheap. And why would you need something like that anyway?" Jerry asked.

"What else for, I'm gonna ride it." Alex said truthfully.

"... whatever, just bring it back here by Monday." Jerry said, as he gently rested his eyes. He simply couldn't care less. And besides, if something were to happen to that treasure, he will blame it on Alex.

Alex looked around for anything that could help him. Until, a little pair of earrings caught his attention.

"What is this?" Alex asked Jerry, who woke up from his nap.

"That just came in yesterday. It is said that once someone wears those earrings, they would be granted immortality." He said.

"Really?!" Alex asked in surprise. To think that something like that exists.

"No, just kidding, but it does have another type of ability- wait what's happening?!" Jerry noticed that something was happening to him.

It happened to fast that he didn't have the time to scream for help. He turned to stone.

"Ah shit! You lied in front of me… oh well, now I gotta find out what these earrings do." Alex seemed to be disappointed. Even if Jerry said it as a joke, a lie is still a lie.

Thankfully, this room is filled with treasures, so no one is able to sense what was happening here.

Alex touched the stone body of Jerry, and took his soul out. Alex kept the soul inside his storage space, to eat it later.

As Alex stored the soul away, another thing caught his eye by accident. This thing was a box, but it emitted a very strange energy. Like I said, because there are too many treasures in this room, nobody could have sensed this box.

Alex did not have the time to just dawdle here, and took the box with him too. He left the stone figure there, because he did not see a reason to bring it with him, who would have ever thought that Jerry would have been turned to stone.

Alex acted calm when he exited the room, to avoid suspicion. He needs to get out of here, before trouble comes for him.

"Alex!" Evangeline said sweetly from afar.

Alex could only pause in his steps, as soon as he heard her voice.

"I can't find Ajax anywhere. Do you know where he is?" Evangeline asked very sweetly.

"Of course I do!" Alex said with a smile.




"Well… where is he?" Evangeline.

"Do you like me?" Alex changed the topic quickly.

"Wh… what?!" Evangeline took a second to react, but her face was completely flushed soon after.

"Well, I… I do actually." Evangeline said while she played with her fingers. She has been trying so long to reach her feelings to him, and she finally got through to him.

"Well too bad, cause I don't like you. See ya!" Alex activated his cloud surfer, and dashed down below fifth heaven.

Standing alone there, was Evangeline with a jaw dangling under her mouth. She couldn't believe what she had just heard.

As if her heart got shattered into a million pieces. Tears escaped from her eyes, as she saw the one she loved running away from her.

"W-why?" That was all Evangeline could think off at this moment.

As for Alex, what he said was the truth. The original owner of his body liked Evangeline, but he didn't. He is very picky when it comes to choosing girls, and if they are not his type, he won't be bothered by them.