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Inside the dragon god shrine were the people just minding their own business. They saw that incredible yellow and black light pierce through the heavens, so of course they sent their strongest people their.

The people they sent were only Qian level cultivators, or level 4-5 inspectors. Since it was fairly close to their location, they had high hopes to get the immortal being before anybody else.

At this moment, an elder who was looking out the sky saw a few figures flying towards them. It was Alex and the others.

"Inspector Su?" The elder said in shock. "Why are you here?" Su Han rarely decides to come here, unless if it were to cultivate or because they decided to call her here.

Su Han didn't say anything. She brought Alex to the ground still binded to the mount tai bracelets.

Then, an old figure appeared by their sides.

"An soul formation cultivator?!" The elder kneeled before the presence of the master in front of him. The other elders behind him also kneeled before Qingfeng Hermit.

"Stand up. Inspector Han, I expect you know what to do with this boy?" Qinfeng Hermit turned to see Su Han.

"Yes." Su Han carried Alex with her invisible energy to a room she has in mind.

"I expect everybody here to keep secret about my existence." Qingfeng Hermit said to the kneeling elders.

"Yes!" They all answered in unison. Their bodies started to sweat from the immense fear they felt.

She didn't say anything. She started to walk to the direction where Su Han was taking Alex.

Alex couldn't help but looking at Su Han because she is so sexy. He is not a pervert, but what kind of man doesn't like seeing a beautiful lady.

Su Han felt his gaze on her body. She is very familiar with this kind of gazes from man, as she has experienced it for many years, especially at school.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I will gouge out your eyeballs." She threatened him.

"Heh. As expected from the ice-cold beauty." Alex said with a smile. Her personality is exactly as the novel describes her.

"How do you know that?" She asked. She is sure that her and Alex never met before, so how did he know about her title?

"I guess you could say I know a bit about you." Alex said truthfully. If it weren't for his commandment, he would have said something else.

Su Han wrinkled her nose a bit, but didn't pursue the topic any further.

Su Han knocked on a wooden door. After a while, a male voice responded from the other side.

"Who's there?" The voice said.

"Inspector Su Han. I am here because I have something important to tell you." Su Han responded to this voice with respect. It's clear that the person on the other side is someone who is powerful in the dragon god shrine.

"Leave. I have some other important matters to attend to."

"I have something related to the immortal being." Su Han said out loud.

The door made a creaking sound. The person on the other side opened up the door. It was an old guy, but five dragon claw marks could be seen on his emblem. A level five inspector.

"Come in!" The old guy hurried them to come in.

Su Han carried Alex through the door. With the old granny closely following them.

The old man was very surprised to see a soul formation cultivator. He couldn't help but take a few steps back from her presence.

The others also sense the power inside the old grandma, and couldn't help but shudder.

"Ignore my presence, for I, Qingfeng Hermit, have news that you all need to listen. However, if a single word escapes from this room, I will destroy the entire dragon god shrine myself. Am I clear?!" She stated.

Everybody could only nod. They don't dare to go against a soul formation cultivator.

"This young man here, is linked to the immortal being you all sensed." Qingfeng pointed at Alex, who only floated in the air.

The elders had their eyes widened. The appearance of the immortal being was about 20-25 minutes ago, yet someone already tamed it, and it was a young man.

"Sup." Alex said with a smile:


"I am very aware that the dragon shrine has a device that can attach to this young man, and we can pinpoint the location of the immortal being. Is that true?" Qingfeng asked.

"Miss soul formation master, although it is true that we possess the beast link tracker, it is not in our current possession right now." A level four inspector said.

"Where is it?" She asked with a frown.

"This device originally belonged to the west ocean clan, and just last week, they wanted it back for reasons unknown to us."

"Uh, question, is this machine you are taking about dangerous?" Alex said from the side. He might have the mountain tai bracelets on, but that doesn't mean he can't talk.

"The beast tracker can do two things. One, find the link of the beast and its master, this is used to find the people who have gotten lost, but their tamed animals is still here, sometimes the other way around.

The second option is to cut the link of the master and tamed beast. Although the second one is more time consuming, it is also more dangerous, and most likely the master will die." An elder said.

Seeing that his body hasn't turned to stone, Alex knew what he said was true.

"But what will you guys do? Will you use the beast tracker to find the immortal being, or cut the link between me and Steven."

"I think that right now, we should use the machine to track the immortal being. It will become stronger the longer it roams the world. If it becomes too strong to tame, then our only chance is to always know it's location." Su Han said after giving it some thought.

The elders agreed with her idea.

"What if we manage to capture the beast?" An elder asked.

"If we do manage to capture it… then we will have no choice but to cut the link between the two of them." Qingfeng said.

Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of anger in him. He's the one who summoned Steven to this world, and yet they're trying to take him away. If it weren't for him, no one would be able to even get close to such a being.

"Heh. I've decided." Alex said with a sinister smile.

"What?" Su Han asked.

"I had forgotten that the dragons and the people in this world are a greedy bunch. Whenever you see something, you will do anything to get it no matter the consequences others have to pay.

After I had killed a certain somebody, I would have left you all alone as I don't have a grudge against any of you. But now, I decided after I escape from this place, that I will kill all of you. Demons, humans and dragons…YOU ARE MY ENEMY!!!" Alex said with a very sinister yell.

The elders felt his rage. It is expected. They are willing to imprison Alex here for capturing the immortal being, and after that, they will kill him to tame the beast for themselves.

The last time someone tried to kill Alex, he shot him dead in the head, and that was his father. Now that these people are talking about imprisoning him and killing him, he couldn't help but unleash a bit of killing intent.

After spending 500 years in hell, he developed a type of killing intent from it. In those 500 hundred years, you could say that it made Alex stronger, not weaker.

The people felt that killing intent. At first this felt like someone who killed thousands of people, but no, it felt more like pure rage.

This made them feel uneasy. To think that such a good looking kid has such intent.

His entire life has been in hell. From being a prisoner of his parents, to being a prisoner of hell. He will not take any more crap from anybody anymore, he is determined on killing anybody who threatens him.

Su Han commanded the cuffs on Alex's hands to get heavier, and he felt like he carried two mountains on each arm.

"Sent him to the prison as a Ding ranked prisoner." An elder commanded Su Han. Since she is the one in control of those bracelets, she should be the one to put Alex in a jail cell.

Su Han nodded in agreement and took Alex to a prison cell.

They left, it was only Qingfeng and the other elders present.

"I will go to the west ocean to retrieve the machine. While one of you go figure out what that kid's identity is. It'll be a matter of time before others realize the connection this kid has with the immortal being." Qingfeng Hermit dashed away to the west ocean clan.

A level four inspector quickly headed to discover Alex's identity. He has no idea why the soul formation cultivator wanted to know about him, but he took it as a sign to do it anyway or she'll get pissed at them.

Su Han brought Alex to a special cell only for him. It'll be a bad thing if Alex were to be killed by another cultivator, or worse if he accidentally reveals his connection to the immortal being.

"You know, Su Han, I will get out of here, and I will make you my slave."

Su Han didn't say anything to him, as this kind of bullshit is spouted everyday in this prison, or really in any other prison in the world.

Su Han brought Alex to a small room only for him. The place was small and cold, with a bit of spider webs dangling from the ceiling.

"Do you want to know how I will get out of here?" Alex asked Su Han.

"Please tell me, I am curious to know. However, no one has ever managed to escape from this place, and that record will stand for a long time." Su Han said as she started to chain him up so he doesn't escape.

"It's quite simple really. First: I will take your cultivation that you have worked so hard. Second: I will make you obey my every command like a slave." Alex.

"That sounds simple, but how will you do that?" Su Han looked at him with an angry expression.

"You don't know about my ability, so I will tell you."

"What ability?" Su Han asked,

"Well two actually. My first ability is the truth commandment, anyone who lies within my presence shall be turned to stone." Alex said with a smile.

Su Han had a hard time believing him. She has never even heard of such a power, so how is she supposed to believe him.

"My second ability is also simple. I can steal anything that I want. Of course, that also includes your cultivation."

"Interesting. But how can you use your powers with your cultivation restricted?" Su Han asked. Suddenly, she started getting a bit tired for some reason.

"My dear Su Han, whoever said I need my cultivation to activate my skills? Haven't you already noticed yourself getting tired?" Alex said with a mischievous smile.

"What?!" Su Han felt her power draining by the second. She didn't want to underestimate the kid in front of her, so she made a hasty retreat to the door. For the first time in a long time, she felt utterly scared.

But, the door was blocked from her path by a giant black hand. This black hand emitted a very sinister energy, like a demonic energy.

Su Han tried to cut it, but found it too hard to even scratch it. She found her powers draining even more.

"What is it with you people always underestimating the enemy?" Alex said with a smile.

Su Han didn't say anything, but her face showed it all. Her cultivation was weakening little by little. Soon, her cultivation was gone entirely.

Alex felt a sense of power entering his body. A new feeling rose from his body.

Low Qian level. He had finally entered that stage. There really is a huge difference from each realm, the higher you go the more noticeable it is.

The bracelets on his hands broke. He was a free man once again.

"I wouldn't have dreamed of killing you, but you didn't protect me or said anything when the others planned on using me like a guinea pig. If you had intervened, I wouldn't have resorted to this, but this is your punishment for going against me." Alex said as he got closer to Su Han, who is trembling with fear.

The dignity as a dragon cultivator, and as a level four inspector was nowhere to be seen. She looked utterly terrified of Alex.

"I can restore your cultivation, I have the power to take, but I also have the power to give." Alex said as he enjoyed watching her expression.

"However, you need to do a few things for me." Alex added.

"I will never give my body to you!" Su Han somehow was able to say this.

"Heheh, whoever said anything about your body? Although you are good looking, I am not interested in those who are rotten on the inside. What I want is another few things."

"How should I believe you?"

"Didn't I tell you? I have a power that can make anyone who lies turn to stone, of course, the same rule applies to me. If you don't believe me then go ahead and lie, but would you really risk it?" Alex said.

Although it seems hard to believe, Su Han believes him now. After taking her cultivation and using that demonic power, she believed him.

"I need your word that you will obey my every command, like a slave. You will never disobey me, and you shall always be under my command. In return, I will return your cultivation and won't touch your body in any sexual way. If one of us breaks our word, we shall be turned to stone. What do you say?" Alex said as he looked at her from below:

Su Han didn't say anything. She wanted her cultivation but not at the price of her freedom.

"And what happens if I refuse?" Su Han said.

"Easy, I will sent your soul to the underworld for the devil to feast it. Either way, I don't really care. I only decided to make you this offer because of your status here. Now, what's your choice. Remember that if you lie, then you shall be turned to stone." Alex said truthfully.

Su Han did not say anything as she was deep in her thoughts. If she doesn't agree, he will kill her. If she agrees, then she will forever be a slave to this man.

"I will give you till the count of five. 5, 4, 3," Alex stopped counting down as Su Han finally spoke.

"I agree! I… agree." Su Han found this hard to say. She wanted to live, but now she will be under his command.

Tears started welling up. She just sold her freedom to a man she just met.

"Good. From now on, you are my slave forever and ever, and ever again." Alex stole a quote from the manga.

[Enslave Su Han competed: 300,000 SP sent.] you currently have 575,000 SP.

"Ohohoho. Sweet. However, that is still not enough for me." Alex rejoiced at the huge number his SP grew.

"If this is not enough for you, then you are now the fox's sin of greed." The devil said with a smile. He enjoyed it when people enslaved others, as it is one of his favourite hobbies.

"Okay, although I want that [Sunshine] ability, it will not be useful to me in the night. So buy me the fountain of youth." Alex commanded.

[Fountain of youth bought. -250,000 deducted.] 325,000 SP left.

"Yes! I am an immortal!" Alex said as he jumped happily.

"Now, I want to buy [Chastiefol] and [destruction] also the [Fairy wings]"

[-90,500 has been deducted] 234,500 SP left.

Then a spear appeared in front of Alex. It is exactly like the spear from the seven deadly sins anime, it is his favourite weapon.

"Hahaha! My mighty spear shall be unleashed onto this world!" Alex laughed maniacally.

"..." Su Han didn't say anything at all.






"That sounded wrong, didn't it?" Alex looked at Su Han.

She only nodded a bit, the devil agreed with her.

"Doesn't matter. Buy me all the forms of the chastiefol. And buy me the [droplet of life] from Gloxinia's spear."

[That Will cost you 127,500 SP. Are you sure you want to spend this amount?]

"Yes. Points are meant to be spent on." Alex didn't hesitate to spend this much SP.

[Successfully bought all forms of the chastiefol.] 107,000 SP left.

"I guess I can be considered overpowered now." Alex was satisfied with his new stuff. From his spear to immortality, it seemed like a dream come true.

"Now, Su Han. I promised you that I will return your cultivation, but I need you to do a few things for me before I can do that." Alex turned to see Su Han still looking at him with fear and anger.

"What do you need?" Su Han responded harshly. Alex didn't care about her tone.

"Take me to where the prisoners are. And also, make sure that no one is near the prisoners." Alex stated:

"The guards are not here, only a few stayed behind to guard the prisoners. The rest took off to find the immortal being." Su Han said.

"Oh, man this is way too easy. Lead the way."

Su Han didn't respond as she took her master to where the prisoners are. She doesn't know why he's going there, but she can't disobey him.

"Ohhhhh. So this was your plan from the start." The devil finally seemed to have caught on with his plan.

"Yes, making Su Han my slave is only a bonus, the real prize is this prison." Alex said with a smile.

"After you had eaten their souls until you have reached your peak, what will you do with the rest of them?" He asked quite curious to what he had in mind.

"After I reach peak Qian level, I will offer the souls of every single inmate here, and I will get so much more SP." this thought made Alex happy.

Su Han finally reached the prisoners only area. There are only a few guards, but they're Kun level.

"Inspector Su, what are you doing here?" A kun guard said. It's surprising to see a level four inspector here.

Su Han could not say anything to them.

However, Alex took the initiative to talk.

"I have just bought this, and there are already a few guards for me to test this on." Alex said as he carried his spear on his hands.

"What was that? And who are you?" The same guard said.

The spear in front of Alex started to levitate in the air.

*SHOO!* the spear sped off at an insane speed towards that guard.

He was caught off guard, so the spear pierced through his stomach, leaving a huge hole in his stomach.

The other guards were shocked to see this. That was too brutal and too fast for them to catch up.

The spear pointed itself at another guard nearby.

"Man, that was easier than expected, and I still have yet to activate its forms." Even Alex was surprised to see how easy it is to kill a person. He is very satisfied with his stuff.

"I'll kill you!" A guard sneaked up behind Alex, and stabbed him through the back with a sword.

Everybody thought that he died just like that. But sadly they're mistaken.

"Ah damn! Even though I knew I can't die, that still hurts like hell." Alex said as he looked at the sword that exited from his stomach.

"Wha… how-How are you still alive?" The guard that stabbed Alex had a hard time believing this.

Even Su Han could not believe this. Her face showed nothing but fear for this monster. Is he the devil himself? She wondered:

She was close actually.

Alex turned his head 180 degrees like the exorcist. Which creeped out the guard even more.

"I'm an immortal; so a simple blade like this cannot kill me." Alex said with a sinister smile.

He commanded the spear to stab the person in front of him, he died almost instantly.

The souls of those dead corpses left their bodies, but not before Alex snatched them before they ran away.

The prisoners were afraid of such a being. They really hoped that he is on their side.

"Now, who wants to die?" Alex looked at the remaining guards and prisoners alike. It's time to consume these souls for power and SP.


There will be one chapter per day, or every two days. I am busy with stuff so I don't have the time to write a chapter everyday, but I'll find the time.