The Lu sisters

The cut in my hand wasn't as serious as I thought, so I was able to write two chapters today, the next one will appear shortly after this chapter.


"Here it is." After Zhen Congming brought Alex to a room, there were prisoners in here, but Alex spotted a set of beautiful female clothes stored in an ice block.

He immediately knew that this is without a doubt Lu Linlin, the older sister.

Behind that block of ice was Lu Lili, the younger sister. She hid in fear when she sensed Alex, a soul formation cultivator.

Alex slowly raised his arms as he slowly walked towards Lu Lili.

She was very afraid of him, but she didn't dare to run because that would leave her sister defenseless.

"Relax, I did not come here to hurt you or your sister." Alex said as gently as he could.

The sister relaxed a bit but still had her guard up. However, his appearance attracted her a bit.

"Would you like to get out of here?" Alex said.

She took a few seconds before nodding her head gently.

"But, my sister?" She said still worried about her sister.

"I will release her from this prison if you want. However, I will need both of your help, that is all I'm asking in return."

She still had her guard up but was shocked. What kind of help would a soul formation cultivator need?

"The help I need is very simple, and it won't be dangerous. If you two agree to help me, then I will get both of you out of here." Alex said as he gently laid his arms down.

Lu Lili looked at her sister who is still in the ice block. She felt sad that she has spent the last 200 years keeping her alive, because if Lu Linlin were to die, then she will die too.

They only have ten years left before her sister dies, that is why she cannot wait any longer.

"I agree. And once you free my sister… I'll also convince her to help you in whatever you need." She kneeled before Alex and started begging. As long as it means to save her sister, she is willing to become a slave.

"Okay, but you will have to do anything I say until you two have paid off your debt to me, deal?" Alex said earnestly.

"Deal." She said, but a hint of joy could be seen on her face, as she was happy that she can be reunited with her sister.

"I guess this could be counted as enslavement, so what the heck." The devil shrugged then a bluescreen appeared in front of Alex.

[Enslave the Lu sisters completed. 500,000 SP rewarded.]

"Oh wow, I honestly forgot about that mission, sweet! System, how do I get her out of there without hurting her?"asked Alex.

[For 1000 SP you can release her without damaging her body.]

"Deal!" Alex said.

[1000 SP has been deducted.] current SP 626,000 SP.

Soon after, the huge block of ice started melting at a fast rate.

Lu Lili ran up to her sister before she fell to the ground. However, the older sister still had her eyes closed.

"Sis? Sis?" She was worried that her sister died or something, so a hint of worry and fear crept up on her face.

"Relax, she is only unconscious, as you would expect from being locked away for 200 years in an ice block." Zhen Congming said, though he was surprised that Alex melted this without making a move.

"I can take care of that. [Droplet of life]" Alex said to his spear.

The spear turned into a giant pollen flower. At the tip of it, there was what appeared a golden tear, it dropped directly to Lu Linlin's body, which healed her condition.

She opened her eyes almost instantaneous.

Zhen Congming was purely shocked by this. He has never seen a weapon that could heal others, no wonder it caught his eye.

Lu Lili did not care about the huge flower, because her attention was on her older sister.

"You're awake!" Lu Lili threw herself at her older sister, with tears of joy.

"Where am I?" That was the first thing she thought when she woke up.

"The dragon palace." Lu Lili said.

"Did two-hundred years already go by?" She asked as she looked at her surroundings.

"Yes, but they still haven't given the order of your release. You should have been released last year."

"Then why am I out?" She asked her sister.

"This master helped you out, on the condition that we help him." She pointed at Alex.

Lu Linlin felt his cultivation, which is at soul formation realm. Even if she were to fight with her sister, they would stand no chance against him.

Their cultivation is only at Kun level. They were Qian level masters before, but the two hundred year wait weakened them both.

"Um… thank you, for saving our lives." Lu Linlin kneeled before Alex, as a sign of gratitude.

"Don't mention it. We should get out of here before the east ocean guards realize you're gone." Alex said as he commanded his spirit spear to take the form of a pillow.

"This pillow should be big enough for the two of you to sit. It should carry you both to where I'm headed."

Once again, they were all shocked to see that spear turn into a huge flower, and then a regular pillow.

Lu Lili nor Lu Linlin questioned him, but they both got into that pillow ready to take off.

"Wait, they still need their stuff that was taken from them." Zhen Congming remembered something important.

The Lu sisters just remembered that their treasures are in the prison vault, they forgot because of various things happened.

"I'll get them, but you will need to show me what else that spear can do." Zhen Congming said to Alex.

"Sure." Alex said with a smile.

He ran off to where they prison vault was. He is more knowledgeable in this area, and he can basically get through any complex array in here.

The three waited for Zhen Congming to return.

"Um, question, what exactly do you need us for?" Lu Linlin asked after several seconds had gone by.

"I need your help honing my techniques. I am currently still a beginner in fighting, so I will need you two to train me until I have mastered it." Alex said truthfully.

The Lu sisters were confused by his request. He is a soul formation cultivator, yet he claims to be a beginner in fighting.

"Okay, we'll help you. Thank you once again for helping us." Lu Linlin said.

"Yes, thank you, saviour." Lu Lili said with a blush.

"Don't mention it." Alex smiled at both of them. They were very pretty without a doubt. If for weren't for his cheat system, he would have never met these two beautiful girls, and instead, Hao Ren would have captured their hearts.

"I would like to know saviour's name?" Lu Linlin asked very curious to know his name.

"Alexander Anderson."

"That's a nice name." Lu Lili said with a hint of blush on her cheeks.

"Hey, I'm back." Zhen Congming came back really quick.

"Good. Let's go." Alex carried the Lu sisters with his pillow, and then they flew off towards a specific part of the world. Zhen Congming used a flight dharma treasure to follow the trio.

The Lu sisters were like little kids as if this was their first time flying. What surprised them most is that this pillow was comfy, and they didn't even slip off.

"Wow! This is so great! How can you-... WHAT!" Lu Lili screamed in shock when she saw the beautiful wings attached to Alex's back.

Since the Lu sisters were using his chastiefol, Alex had no other way but to use his wings to fly.

"These are my fairy wings. Pretty cool huh?" He liked showing off his wings to people, as you can tell right away.

"So pretty." That's what they both said. It's their first time seeing such beautiful wings on a person. And with his characteristics, it fits him perfectly.

However, Alex was shirtless which made Lu Lili blush from seeing his bare body. Lu Linlin snickered at her sister, as if she knew what she was thinking.

Even Zhen Congming could not take his eyes off those wings. This Alex kid was very mysterious without a doubt.

"We should probably eat first, I bet all of you are hungry." After thinking for a while, he said something.

The three of them nodded their heads in agreement, especially Lu Linlin who hasn't eaten anything in centuries.

"And we need to get new clothes for you two." The Lu sisters still had their ancient Chinese dresses, that is why he wanted to buy some clothes for them.

"We don't want to trouble saviour." Said Lu Lili.

"It's okay, I don't mind." Alex smiled at both of them.

The Lu sisters felt a certain warmth crept up on their bodies. To think that their saviour cares about them.

After flying carefully through the city, they landed near a building that looked like a school.

"LingZhao middle school… isn't this *that* school, where Zhao Yanzi goes to?" Alex asked the devil in his mind.

"Yes it is." He responded lazily.

"Saviour, that school is protected by the east ocean clan." Lu Linlin said after she sensed a few Kun level masters there.

"I know. Let's go eat something." Alex led the group to a specific food place he had in mind. He only landed here because he wanted to know if this was the school where that Zhao Yanzi goes.

He never liked that little girl, as her character never changes from the spoiled little, ungrateful brat she is. At least Xie Yujia changed a bit, but it still wasn't enough for Alex.

The best thing about that story was the Lu sisters, and Zhao Haoran (the old dragon king of east ocean.) if he were still alive, then the story would have been so much better. Because, as far as Alex knows, Zhao Haoran is the only one who actually has balls in the east ocean clan.

As they continued walking down a sidewalk, they attracted the attention of the public. Because the twins were so beautiful that the nearby men drooled upon seeing them in their ancient chinese dresses.

There was also Alex with his shirt off, and also with those huge wings attached on his back. With his short figure, white hair and blue eyes, he looked like an angel.

"Look at those girls, they're so hot! I would be a happy man if I could spent ten minutes with one of them." A man is fantasizing being with the Lu sisters.

"With your figure? Please." The man beside him said.

"Mom, look at that man's wings! Aren't they pretty?" A little boy kept pointing out Alex's wings.

"I know, sweety. They are very pretty indeed. I wonder where he got them?" The boy's mom said.

Several people kept talking about Alex's wings, or the sisters beautiful appearance.

Many thought that they were shooting a movie or something, as this looked too abnormal.

"Saviour, can I touch your wings, please?" Lu Lili said with a mild blush. She just couldn't resist not touching those wings anymore.

"Sure, go ahead." Alex said without a doubt.

Lu Lili reached her arms gently towards his wings, and tapped it lightly.

Alex felt very weird from her touch. But he didn't show it.

Lu Lili got more bolder, and stroked it gently. What Alex felt could only be described as pure pleasure. His face was flushed red, as if his body was being soothed and massaged by a pair of angelic hands.

Lu Lili also felt good from stroking his wings, not even silk could be softer than this. The feeling was smooth, and yet it felt relaxing to hold it.

"Ahem! They're watching." Zhen Congming said from the side. They were attracting too much attention, and yet the younger sister had to make it this scene more awkward than it already was.

Lu Lili looked at her surroundings, and her face flushed completely. Her curiosity got the better of her and she humiliated herself in public.

She didn't say anything, but hid behind her sister, who was smiling at her boldness.

"Man that felt great!" Alex said after a while. Even though it lasted for a moment, it somehow made his body feel refreshed.

"If it felt that good, then maybe my sister is willing to touch you more later." Lu Linlin said with a smile.

"Sister! Don't make it sound weird!" She yelled at her sister with a tomato red face. They both started to pinch each other's noses, like playful children. This scene was beautiful that it captivated everyone around them.

"Anyways… What's for lunch?" Zhen Congming said after a while. He kept sitting on the levitating pillow as if it were his own property.

"I was thinking a fast food restaurant." Alex sensed a McDonalds nearby, and thought that they should eat there.

"With what money?" He said.

"I got it covered." Alex kept walking towards the McDonalds, while the Lu sisters kept chasing each other like little kids.

"I wonder what Steven is doing?" Alex said to himself.


Back with Steven.

The Pegasus from hell kept running at an abnormal speed around the Earth. Behind him was Qiu Niu, still following behind him like a homing missile.

"How much stamina does this thing have? We've been flying for hours and yet it hasn't even slowed down, even I'm getting tired." Qiu Niu said frustrated.

Even after all this time, Qiu Niu hasn't given up on catching up with the immortal being.

With his amazing eyesight, he saw the left side of the horse's face, it looked like it closed its eyes and blew out a snot bubble...

"Wait…? ARE YOU SLEEPING?!?! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE WHILE YOU'RE FLYING AT THIS SPEED?!?!" He almost yanked out his white hair out of frustration.

They have been flying for so long, and he thought that he was close to catching the immortal being, but it isn't even trying to get away.

The Pegasus didn't even put Qiu Niu in his eyes. That's why Steven fell asleep soundly without a care in the world.


After a while, we have Alexander and the rest eating a few McDonalds burgers. They all enjoyed and savoured every last bit, as it was the most tastiest thing in the world.

Zhen Congming almost never went out of the dragon palace, which is why this food tasted so good to him.

The Lu sisters haven't caught up to the current events for the last 200 years, so naturally they never had a burger in their lives.

And Alex was the same. He only ate souls this whole time, not to mention that he has been in hell for 500 years straight. He missed food so much.

Even in this place, they still managed to attract attention from people nearby. Some didn't even bother to eat, they just admired or looked at the Lu sisters, or Alex's wings.

"Do you care that so many people are watching us?" Zhen Congming asked Alex as he stuffed his mouth with French fries.

"Not really, too hungry to care." Alex kept eating his Hamburger, nothing beats a Big Mac.

"Eh." He just kept eating after hearing Alex's request.

"This just in, a country in peril has suffered serious damage not too long ago. The cause of this was a 10,0 earthquake, and a huge Tsunami which basically flooded the huge country.

Millions are dead, and the total estimate for damage is one-trillion dollars. Everybody thinks that this is the big one, even though this country is not in the states.

This is without a doubt one of the worst cases of a natural disaster."

The tv showed a very interesting topic, which a lot of people paid attention to.

"Oh wow, a huge disaster occurred. I didn't know that." Alex said with his mouth full. The light novel never mentioned such a phenomenon would occur, so it surprised him quickly. He has no idea that he caused that earthquake.

"Saviour, you have something on your cheek." Lu Linlin didn't give Alex a chance to respond, and she picked the piece of food from Alex's cheek and put it in her mouth.

Alex and Lu Lili were shocked and embarrassed by her actions. That is only something that lovers do, and she did it in front of so many people.

The men nearby were so angry at Alex, that their teeth made a loud and annoying noise due to their rage. They were really hoping that Alex and Zhen Congming were relatives of the sisters, which is why they wanted to pursue them.

But, seeing this action of hers made their hearts crumble into pieces.

"There, nice and clean." She laughed as she enjoyed everyone's expression.

Zhen Congming didn't see anything weird with her actions, so he just continued to eat.

Alex never had a girlfriend before, not because he didn't try, but because of money problems in the past. So this action of Lu Linlin made him blush, which actually fits his character.

"Thanks for the food." Lu Linlin said after stuffing herself with 10 hamburgers.

"Thank you for the food." Lu Lili said with a small blush.

"So, where do we go now?" Zhen Congming asked after eating 30 hamburgers and French fries.

Another thing that surprised people was the amount of food that these gluttonous freaks ate. The amount of burgers was easily over 100 including fries.

"Somewhere safe. Let's go." Alex stood up then led the trio to a place he had in mind. The Lu sisters stood up hand-in-hand as they followed their saviour.

"That reminds me, where did you get the currency to pay for the food?" Zhen Congming asked. He wanted to know because Alex didn't look rich, so he was very surprised that he paid for the four of them.

"Hehehe. It's a secret." Alex responded back casually.

As soon as they left the building, people started coming back to their senses.

"Hey! Where's my wallet?!" A man said after realizing that his wallet was gone.

"Mine is gone too?! What the hell?" It was the same for other people, they all got their wallets snatched without them realizing it.

"Hehehe, I love my [Snatch] ability." Alex said as he counted the total amount of cash he had accumulated from that place. His snatch ability is meant to steal, so he has to use its amazing ability to its full use.

The Lu sisters knew that their saviour snatched a few wallets from those people, but he did it because of them, so it actually made them happy.