Pride Vs Truth (Part 2)

I bet that Mama Hawk is actually the Supreme deity in the manga. You never know, it could be.

************ Back with Ban and the others.

They got on Mama Hawk surprisingly quick. Mama Hawk ran as fast as she could to where Meliodas's body was.

Surprisingly, they made it there in no time. Although the trip was a little tripping, they didn't mind it. They wanted to only verify if what Alex said was true.

By the time they got here, it was all a mess. Everywhere was burned, and signs of a huge battle seemed to have occured here not too long ago.

But even still, no signs of any bodies nearby.

"Hawk, are you sure it's here?" Asked Ban.


Ban jumped down from Mama Hawk, and went to inspect the area personally.

"I'm coming too!" Elizabeth did not have the physical qualities like Ban, so she cannot jump down from Mama Hawk without getting injured. She could only slowly climb down.

Ban got curious a bit, when he saw a huge hole in the center of the field. He jumped down to the deepest part of the hole, and found something.

"Hm? Aren't these?" Ban couldn't believe it at first. What he saw were the corpses of The Ten Commandments.

It was Zeldris and Estarossa.

"Did that person even managed to kill these two monsters? Or did the Captain and Merlin and fight them as well." Ban thought about it.

"No. There was clearly a battle going on here way before Cap'n and Merlin left. Which means that that guy managed to single handedly defeat these two. Or did he have help from others?"

Ban was feeling helpless in this situation, even though he had no chance of fighting against Estarossa, but Alex defeated two of them, and he even had enough energy to defeat Merlin and Meliodas.

"Just where did this character come from?"

"Ban! Did you find anything?" Asked Hawk from outside the hole.

"I found two corpses, but they're the Ten Commandments."

"Oh, okay. WAIT WHAT?!?!? The Ten Commandments?"

"Yeah. I wonder if I should bring them with me?" a weird question popped up in his head.

"Maybe if I do bring them with me, it'll give us an idea on what kind of foe we are dealing with here."

Ban was not the smartest character, but he feels like he should bring the two of them with him. Maybe if they could analyze their bodies, and how they died, it could tell them the strength and possibly the weakness of Alex.

"Well, whatever. I'll bring these two bastards with me." Ban just carried those corpses, as if they were a sack of potatoes.

"Sir Ban! I found Meliodas!" Elizabeth cried out.

Ban was surprised at first. He jumped from the hole with the two corpses in his hands.

Once he got out, he saw Elizabeth clinging onto the corpse of Meliodas, crying rivers of tears. Even now, when she held his dead body, she cannot believe that he is dead.

Ban breathed out when he saw this scene. He was prepared for the worst already, which is why it didn't affect him as much as Elizabeth.

Still, he would be lying if he said he didn't feel anything for their deaths.

Elizabeth wept and wept on Meliodas's chest, as if her tears would bring him back to life again.

Ban scanned the surrounding area, and noticed that Merlin's body was nowhere to be seen. If Meliodas corpse is here, then shouldn't Merlin's body be here as well? Or nearby?

"Mama Hawk, can you please scan the area for Merlin's body." Ban asked kindly to Mama Hawk.

"Beep! Beep!" She understood then went her way to help Ban search for any bodies.

"Hm? Where did Hawk go?" He seemed to have noticed that Hawk was nowhere to be seen, even though he was here just a minute ago.

"Sir Ban, I have an idea." As she wept nonstop, she suddenly thought of an idea.


"The land of druids… they can help Meliodas."

"The who?" Ban has never been to the land of druids, so he honestly didn't know what she was talking about.

The druids are a race of magical people that live deep in the forest of Britannia. They despise the demon clan. The Druids also know secret techniques, that may be useful in this situation. They are a mysterious group indeed, and most of their spells and techniques have yet to be displayed.

"We just need to find Merlin's body and head back to the land of Druids, they may be able to resurrect Meliodas."

A hint of hope could be seen in her eyes, as she truly believes that the Druids may help.

Although Ban didn't know what she was talking about, but if there is a chance that they could bring back the captain and Merlin back to life, then that's a chance he is willing to take.

"Okay. As soon as we find Merlin's body, we will head out." Ban said with a smile, she just brought hope to him as well.

'I wonder if they can cure Elaine's condition as well.' thought Ban, still worried for his Loli girlfriend.

"Beep! Beep!" Said Mama's Hawk.

(I know that Mama Hawk never says 'Beep Beep' but when I saw it in the abridged series, I just couldn't help but add it in this fanfic. I just like it.)

Ban dumped the bodies of Zeldris and Estarossa to the ground, and went to check on what Mama Hawk wanted.

When he got closer, he saw 5 bodies on the ground. Four of them were from the Ten Commandments, but the other one is Dreyfus, but he is still alive, only unconscious.

"Unbelievable." Ban also recognized all of these people, except the real body of Fraudrin, who has never shown his real appearance until today.

The area wasn't as disastrous as the one back then, so he could tell that this fight was done by someone else.

"Great. Now I need to bring these guys too."


Back with Alex and Escanor.

The sun was getting lower, and Escanor's power was also weakening. His body height also decreased, as well as his muscles.

There were apparently deep wounds, and burns all over Escanors body. As for Alex, he seemed a bit tired, but he was still okay.

Alex had his Hollow mask on, as Escanor proved to be a strong foe without it, even after the sun is setting down.

It was already 2:00, as long as the sun is still up, Escanor will continue to use his sunshine ability, until it has set completely.

'Master, I have captured the package.' Lu Linlin said through telepathy.

She was travelling at an amazing speed, because she had just bought the {Flash} from the system. On her hand, was Hawk, struggling to get out of her embrace.

She used her demonic powers to bind down Hawk, just in case.

'Took you long enough?' It has already been half an hour since he has fought Escanor, and yet with her {Flash} ability, she just managed to capture Hawk.

'Sorry. I am still getting accustomed to my new power.' Lu Linlin said with a blush, this is the first time she has failed to meet her Saviour's expectations.

'At least you got him.'

"Hm!" Escanor once again swinged his ax at Alex, but he just blocked it successfully with his Zanpakuto.

"Do you still want to kill me, even when this battle has been dragged long enough?" Asked Alex.

"As long as the sun hasn't set, I will never back down."

The two weapons were still in contact, each side trying to push the other side down with sheer strength. Several sparks produced between the weapons, due to the high friction that the two sides caused.

'Even after 2:00 his power is still formidable. I wonder just how strong he is at 12:00 He is a monster, or am I still too weak?' Thought Alex.

'No, that can't be. It must be his rage that must be powering him up. The same thing happened in the early series when he fought Gowther. Even after night, he could still somehow activate his {Sunshine} ability. Is this happening right now? Did killing Merlin gave him extra power?"

Although it seems far from stretch, there was no other reason why Escanor could still hold his own after all this time.

"You're probably wondering why I am still able to stand against you." He said.

"Merlin was more than just an important person in my life, she was my light, my sun. Just imagining her smile gives me the strength I need."

"It's her fault for underestimating me." Alex responded.

That only seemed to piss off Escanor even further, as he conjured up another sun in his other hand.

"Cruel sun!"

"{Perfect counter!}" Alex countered Escanor's sun with his hidden knives.

The sun hit Escanor back with three times the power. Escanor got on one knee involuntarily, with a huge burn on his chest and face.

Even after taking on that powerful blast, he is still breathing.

Alex didn't give Escanor a chance to move. He raised his foot, that was covered with his demonic energy, which made it seem more like a giant-dark claw.


He showed no mercy to Escanor, and slammed his head hard into the ground.

"How does it feel? To be looked down upon by me, the one who killed your precious Merlin?"

Although Alex respects Escanor a lot, he is not willing to show mercy to almost anyone.

Escanor used the remaining strength in his arms to stand up, but how could Alex let him.

He flung Escanor off right into the river he had evaporated.

"Linlin should be here any second. I had fun fighting Escanor. But, since I feel bad for him, I'll spare his life. Count yourself lucky, Escanor. I could have taken your soul for my own benefit."

Alex floated atop of Escanor, who is still growing weaker by the moment.

"[True night]" before he invaded the castle, Alex bought two things from the system, one of them being [True night]

True night is an ability that Chandler had in the series. It can shroud the entire area in darkness.

This power is the worst skill that Escanor can ever confront, he needs the light to become stronger. But with true night, he becomes the weakest version of himself no matter the time.

This darkness has another benefit to demons, it can make them stronger. Chandler once mentioned that the night gives demons a power up, similar to how Escanor gets stronger in the day, only that it isn't so exaggerated.

Alex was relieved that he paused the coffin of eternal darkness before Chandler and Cusack escaped from there.

Those two are even stronger than the Ten Commandments, so it was no wonder why Alex wanted to remove the handle of the coffin of eternal darkness this quickly.

Alex saw the body of Escanor, who is even weaker than a mere mortal.

He'll live, maybe.

"Here, give this girl a proper burial." Alex took out the stone body of Merlin from his storage.

He only brought her stone figure with him, because he was afraid that Merlin might somehow escape from her orb, and thus return to her body.

He didn't want to risk any chances with that woman. But, since he traded her soul for SP, there is no reason to keep her body.

Escanor barely had has eyes opened, but could still see Merlin's statue.

"Before I turned her to stone, she became like this because of me. Do whatever you want with this statue. And also, i'll return this to you."

Alex took out the {Morning star Alden} it was Merlin's sacred treasure. This weapon was of no use to Alex, so there was no reason for him to keep it in his personnel.

He threw the orb on Escanor, and left the cute statue on the side.


Lu Linlin appeared in a flash beside Alex. She still had Hawk wrapped around her demonic energy.

"I'm back." She said.

"Good job. Where is Lili?"

"She didn't want to waste a lot of time, so she flew off to the Fairy King's forest, to catch the rest of the Commandments."

"I see. That also reminds me." He kneeled down to touch Escanor's forehead. Using his {Invasion} on him, he learned the exact location where Galand was.

Now. Alex has the location of all the remaining Commandments, except one, Melascula.

"GIve me Hawk." he said.

Lu Linlin released Hawk from her demonic grasp. He fell down on his back, which hurt him a bit.

"What do you two want from me?" Hawk asked exasperatedly. He had no idea why Alex wants Hawk, considering that he has nothing to offer them.

"System, can you severe the connection between Hawk and Purgatory, and give it to me instead?"

This is the main reason he went after Hawk, because this little piggy is the path between this world, and Purgatory.

How else is Alex gonna defeat the demon King, without the key way to Purgatory?

{Yes I can, and no SP is required}

{However, once inside, you cannot exit this place until you have defeated the Demon King of this world}

{Once you have defeated him, you will gain access to Purgatory itself, letting you become the ruler of this hellhole}

"Neat!" Said Alex.

Alex kneeled in front of Hawl, looking him straight into his eyes.

"Demon King, I am coming for you. We will be the end of you." Alex said in a low and serious tone.

Hawk thought he was talking to him, which is why he was confused by his words.

Lu Linlin smiled that Alex also included them when he said "we" instead of "I" It meant that he saw them as an equal, and not as a disposable character.

"Now, severe the connection Hawk has with Purgatory."

{Yes Host}

"Argh! What is happening to me?" Hawk felt a painful sensation coursing throughout his entire body, as if a bunch of fire ants were eating him from the inside.

However, the pain only lasted for several seconds.


"Huh? The pain is gone!" Hawk said to himself. He looked at the two people in front of him, unsure of what just happened.

Alex saw a small black tattoo form in the back of his hand. It resembled a lot like Meliodas's symbol of the dragon.

{This tattoo means that you are now the path to Purgatory}

"I see." Said Alex as he inspected the tattoo on his arm. He never liked tattoos as his father used to have it everywhere in his body, which is why he never had a tattoo on his past life.

Alex never drank, smoked, did drugs, or anything like that. He didn't want to be like his father, he wanted to be a part of a loving family, who doesn't fear him, and he doesn't beat up.

After running away from that house, he swore to live a better life, no matter what challenges life might hit him.

He will never be like his father, or he will kill himself before that happens.

Even though Alex has killed a few people, stole their souls and offered them to the devil, he still sees himself as a good guy.

The only reason he is doing this, is because the devil didn't give him a chance. If he had said 'no' when he met the devil, he would still be suffering down in hell.

If he had another choice, he would have rather hung out with some MC's out there, like the seven deadly sins, instead of fighting them. But, it was either them, or him.

"Saviour, what now?" Asked the cute Linlin from the side, looking at him with her beautiful eyes.


Suddenly, a blue arrow came out of nowhere and it was aiming straight for Linlin. This was obviously Gowther's doing.

Linlin didn't even see the arrow headed this way, but Alex did.

Alex barely grabbed the blue arrow with his hand, centimeters away from heading Linlin's head. If that arrow managed to hit her head, she might have fallen for Gowther's Invasion ability.

Normally, Alex could cancel the effect with his {Magic cancel} (Or like how it is called in the series {Absolute cancel} same thing really)

Although there was no real reason to fear Gowther's abilities, he only grabbed the arrow by reflex. But if he had the chance to stop this attack from hurting them, then he will do it either way.

From far away, Gowther seemed surprised that someone managed to stop his attack with his bare hands.

Even Alex did not believe how fast he reacted, must be his {Ultra instinct} kicking in.

(Nah, Alex doesn't have Ultra instinct...… not yet)

He ignored Gowther for now. Alex turned to look at Escanor, who is still alive.

"Next time, we will fight when you are at full power. I cannot wait to see just how strong you are at your peak."

Lu Linlin felt ashamed at herself, she couldn't even react fast enough to stop that arrow herself, even when she has the new {Flash} ability her Saviour got her.

'It looks like I need to improve myself even further to help Saviour, or I will become dead weight for him.' she thought.

She was genuinely grateful that Alex blocked that attack, but she felt terrible that she had to rely on him most of the time.

"Damn! Gowther's attack failed. EVERYONE CHAAAAAAAARRGGGGGEEEEEE!!!" Yelled Howzer as he led several people to attack Alex.

The people exceeded over 100. Alex was not fazed by this amount, because even one attack from him can kill them all.

However, he has better things to do than to kill them. First step, gathering the power of the ten fake Commandments.

Second step: Purgatory, and defeat the demon king.

Third step: Kill the remaining people of this world, and gather whatever souls he can find. He could do it now, but feared that if he were to kill too many, the Supreme Deity would step in from wherever she is hiding. And who knows if Alex could take her on right now, because nobody knows what kind of power she has, maybe she can somehow damage Alex's soul, which is the main reason he doesn't want to fight her now.

Fourth: Find the Supreme Deity after getting a power up, then kill her for that wonderful SP.

Fifth: Go straight to the Naruto world, to recruit the 5th member of his team {The Commandment of Pacifism}

And he has the perfect candidate in mind for that world. Hint: He is an Uchiha, and no, it is not Sasugay.

(Come on people, it's obviously Sarada AKA Sasuke's daughter)







(Just kidding, it is not Sarada.)

"Linlin, lets go." After the people started to get closer, Alex decided to leave after getting what he came here for.

"Hm." Linlin grabbed his hand gently, then disappeared in a flash before everybody else's eyes.

She can now hold onto other people and can carry them with her with the awesome speed she now possesses. The speed they are travelling now is much faster than flying.

"W-where did they go?" Asked Howzer in bafflement.

"We can worry about that later. But for now, I will take lord Escanor to get healed." Gilthunder quickly got ahold of Escanor, and left the sight of everybody.

Gowther was still sitting there, far from everybody. He is analyzing one what type of foe they are fighting. He is a very smart man, but he needs some time to connect the pieces before he can come to a conclusion.

************** With Ban and Elizabeth.

They are currently on Mama Hawk, which is travelling straight to the kingdom of Liones.

Ban wanted to bring Elaine to the forest of Druids, hoping that they can somehow bring her back to life. Elizabeth agreed too, because she also understood that Ban really wanted Elaine brought back to life, just like how she wants Meliodas to come back.

Elizabeth sat on a chair beside the bed, where Meliodas's body was currently laying.

The other Commandments were dumped in another room, like a sack of potatoes stacked on top of one another.

Ban didn't had another feeling that he should bring these corpses to the forest of the Druid's.

This is a hunch he has, although it is weird, his hunch has never let him down.

Like the day he heard rumours of people coming back from the dead. It seemed crazy and insane at first, but he found his father figure before he died.

Or the time when he still kept climbing the tree of the fairy king's forest, and he met Elaine.

He doesn't know why his hunch is telling him to bring those other corpses, but hopefully something good will happen to them. He just doesn't know what it is yet.