A world in chaos

"It's been a long time since I have seen it in person." Said Meliodas.

Him and the other Archangels stood in front of the Light of Grace, admiring its beauty.

Unlike in the Manga, it doesn't the gate to the celestial realm doesn't look anything like it did in the manga. It was still huge, only bland, it had nothing noteworthy to describe it being a unique structure created by the Goddess clan.

To others, it looked no more than a simple mirror structure. But, to those who really know what it does, it's value is incomprehensible.

During the Holy war, the light of Grace was last used by Gowther, and therefore it stopped connecting to the Celestial realm and connected to Hell's prison.

After it stopped being used, 3000 years later the Light of Grace somehow became a normal item.

Meliodas also needed the Archangels for one more reason, and that is to have them connect the pathway to Stigma headquarters.

Without the Archangels, or anyone from the Celestial realm, there was no way to actually connect to the Celestial realm.

"Meliodas, you should know what will happen once you face the Supreme Deity. Not even us will be of any help against her." Said Ludociel.

"I know, but I need to do this." Meliodas responded.

Ludociel nodded, then began connecting the gate to the Celestial realm. The Light of Grace began changing significantly, it had a swarm of goddesses at the top with two dragons wrapped around its base.

"I believe this is your first time ever being inside the Celestial realm, right, Meliodas?"

Meliodas only nodded at his answer.

"Then let me give you a piece of advice, until we get to her, do not say a word. The Goddesses living in the Celestial realm are not fond of having Demons into their world."

Meliodas did not say anything, but only stepped into the gate and disappeared before everybody.

"Is it okay to help him? You did plan to have him killed during the Holy war." Asked Tamriel from the side.

"I know, but I saw something in Meliodas that I have never ever seen, nor thought I would ever see in my lifetime." Responded Ludociel.

"And what would that be?"

"Fear. That was the one thing that made me help him." Ludociel said.

Nobody, not even the Demon King has ever seen Meliodas fear anyone. It comes to show just how terrifying the existence must be if it could make someone like Meliodas cower like a newborn chick.

Ludociel was the second to go in the gate, followed by Samriel and Tamriel moments later, but not before sharing a glance with each other.

Far away, on a fluffy cloud, was a black figure of a majestic woman sitting on the throne, watching her kingdom.

She sensed the arrivals of four unexpected people, one of them is someone she did not want to see.

"Meliodas… why did that bastard come back to my kingdom?" She gritted her teeth in anger at the simple thought of Meliodas.


Thanks to bluescreens guide, Alex and the others were able to find the location of the Demon King.

After living in Purgatory for a 1000 years there was no way that the Demon King was not able to sense the others presence, it's only that he didn't want to move from his spot, because that was the only way to escape from Purgatory.

"Wait!" Alex said abruptly as he remembered something important.

"What's wrong, Saviour?" Asked the sisters.

"I almost forgot to consume the Commandments that had been lying in my storage this whole time." Alex pulled out the powers of the fake Commandments that he took a long time ago.

When he was fully strong enough to consume the power of the Commandments that was the right time to absorb their powers.

"You are indeed ready to consume the fake Commandments. You will experience a greater power than you can ever imagine." Said Satan.

"Won't my body get taken over by the Demon King, just like what happened to Meliodas in the manga."

"It could happen to anyone, but you have a system and me to stop that from ever happening."

"Sweet!" Without hesitation, he consumed 10 dark orbs all at once.

The orbs entered his own body from all sides.

He started to feel the immense power in his body rampaging like a wild stampede.

A dark miasma was leaking out of his body, and he couldn't contain it.

He was correct to wait patiently 1000 years just to fully consume this power, if he hadn't done so, his mind would have gone mad with power. This place made his mentally stronger as well, as well as spending 500 years in the other hell.

((Alexander Anderson 2,800,000))

Before this, his power level was only 300,000 but now it raised by 2,500,000 which was unimaginable.

((Lu Linlin 250,000))

(Lu Lili 248,000))

The sisters have also experienced a rise of power level after spending so much time in Purgatory.

But, the one who had the highest power level out of all of them was Steven.

((Steven 3,500,000))

"Saviour is so strong." The sisters said in awe of his sudden transformation.

Alex agreed. He clenched his fists at pure joy of receiving such a huge power up.

However, though power levels are important, that is not the only thing that Alex should only focus.

Merlin probably had one of the lowest power levels Alex had ever seen, but he feared her more than Meliodas, because of her pure knowledge.

She could even toy with people with power levels over 100,000.

And just like the Demon King, his power level is not the only thing that they should be wary of.

The Demon King sensed the arrival of those four beings. He remembered Alex when he threatened him before cutting off his only connection with Hawk, that was how he was able to monitor Meliodas all this time.

Not to mention that he could feel the other half of his power inside Alex right now.

They continued to approach the Demon King until they saw his massive figure.

"Woah!" Linlin and Lili said at the same time when they saw the giant figure of the Demon King. This was the first time they have ever seen someone as giant as him.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call him a titan instead of a Demon King, his height could make any titan from the anime "Attack on Titan" seem like an insignificant figure.

"Did someone call for me?" Captain Levi said out of nowhere.

"WTF! CAPTAIN LEVI?!" Alex said at this complete randomness.

"Go back to your own world!" Satan summoned a truck out of nowhere and Isekai'd Levi back to his own world.

"Satan, why did you use a damn truck?" Asked Alex.

"Why wouldn't i? It is literally the most common way to travel to another world."

"But, wouldn't that truck sent him to another world instead of his own world?" Asked Alex.

"SHIIIITTTT!!! Be right back." Satan disappeared as he appeared.


"I see you finally came here to die by my own hand." A deep and loud voice resonated throughout the land.

It was the Demon King who said that, he looked down upon the people in front of him.

Alex has grown very curious of the power level of Meliodas' dad. He couldn't help but use Balor's magical eye.

((Demon King 4,000,000))

His power is one of the highest Alex has ever seen, but that should mean that this should be a fun fight. Even when Alex absorbed that power, it somehow is still unable to be on par with the Demon King.

The Demon King grows stronger even to this day. He has lived for over 100,000,000 years, which tells you enough of his power.

When he originally divided his power in half, he only had a power level of 5,000,000 which makes sense that Alex was only able to raise his power level by 2,500,000 which is half of his power.

But with the countless years that he has spent in Purgatory, his power has nearly risen to that when he was in his prime.

'If he halved his power level, then does that mean that the Supreme Deity has a power level of 5,000,000?! No wonder that the Goddess clan and the Demon clan had so much trouble killing each other during the holy war.' Alex thought.

But, there was also the possibility that the Supreme Deity has a power level exceeding 5,000,000 If the Demon King could still raise his power level, then that doesn't mean that she can't.

"You dare try to take my throne? The Demon King's throne?" Said the giant figure.

"You are not the true Demon King, only a false one." Alex added.

"Hm." He swung his majestic broad sword at the group.

Alex thought that due to his size, his speed should be slow, right?

But no, it was quite the opposite. His speed and strength far exceeded what Alex originally thought.

The group dodged the attack and split up, avoiding his attack.

Alex has to play this smart. The Demon King has the power of the 'ruler' all attacks and weaknesses are meaningless to him, as he can reverse the effects on himself.

It's a cheat ability, but Alex has a cheat system.

Alex had a thousand years to think about this, and he had some ideas on how to take him on.

"As long as I am standing here, no one shall be able to exit Purgatory." He swung his arm which then lightning started raining down on everybody.

Even when lightning hit everybody, it did not kill them, thank god for immortality.

"Wait, I never gave Steven immortality, so how is he still alive?" Alex forgot about this small fact, but even without immortality, Steven was still an OP horse.

Steven was bored out of his mind and he wanted to leave this place once and for all. So he flew straight beside the Demon King, but how could he let him?

With a single slap, he sent Steven flying back several hundreds of meters away.

"What a strange and rare animal, even rarer than that hog that keeps trying to break out of Purgatory."

There isn't another animal like Steven anywhere else in the multiverse, which is isn't strange for the Demon King to compliment Steven's rareness.

Alex launched his spear straight at his chest, hoping to deal in some damage to him.

Alexander is fully aware of some of the abilities the Demon King has, such as the ruler, but would that work on his spear?

His spear has merged with the winged sword, the only known weapon known in the anime to deal high damage to Demons, even high ranked demons like Meliodas and Zeldris.

Though his spear stabbed the chest of the demon king, it merely scratched him. Not even Alex's spear can damage him, thanks to that cheat ability known as the ruler.

"I can feel the energy of a many different things inside you. What are you exactly?" Asked the Demon King as he crouched down to Alex.

"My name is Alexander Anderson. And they are Lu Linlin, and Lu Lili, my best friends." Alex pointed at the Lu sisters.

"I am a human, fairy, hollow, shinigami, and demon. I am a single entity of many different things in one body."

"Your words mean nothing to me. The moment you stepped into this world is the moment you sealed your faith. Even though you have taken half of my power, it is still not enough to defeat me."

"Maybe, but I already killed your sons, and you will be next to join them." Alex said.

The Demon King did was not fazed by his words, as it did not hurt him emotionally. He is the Demon King, he could care less about anyone than himself.

"Pity, but Zeldris and Estarossa died because they were too weak." He was about to conjure up his lightning spell again, but Alex had no intention of letting him.

"Invasion!" He shot a blue arrow straight at the Demon King's forehead, and he returned the memories of Estarossa, or as everyone should know him by his other name, Mael.

"What?" He said, momentarily dazed.

"Now!" Alex summoned his spear above the Demon King and used his droplet of life on him.

"AAAAHHH!!!" He yelled out in pain, as it was a terrible pain that was unexpected.

The ruler is a power skill indeed, but it had a fatal flaw. All healing effects the user received while using said skill, will experience the opposite.

Droplet of life could restore all wounds, heal limbs, and recover stamina. If its effects were reversed, it could be severe and painful.

"FUCKING HUMAN!!!" He deactivated his ruler skill so Alex wouldn't use that cheap trick on him.

"Linlin! Lili! Steven! NOW!"

Steven was the first to react, and he knocked the Demon King down to the floor with his full strength.

The Demon King was having a hard time processing this. Alex did more to him than just restore his memories, he actually wiped a big portion of his mind, as well as rewrote new ones.

If the original Gowther could mess with the memories of even the Demon King himself, then there is no need to mention that Alex could as well.

If Alex could have wiped out his entire memory, then he would have, but he needed a bit more time.

While his mind was in shambles, Lili flew towards him and stabbed his eye socket, blinding him mo

Linlin used her speed to climb up the Demon King's body and cut off his other eye. Since he wasn't using his ruler skill, he could not avoid the damages the Lu sisters were doing to his body.

"Not like this! I am the Demon King! Magic cancel!" Somehow, he used a spell that erased Alex's invasion, and restored most of his memories.

"Perfect cube!" Lili used a spell that she bought from the system thanks to Alex's recommendation, she decided that she was gonna be like Merlin, only better.

Alex did not mind spending a few measly SP, if it can guarantee a higher percentage on taking down the Demon King.

Since Lili also had infinite stamina, the magic cube she conjured up was able to cover the Demon King inside it, almost like a giant cage.

He was slowly regenerating, that was one of the many passive abilities many demons have.

"Perfect cube? Such a weak spell. Magic cancel!." He destroyed the cube by no surprise, but Alex was only smiling.

"Bankai!" Alex said softly.

The Demon King started to feel very hot, even hotter than the flames of Purgatory. He noticed he was feeling very hot on his stomach, as if it was burning him.

"While you were down, I had Lili and Linlin blind you momentarily, while I placed Chastiefol inside your stomach."

"It'll still take seconds before you kill me, its enough for me to reactivate my ruler skill." The Demon King made a mocking face towards Alex as he activated his ruler skill.

But, then he found something abnormal about his skill.

"Did I forget to mention what specific memories I erased from your mind?" Alex smiled mischievously.

The Demon King understood now, Alex's aim was his ruler skill all along.

Droplet of life was never gonna be able to kill the Demon King, no matter how many times he used it.

Alex had thought how to deal with that ruler skill, until, he had a bright idea.

Why not erase the skills from the Demon King's memory?

Alex specifically erased the part of the Demon King's mind where most of his spells reside, and messed up his while spells list.

For example, someone who is adept in many languages, but then he only starts speaking in only one language for many years, completely forgetting to practice other languages.

Over time, he completely forgets how to speak in the language he used to know.

That is what Alex did, he completely made the Demon King forget how to activate his ruler spell.

The Demon King knew he had no time to panic. He literally stabbed himself in his stomach with his bare hands, just to take the spear out of his system.

But, his hand was burned completely upon touching his spear.

Demon King or not, even he cannot go against the heat of the sun.

There appeared a giant hole in his stomach, and he went down for good.

First plan: Make the Demon King deactivate his ruler ability: Check.

Second step: The sisters and Steven distract him while Alex messed up with his memory: Check.

Third: Kill the Demon King then quickly extract his soul: Check.

Alex deactivated his bankai as soon as most of the Demon King's body was burned to ashes.

Linlin quickly extracted the Demon King's soul, which she was able to pull off without effort.

If Alex was correct, then if they were to leave the Demon King like this, then maybe he would have somehow been able to come back to life.

If Meliodas could come back to life, then that doesn't mean that the Demon King cannot do something like that either. Its too much of a risk to take.

HIs soul was dark, pungent, and had a dark energy emanating around it. It tried to escape from Linlin's hands, but she grasped onto it tighter.

"Finally… after 7 chapters… 1000 years of cruel training… all for this moment." Alex started tearing up, as all that cruelty they had suffered was worth it.

"Man, his soul is by far the second worst I have ever seen… next to Hitler's." Satan waved his hand in front of his nose because the smell was so bad.

Alex and the sisters also had the urge to throw up just by simply looking at it.

"Do I have to eat this stink bomb?" Asked Alex.

"If you want his power… then yes."

Alex pinched his nose tightly, closed his eyelids and quickly stuffed the pungent soul in him.

The second it touched his tongue, his eyes started watering from the smell alone. He immediately swallowed it not even bothering biting it beforehand.

He got on his knees as he was trying to throw it up, but he didn't want to, because if he did he would have to eat it again.

Even the sisters felt like they could not pull off something as disgusting, unless Alex tells them to.

*GULP* Finally, he swallowed the black soul.

He probably had a tougher fight eating the soul than the fight earlier today.

{You have eaten the soul of the Demon King}

{You have gained 4,000,000 PL}

{Total power level is 6,800,000}

{You have completed a difficult mission}

{Awarded 10,000,000 SP}

{Awarded a new skill: Dark-Demon energy}

As much as Alex wanted to say he was happy, he couldn't, he was experiencing a stomach pain.

"C-Can I buy some toothpaste, or something to get rid of this taste lingering in my mouth." He asked.


"Let's just get out of here." Alex was the first to exit Purgatory followed by LinlIn and Lili.

Steven had already left long ago, it's just that the others didn't notice it.

When Alex saw the beautiful scene of the outside world, he was amazed, because this was a literal heaven compared to Purgatory.

The same goes for the sisters, they had long forgotten what this place looked like.

But, Alex still had the urge to throw up.

"Girls, please get me something to eat, something to get rid of this taste." Alex said.

"Okay, Saviour." They left in a flash using their abilities to get Alex some good quality food. It was their job as maids to take care of his every need.

Unknown to them, the moment Alex stepped foot on this piece of land, the world was beginning to experience something terrible.

-Back with Meliodas.

"Why have you come here?" Asked the Supreme Deity.

Her throne was so huge that not even Meliodas could see the top of the chair, or even the figure sitting on it.

The voice of the Supreme Deity reached the ears of Meliodas and the Archangels.

"I thought I told you that the next time I see you I will kill you." The Supreme Deity did not give them a chance to speak before she launched a meteor on them.

They all dodged her attack, but more and more meteors keep raining down on them.

The Supreme Deity was also mad at her own subordinates for bringing Meliodas here. Her rage still hasn't subsided from back then, and it probably never will.

"Wait! I came for your help." Shouted Meliodas.

"You came here to die." She wouldn't listen, she kept showering them with meteors.

"My Lady, there is someone strong that we fear will become a burden to the world." This time Ludociel told her what was happening, but still no use.

"Not interested, traitor." She was about to kill them, until her entire land started to shake violently.

"Hm?" She stopped summoning meteors, because she felt something was amiss.

Meliodas felt it too, it might seem like an ordinary earthquake to most people, but there are no earthquakes in this part of the world.

They sensed something powerful caused the whole ground to shake, and there can only be two people on earth who can have this much power, one of them being the Demon King.

"This power."

"It's my dad'" Meliodas said. Why would his father be here right now. Or more importantly, how did he escape?

"This shouldn't be possible." The Supreme Deity murmured to herself.

They all thought that it was the Demon King who was making the world shake violently, but they're wrong, that energy came from Alex alone.

Ever since Alex absorbed the powers of the Demon King, he became the other demon king.

Because the power of the demon king is so powerful, the world itself cannot contain its power, and its land will continue to be destroyed little by little.


The one responsible for all of this was lying face down on the dirt, waiting for the Lu sisters to return with something to get rid of the foulness in his mouth.

He sincerely lost the will to live, and his stomach pain wasn't helping him. It's gonna take some time before he gets back in shape. Maybe by next chapter.