
"TEN MILLION!!! Are you kidding me?" Ban shouted out loud in shock, he and the others couldn't believe it.

"Wasn't his power only at 75,000? How did he get so powerful in such little time?" Gilthunder was afraid, 'cause this level of improvement is unheard of anywhere.

For them, only less than a day had gone by since they had seen Alexander. But, Alex and the Lu sisters only know the brutal process they went through to get this strong.

Alexander let out a malevolent energy that made them all fearful of him. Even their wills were being oppressed by the strength and evil energy that Alex let out.

His energy made the people of the demon clan seem like the good guys.

"What are you exactly? This is not anything that I have ever seen, not even the original Demon King could have such power and energy." Asked Elizabeth, she too was very fearful of him.

"Well, Elizabeth, I can show you exactly what I am."

Alexander activated his own technique that he bought from the system in Purgatory.

"Extreme Sonido."

Also known as "Sound" in spanish, it is a move used by the Arrancary, it is similar to flash step but it is roughly to its speed.

When someone uses Sonido they move very fast, depending on the user it can be very fast, almost like teleportation.

However, Alex used the systems power to combine similar abilities to Sonido.

{Sonido + Flash step = Super Sonido}

{Super Sonido + Hirenkyaku = Extreme Sonido}

(I kept the name 'Sonido' because I always liked the name for some reason.)

Flash step is a fast-movement technique used by Shinigami.

Hirenkyaku is a fast-movement technique used by the Quincy in Bleach.

If Alex could combine various other powers into one, then he can definitely do the same with fast-movement techniques.

Alex also bought these skills for Linlin as well, and her speed is still superior to his.

Alex appeared behind Elizabeth and gripped her wings, before pulling them out with brute force alone.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!" Elizabeth cried out in pain, she didn't even see or sense when Alex appeared behind her

Alex appeared once again where he was, but on his hands was Elizabeth's wings, dripping blood.

Even the ark that surrounded her and her friends could not stop him. He went so fast that he broke through the barrier.

"When did he…" The seven deadly sins could not even react to his speed, they were caught off guard.

"Elizabeth!" Ban was gonna run up to support her, but Elizabeth waved her hand to stop him.

"Do not get close to me." She started using her healing technique which closed her wounds, but her wings were gone for good.

"I know that Meliodas is gone to recruit the Supreme Deity. I wonder if that is why I cannot sense his presence in this world, because he is already there."

Alex was not bothered by this, in fact he already predicted that Meliodas would do something like that.

He read the minds of others which is how he knows about this information.

The wings on Alex's hands burned to a crisp and he threw the ashes to the ground.

"Let's play a little game I like to play, it is called 'lethal pop-quiz' Tell me, how many of you will die before Meliodas arrives?" Alex smiled sinisterly making him look like a true demon.

Fear struck everyone's hearts. They had never tasted death like this, even after confronting the 10 Commandments at once.

"Your opponent is me, you will not kill my friends." Elizabeth summoned a holy ark and covered herself and her friends once more, this time her shield is a bit thicker than before.

"Okay, there is a lot of you and only one of me, so obviously this isn't fair… for you." Said Alex.

"However! I am willing to make a deal, Elizabeth."

Their ears perked up. Is he making a deal because he can't get through the shield?

If that was what they were thinking, then they were wrong.

Alex can destroy the barrier with his power alone, but since he is in such a good mood right now, he is feeling generous to spare some lives.

"I will spare your friends, Elizabeth, but in exchange I demand your life."

"Bullshit! You will have to get through us first!" Ban and the others put themselves in front of Elizabeth to protect her.

"Oh Ban, wasn't our last encounter enough for you?"

"Wait, Ban. Stay back." Elizabeth shoved them slightly aside to face Alex behind her barrier.

"What are you doi-"

"How do I know what you are saying is the truth?" She interrupted Ban.

"Because if I wanted to, I would kill all of you right now. But after being set free from that prison, I am feeling kind enough to spare your pitiful lives."

"If I say yes, will you also spare Meliodas?"

"I am afraid that isn't possible."

Elizabeth thought about it for a second, then her face turned serious once more

"I am sorry guys. I cannot let Meliodas die." She said.

"It's okay, Princess. We weren't gonna let you die for us either way."

Once again, they all stood firmly beside Elizabeth to fight against the power Alexander. No matter how strong he was, they were not going to give up on the lives of others.

"I thought all of you were smart, but it seems I was wrong. Very loyal indeed, but very stupid." Alex shook his head, looks like he is going to have to kill them after all.

"You don't know anything about being loyal." Elaine said.

"Oh, don't i?"

At that moment, Alex felt a strong presence behind him, it felt like a warm breeze when this man appeared behind his back.

Escanor was going to finish this fight in one move.

Alex didn't move an inch. His lip was slightly curled up because he doesn't fear Escanor anymore..

If this was before, he would have been more than happy to test out his strength on Escanor, but now, Alex is on a whole new level compared to last time.

"Lili." He said. As Escanor was about to slash Alex in half with his ax, Escanor felt a sudden force from above as it forced him down to the ground.

Lili went atop Escanor and kicked him down in the ground before he could react.

"Oh, Escanor. I spared your life and yet you still want to fight me. Guess it makes sense, your pride wouldn't let you live with that."

Escanor was about to respond, but Lili forced his head down to the ground with her foot. Not even Escanor is strong enough to overpower her now.

Escanor still isn't at full power yet, but that still wouldn't be enough to win against Lili, who has received powers from the system and spent the last 1000 years in Purgatory.

"These games bore me, but this will bring a smile to my face."

He summoned his spear out of this air, this was possible because he merged it to his soul as his very own Zenpakuto.

He aimed his Chastiefol straight at Escanor's head.

"NOOOOO!!!" Elizabeth was about to react to stop Alex from killing Escanor, but it was too late.

Alexander thrust the tip of the spear through Escanor's skull, killing him instantly.

After doing so, he collected his soul.

"You couldn't live with your own failure, and where did that bring you? Back to me." Alex gave the soul of Escanor to Lili so she can eat it.

"I assume you're gonna be stealing quotes from Marvel movies from now on?" Asked Satan.

"Why not? I am like the Thanos of this story."

"Hm. That pretty much sums up your character, except that you don't seek to kill people to bring equality to this universe."


"Saviour, here he is." Linlin appeared before Alex and brought him Gowther.

Gowther was hiding in plain sight so he could use his invasion ability on Alex when he had the chance.

Too bad Alex also predicted this, as he also would have done it.

Gowther was already dead, as he has a deep hole in his chest, head and abdomen area. He died from Linlin's attacks.

There is so much damage that he can take. Too much and he will die.

"He didn't have a soul?" Alex asked.

"No. I think because he was a doll, he was never given a soul."

"I thought so too." Alex agreed with Linlin's statement.

"ARK!!!" Seeing even more of her friends dying before her very eyes, she couldn't take it anymore and launched the strongest ark she had ever conjured up.

Alex felt that this ark was very powerful, but even he could take on this power.

But that wouldn't be fun for him.

"Perfect counter!" He deflected back her attack right back at her.

Elizabeth did not expect her own attack to be reflected. But with her quick reflexes she conjured up another ark powerful enough to shield themselves from their attack.


That caused a huge explosion that the land that they all stood on was nothing but charcoal.

Luckily for them they were able to survive the blast, but they still had to face Alex's power.

"See these two beautiful girls? They are my partners and they are very loyal to me."

Elizabeth was crying a river of tears. How many more of her friends must die? Escanor, Diane, King, Merlin and Gowther are gone forever.

"I guess this was expected. Probably only the Supreme Deity can give me a good fight, so I wonder if taking your soul will force her to come out from her hiding spot?"

Alex put his hand on Elizabeth's back and her soul came out from her mouth. Elizabeth did not lose the will to fight, it was that she cannot even put up a fight against Alex's power.

She only managed to damage him at the beginning because he let his guard down.

Her body plopped to the ground, lifeless and without a soul.

Alex examined her soul and realized it is as pure as Meliodas' soul.

"Another good soul."


Ban could not react fast enough to save Elizabeth, but if he were to kill Alex right now then this nightmare will be over.

He used his snatch ability to rip out Alexander's heart out.

Alex was born a human, so he has only one heart unlike the demons who have 7 hearts.

When Ban took Alex's heart he crushed it like a grape, his hand is fully covered in blood..

"That'll teach you to mess with us sins." As if he already won, he felt somewhat relieved.

The Lu sisters face did not change their expression in the slightest. They knew that taking out their hearts is nowhere near enough to actually kill them.

"Did you say something?" Alex turned to face Ban pretending not to notice what had happened.

Ban and the others were utterly shocked. Wasn't he supposed to die?

"How are you still alive?" Asked the sin of greed/Ban.

"You think that just taking out my heart is enough to kill me? That's only step 1. What about two through ten?"

Alex stuffed Elizabeth's soul inside his storage space. He started walking to them at a normal speed.

"Any last words, Ban?"


"I thought so."

Alex grabbed Ban's throat and slammed him down to the ground with enough force to make a large crater on the ground.

"You should feel proud, Ban. You are the first man to ever steal my heart. I will send you to meet your friends in hell where you belong."

"FUCK YOU!!!" Ban yelled as he tried to release himself from Alex's grip. Not even his physical hunt is granting him enough power to overpower Alex.

Alex has infinite stamina thanks to Lili's infinity skill, which he paid for a long time ago from the system shop.

"STOP!!!" Elaine yelled abruptly.

"Elaine… run."

"Nonono. I wanna see what your loli girlfriend has to say." Alex kept holding down Ban in the ground by the throat.

"Release him, now!"

"And why would I do that? I can just take his soul right now and kill you all later."

Right now, the remaining ones are Elaine, Howzer Gilthunder and Hawk.

As for King Aurther, he is missing or something.

"If you let him go, I will be your slave." Elaine said truthfully.

"No! Elaine!" Ban kept on trying to release himself but to no avail.

Alex was weirded out. Why would Elaine say that?

Then a thought struck him.

In many light novels, it is common that a rare species of humans to be treated as slaves, like elves and such.

And in this world there had been cases of fairies being auctioned as slaves, or have their body parts, especially their wings, be sold as well.

Elaine thought that if she would offer her body then Ban would be released, a very cliche line indeed.

But, Alex was not like other men.

During all that time in Purgatory, he learned to not let into his desires. According to Satan's words, a man can only become powerful if they don't give in to their sins.

Alex is not greedy, lazy, lustful, maybe a little bit destructive and prideful, but that is all.

He was never one to think with his dick, unlike most light novels out there where the MC always has a harem after being rescued or some boring cliche line.

"I have no need for your body, nor do I find you necessary to keep around, as you are very useless to me."

Elaine did not think her plan would backfire. She loves Ban and would do anything to save him, even as far as to risk her life for him.

Alex looked at Ban trying his best to escape from his grip. He was gonna add something else until he felt a hand poking his shoulder.

"Saviour, I sense many people with powerful auras headed this way." Said Lili.

Alex extended his senses far, it's a technique he always used in Purgatory when hunting animals.

Lili was right, many people with powerful auras were headed right where they are right now. 5 of them had a more powerful aura than the rest

One of them had a very familiar power that Alex recognized. Meliodas.

"It seems our friend, the Leprechaun, brought in some help."

Alex grabbed hold of his Chastiefol and threw it right where Meliodas was. The distance between them was very, very far, but Alex could even hit things miles away.

One can do a lot in 1000 years. So practicing his throwing skills, among other things, was like a hobby for him.

"Saviour, want us to take care of the pests?" Asked Linlin pointing at Ban and the others.

"Do whatever you want. I want to really face that Supreme Deity."

Far away, Meliodas and many others from the Goddess clan flew right at the direction of Alex

Since Meliodas was finally able to convince the Supreme Deity to help him, she literally brought all the goddess clan members to fight Alex, the Demon King.

Their numbers were huge, extending over 100,000. You can tell that not even the Supreme Deity is not gonna take any chances against something as powerful as her.

"Something is incoming!" Ludociel shouted.

Alex's spear was travelling so fast that before they even had the chance to react to Ludociels words, the spear had already pierced 100 members of the Goddess clan in a second.

The spear did not stop there, is changed direction diagonally, horizontally, it can change directions as if it were being manipulated by an unseen force.

Far away, Alex had his eyes closed as he put all of his focus into his chastiefol.

He could even command his spear from a long distance without breaking a sweat.

That spear continued to kill, until a hand reached out towards it and stopped it in its tracks.

It was the Supreme Deity who stopped that spear with her strength alone.

"This weapon feels ominous. This Alex character is even more powerful than you deemed him to be, Meliodas."

A small girl, who looked no more than 8 years old was very angry at Meliodas.

Do not be fooled by her loli appearance, she is the Supreme Deity A.K.A. Elizabeth's mother.

The Supreme Deity has chubby cheeks, her height was at least the same height of Elaine's. Her hair and her eyes were exactly like Elizabeth's.

Alex sensed someone stopped his spear, and it wouldn't budge one bit. But that was okay, he did not looked a bit worried.

"Bankai!" He murmured to himself.

The Supreme Deity felt her hands getting burned, she released the weapon that was getting hotter by the second.

They moved far from the spear so the heat wouldn't affect them.

Once they were at a safe distance, they heaved a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay?" One of the four Archangels asked the Supreme Deity. She just got her hand burned by the spear.

"It's only a small burn, there is no need for you to worry about me."

The heat disappeared, as the spear was back to its original appearance.

"Increase." Alex said.

The spear turned into hundreds of small kunais. They started spinning so fast that they created a strong *Whoosh* sound. (I could not think of any examples to compare this to.)

"Let's see if you can stop this attack." Alex lightly chuckled.

The small kunai's spread out and started killing more and more people from the Goddess clan.

Hundred began falling from the sky like red autumn leaves, just falling from their tree.

"Enough!" The Supreme Deity casted out her attack and destroyed all of the small kunais.

Before they could even react at all, the kunais once again reappeared and began killing more and more, there was no end to this.

The Chastiefol has the ability to regenerate after being broken.

"This is getting boring for me." Alex was started to feel bored by killing small fries, so he wanted to end this as quickly as possible.

He pointed at the direction where Meliodas was. At the tip of his finger, a small, dark, energy appeared.

It looked small and harmless to the merfolk eye, but this was anything but small and harmless.

"Cero Oscuras."

The black ball of energy shot out like a beam of pure power. The power of "Cero Oscuras" is a very famous technique used by most of the villains in Bleach.

The power of the Cero comes in many different ways, Cero is the most normal attack, while other attacks like "Cero Oscuras" are a more powerful version.

However, it is said that there was another power, another version of Cero that is more powerful than any other cero in the Bleach universe.

This power is called "Gran Rey Cero" Alex would have bought it to fuse it with his other Cero ability, but there was a catch to this power, its pricey.

Cero Oscuras was a bit less than 10k SP.

But Gran Rey Cero is worth 5M. Alex only has 4M SP left.

(I believe Gran Rey Cero is the most powerful, because of two reasons, Ichigo actually used this technique, not too sure when but that is what it says on a website I use. And another reason is that this technique was forbidden in Las Noches, because it could even destroy the Espadas' fortress.)

However, luckily for Alex the power of the Cero depends on the power of the user. And since Alex was still in his Hollow form, the power of his Cero Oscuras was very powerful.

The black beam reached the location of the Goddess people in seconds, they were so occupied with Alex's chastiefol that they barely noticed the black beam.


Meliodas reacted quickly and reflected Alex's attack back to him. Cero does count as a magical attack, which Meliodas can counter easily.

"Oh? Oh yeah, I forgot about his technique. Welp."

His Cero Oscuras headed right back to Alex. He just stood there hand slapped the beam of energy away as if it were nothing.

There was no point in using his perfect counter to redirected back to Meliodas, as he too would just use his full counter once again.

"Saviour, shall we use these people as hostages?" Linlin asked.

Alex looked at Ban, who is still in the ground. He didn't notice when Elaine somehow made it beside Ban.

"Good idea. Linlin, put them in a perfect cube."


A cube formed around the weak people, trapping them in their like a bunch of rats.

"Ban! Are you okay?" Asked the worried, legal, loli, fairy princess.

"I'm fine. Just my throat its dry. Cough." Ban was finally released from Alex's grip, and he felt alive as the air was travelling through his lungs once more.

Alex called back his Chastiefol, he already killed ¼ of the people from the Goddess clan, so he was satisfied.

"Meliodas, what was that just now?" Ludociel was referring to that beam of power that almost killed them.

"It didn't seem or feel like anything I know. It was very powerful indeed, but I do not know what it was."

Meliodas knew a lot of things, but this was the first time he had ever seen something like a cero.

A spell called "Exterminate ray" exists in this world, but it was nothing compared to a cero.

"Hmm… Tamriel, stay behind with my people, I will call for your help when I am sure that we are safe." The Supreme Deity ordered.


"Meliodas, Sariel, Ludociel, you follow me to deal with this menace."

"Yes!" All but Meliodas said in unison.

"And Meliodas, you know what will happen to you if you go back on your word."

"I know. Rescuing Elizabeth and my friends is all I care about."

The Supreme Deity was pissed today. Not only did she had to work with the second most hated person that she despised in the world, but she had to deal with this new entity threatening her and all life in this world, but also killed most of her people in front of her in a flash.

She cared for her people a lot, even her own daughter wasn't an exception, so someone killing them sets off something inside her head.

The world could not take the power of the new Demon King and the Supreme Deity at the same time. Tornadoes appeared, demons appeared, life was being sucked out of the earth. This planet wasn't safe from the power of these two beings that are no different from Gods.

"Hey, Satan?" Said Alex.


"Can I sell Elizabeth's soul for 1M SP?"

"Her worth is on par with Meliodas's soul, so yeah, 1M is about right."


{1,000,000 SP has been added. You currently have 5,000,000 SP remaining.}

"System, buy me the 'Gran Rey Cero.'"

{You have bought {Gran Rey Cero}}

{You now have 0 SP}

{Do you want to combine {Gran Rey Cero} with {Cero Oscuras}?}


{Insufficient funds. You need 30,000 SP}

"Dammit! Hmmm… How much are the souls of Ban and the others worth?"

{Ban: 300,000 SP}

{Gilthunder 10,000}

{Howzer: 5,000}

{Hawk: 25,000}

{Elaine 210,000}

"Lili, bring me the souls of Howzer and Hawk, please."

"Yes, Saviour."

"What?" Gilthunfer thought he heard him wrong, but when Lili entered the cube she dragged out Hawk and Howzer out of the cube.

"HEY!!!" Ban, Elaine and Gitlhunder started pounding on the cube to rescue their friends, but their strength is nowhere near enough to break the perfect cube.

"MAAAA MAAAA!!! HAAAEEEELLPPP!!!" Hawk started to yell out for her mama, but it was futile.

Without showing a hint of remorse for them, Lili sucked out their souls and handed them to Alex.

"System, sell these souls and combine the two Cero's."


{You have made up a new, powerful move.}

{You have created "El Dios"}

{"El Dios" is the move of the result of combining "Gran Rey Cero" and "Cero Oscuras"}

"Neat. Wait a minute… now that I think about it, wasn't Hawk calling out for his mother?"

"Yes, he was." Linlin said.

"Then… where did she g- *BOOM*"

Before he could finish his sentence, a huge body fell down on them from the top, the weight was as if a mountain had dropped on them.

But, Alex, Linlin and Lili had reflexes faster than lightning, and they were able to catch the thing before it crushed them like pancakes.

They threw the giant thing far away.

It should be no surprise that the thing is actually Mama Hawk.

"Where did she even come from?"

Mama Hawk started to show cracks on her body, and between those cracks a bright light escaped, it was so bright and dazzling.

Mama Hawk exploded, and she showered everyone nearby in a bright light.

Far away, The Supreme Deity was shocked. They all felt that new power coming from Alex's location, but it was very familiar to her.

"My lady, is that trouble I sense?" Sariel asked. They all saw that bright light, and were unsure if it was a threat.

However, she only smiled.

"No. Actually, its an old friend of mine."

"Old friend?" Meliodas said.

"Let's just say that we don't need to worry much anymore."

Back with Alex.

Mama Hawk's body was on the ground, shattered like a piece of broken glass.

But, what remained was a beautiful woman, her skin glowed brightly, her eyes were orange and her hair was yellow.

Alex couldn't help but wonder who she was. So he used his magical eye on her.

{{Mother of Chaos 15,000,000}}

Her power level was actually even higher than Alex's and by no small amount.

"I remember. There seemed to be a rumour on the internet that Mama Hawk was a powerful entity, called the Mother of Chaos."

"Ah well, it was nice meeting you, Alex." Satan did not say anything else and left.

Ban and the others couldn't believe that they used this powerful entity as a means of transportation all along.

"That shitty Captain. What the hell was he thinking using someone like her like a tool." Ban was still unable to believe what he was seeing.

"You killed my son." Chaos said.

"Ah shit." It looks like things were not gonna be simple like Alex thought.