New world

The Mother of Chaos was the first one to attack. She summoned quite a number of light rays of Chaos and directed all of them straight at Alex. The amount of those rays easily exceeded over 100.

Alex could already tell those chaos lights are very lethal to a soul. If a single one of those rays touches him, it could be fatal.

The Supreme Deity followed by throwing him two suns.

Alex stood there, motionless. They could not see his expression as it was hidden behind that gold mask.

Moments before their attacks reached him, he disappeared from their faces.

Even the two most powerful deities could not even follow his movement speed. It was as if he had teleported.

It was not teleportation that Alex used, it was his speed.

"The hell?!" Alex shouted in disbelieve.

He found himself literally floating above in the middle of the ocean. Not a single soul, not even a single piece of land could be seen anywhere.

He merely wanted to get out of the way of their attacks, and yet he somehow made it all the way to the middle of an unknown ocean in the blink of an eye.

"Man… I need to learn how to control my newfound powers."

With his power level at 21,000,000 he could not calculate accurately how his newfound strength works.

In the anime, Galand, with a power level of less than 30,000 was able to move at great speeds in a single moment. Logically speaking, Alex can move at even greater speeds without breaking a sweat.

Alex could sense the presence of the Lu sisters, and they are actually on the other side of the planet. He literally travelled across the planet in a second.

His power decreased from 21,000,000 to 20,400,000 as a sign that his sunshine ability doesn't work in this timezone.


The same two entities that were mentioned have already caught up to Alex. It took them quite some time to find him and to reach him.

The Mother of Chaos spared no time as she charged at him with another attack. She easily summoned even more rays, this time much smaller, but even quicker than before.

Alex saw those lights coming at him at a speed of a turtle. He wanted to test his newfound power, and what better way than with some live target practice.

"Bankai!" His whole body was enveloped by a scorching hot fire than even burned the ocean like the size of a huge chasm. Steam rose from the ocean as if it were a giant pot of tea.

The small light rays burned to a crisp before they could even get close to Alex.

"How can you use the power of the sun when it's nightfall?" Asked the Supreme Deity. She could already sense that Alex somehow had her most powerful Grace, Sunshine. She doesn't know he bought it from a system.

"Maybe because I am just that powerful."

With a simple wave of his spear, the two Deities were trapped in a fortress of fire.

"Your flame is very hot. However, I have faced hotter flames than this." The Supreme Deity and the Mother of Chaos weren't fazed by the heat at all.

The Supreme Deity raised her hand high up to the sky. As she did, a magnificent sword, carved with many complex symbols appeared on her hand.

The sword was as short as Meliodas' sacred treasure. Since the Supreme Deity is as short as Meliodas, then it is only natural that her weapon is a short blade.

The handle had two distinct small orbs, one red, and one white.

Alex could tell that the Supreme Deity summoned a weapon unknown to him. He has never seen these two in the manga before, so it is hard to tell just what kind of abilities they have.

He started to notice that his flames were being sucked out of existence. All of his flames were being sucked by the blade of the Supreme Deity.

Once his flames were fully absorbed, the Supreme Deity pointed the tip of her blade towards Alex.


The blade shot out a red beam of light at a great speed. The small red orb glowed a red light as soon as it absorbed his fire.

Alex barely dodged that attack, but not fully. His whole entire right arm was cut cleanly by that attack.

"The hell was that?" He did not expect that at all. What kind of weapon is that?

The two powerful Deities were not in the mood to chat. The Mother of Chaos used the time to sneak behind Alex and attack him with her Chaos magic.

"AAAAAGGGHH!!!" Alex was shot down to the deepest part of the ocean.

"You think he's dead?" Asked the Supreme Deity.

"I don't know. But it's better to be safe than sorry." She extended out both her hands towards the ocean and shot an infinite amount of light rays.

Any fish who were in the way were met with an unfortunate ending.

After literally shooting down Alex for 1 minute straight, the two Deities could not sense his presence anymore.

Sometimes in order to win a battle, they need to be very quick. If these two had acted way earlier, then maybe their children would still be alive.

"It's been a while since I have seen the supreme blade."

"I did not think I would need it. But, his power is a threat to all of us, so I had no choice but to bring it to battle."

The Supreme Deity caressed her blade gently. A hint of sadness could be seen in her eyes. She doesn't like fighting as most people would think. But, with the death of her daughter and her men, she couldn't control her rage to kill the main culprit.


A dark figure emerged from the ocean. It was none other than Alexander Anderson. He was in perfect condition.

"Damn. Both of you are still here?" Alexander said in an angry tone.

"How are you still alive?" Asked Chaos.

(Just to save time and words, I am gonna name the Mother of Chaos to just 'Chaos')

Chaos landed a critical hit with her chaos magic. It should have been enough to injure his soul to the point where he needs a long time to recover.

"It's a funny story. After you sent me to the bottom of the ocean, I knew my soul was gravely damaged. So, I took a short break to recover."

When Alex saw the infinite number of those light rays, he knew he could not avoid them, not with his injuries.

He still had no idea how to recover from a soul attack. His droplet of life only works on injuries the body suffers, not the soul.

According to bluescreen, his soul was damaged to the point where he needs to rest for an entire year. If he took any more damage than that, then his soul will really be destroyed.

So he did something he did not want to do again, entering Purgatory for a second time.

Luckily for him, he did not have to wait another 1000 years in that hellhole again. It honestly felt like he had to wait for an hour compared to last time.

And also, it was thanks to the various souls he ate that reinforced his soul. Like Evangeline's, the Demon King and so on.

"Bankai!" He once again conjured a powerful heat.

"Haven't you learned your lesson from last time?" The Supreme Deity was prepared to absorb his fire like last time.

But, his fire was disappearing. Not because of the Supreme Deity, but because of Alexander's spear.

Alex purposely conjured up even more fire than before and absorbed it into his spear. This is one of the many abilities that his shinigami power has.

His spear glowed a burning red, it radiated the same heat as the sun.

According to what Alex saw, the Supreme Deity has a weapon which can absorb magical attacks and return it with 10x the power.

When she unleashed his attack on him, the red orb on her sword handle glowed. He doesn't know what the white orb means, but he has some ideas on how it works.

Chaos kept spamming her attacks, which annoyed Alex. Just how many of those things can she shoot?

Alex could now easily dodge those attacks of hers. After spending another year in Purgatory, he had just enough time to get used to his new transformation.

His plan was to confront Chaos at close range combat. Since her specialty is based on long range attacks.

Chaos knew what he was planning, and she flew backwards as she continued to spam her attacks, like a newb. But it was very effective.

The Supreme Deity was going to support her friend, but was stopped by Chastiefol. The spear kept producing a heat that even made her sweat.

There was no way Alex could have these two work together. As strong as he is, he could not afford to make another mistake like last time. He counted himself very lucky to survive that attack.

Chaos saw through his plan easily. However, she isn't known as the mother of Chaos for nothing.

She stopped spamming her attacks then covered her whole body with the same light.

Alex was sure this was another attack of her and he retreated. Even if he doesn't want to admit it, her attacks scare him.

But, it wasn't an attack. She made clones of herself using the light.

Since her body was covered in the same light, her other clones had the same light as well. There was no way she can clone herself, but she can trick others using this method.

Alex could not tell where her real body is. Those chaos lights of hers somehow messed up with his senses.

"How many of those illusions can you make?" Asked Alex.


1 became 2, 4, 8,16 and so on.

The number of those illusions exceeded 100,000 they produced faster than rabbits could.

Even if they were illusions, each one of them is covered with her chaos magic. Touching one of them could be lethal.

"In that case." He extended his hand, and appeared another Chastiefol. This wasn't the same one that was facing the Supreme Deity.

The Chastiefol in his hand, is the original spear that was wielded by King himself.

When Lili killed King, she took his spear and gave it to Alex when they stayed at Purgatory.

He did not think he would ever need it, as he thought that having one Chastiefol was enough. But he was wrong.

During the time he was healing his soul, he knew that he needed more help. And so, he made King's spear his other Zenpakuto.

He needed the SP to make this spear his other zenpakuto, as he was out already. But luckily for him, Wild, Hawk's long lost brother, was still in Purgatory.

When Alex found him by chance, he took his soul and was granted 500,000 SP for it.

The reason Wild could never escape Purgatory even after the Demon King died, was because Alex shut down the doors of Purgatory.

In short, Alex is the only one that can let people leave that place or enter it.

The only difference between this Chastiefol and the other one, is that it doesn't have the winged sword mixed with it, as will as the other weapons that Alex infused on the other one.

However, it does have his Shinigami abilities and the other transformations that already came with it.

"Bankai!" His body once again burned brightly before it was absorbed by his spear.


His spear transformed into several kunai. And the best part was, each of those kunais possessed the heat of the sun.

He has thought about various ways to defeat Chaos and the Supreme Deity, and this was one of his many ideas, combining various powers.


Four small kunais surrounded Alex, protecting him from any attacks. The other kunais spread themselves out and destroyed Chaos's clones.

She couldn't do anything. Her attacks won't work on Alex, because his heat can burn her attacks before they even reach him. And she can't protect herself from them either.

Alex observed every single one of her clones. Her real body must be there. If he can identify the one, then it will be easy to kill her.

If her real body is there, then she will do her best to avoid his attacks. If he can spot out the abnormal one, then that will be her.

However, he was wrong. Chaos might have already seen through his plan, as she kept producing more and more clones. She made more than he could destroy.

She was looking for the opportunity to attack him. If she can stall him long enough, she will emerge victorious.

Alex thought something was weird. Her illusions are futile, and yet she kept making more and more clones.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Supreme Deity still fighting with his spear.

An idea popped into his head.

He extended her finger at her. At the tip, there was a small orb made out of malevolent energy.

Chaos did not know what Alex was planning to do, until she saw where he was pointing at, right at her friend.

"LOOK OUT!!!" She shouted.

"Got you!" Tracing the source of her voice, Alex had finally found her. He commanded every single one of his kunais to her location.

"Crap!" She fell into a trap he laid. Alex knew that she would react in some way if she saw her friend about to get shot by his Cero.

She wanted to flee, but two of his kunais went through her leg and shoulder. The pain was unbearable, but she didn't scream. She hid behind her clones so they can provide some kind of cover for her.

Alex felt when one of his kunais touched her. As soon as they did, he knew exactly where she was going.

He commanded his other spear and launched it at her. The spear, still as hot as the sun, impaled her stomach.

When she was hiding behind her clones, she too could not see very well. It was meant as a cover to protect herself from Alex, but it only worked for a short time.

There was an obvious hole in her stomach. Her insides were burned completely.

"No… Hawk…" Her clones disappeared and she fell to the ocean dead before she hit the water.

Alex went after her body. As far as cliches go, she will come back to life and give him another headache.

He burned her body completely, till only her soul was left. With her power, it shouldn't be surprising if he could fetch quite a price for her soul.

Her soul was bright and yellow, unlike all the other white souls Alex had ever seen. (Except for the Demon King whose soul was black)

Her soul was about to flee, but Alex caught it before it could escape.

But, his hand and soul was getting damaged from touching her soul. Just what kind of soul does she possess that can damage other souls despite being just a soul?

Without giving it another thought, he stuffed it quickly into his system storage. Thankfully his soul was slightly damaged. It should be healed when he takes a break for a few days or weeks.

'I need to learn how to strengthen my soul.' was his thought. His soul was by far the one thing he is mostly concerned about.

He emerged from the ocean. There, was the Supreme Deity still unable to believe what just happened.

"How did you…" She just could not believe that the Mother of Chaos, the most powerful being in the world, died by the hands of Alex.

Alex did not say anything. He brought both she spears by his side both pointing at the small loli in front of him.

"I am just paying you guys back for what you have done to me. She damaged my soul. But you, you took my hand. And now it's time I pay you back for that."

The Supreme Deity used her flash grace to flee, but Alex was quicker. Not only does he have a higher power level than her, but his footwork gave him an even bigger boost in speed.

He grabbed ahold of the arm that she had her sword.

"Nice sword. It's mine now. YOINK!" He yanked the sword from her hand, and proceeded to cut her arm with it.

"AAAH!!!" Her entire arm was gone, and she was bleeding heavily.

Alex examined her sword, and could not find out many details on it. But, he could tell that this is a very good weapon.

"Bluescreen, can you give me a detailed explanation on this weapon?"

{I cannot.}


{Weapon does not exist in the manga or anime. You will have to figure it out on your own}

"That's BS." Alex complained but he threw the sword in his inventory.

While Alex was occupied, the Supreme Deity had already healed her arm completely. She tried to flee, but Alex had already cut off her path.

"Haven't you learned your lesson already? You cannot escape from me, not with your speed." He started to get closer to her, but she kept going back.

"I warned you both, all I needed was Meliodas dead, and now both of you will suffer the same consequences for messing with me."

"You killed my daughter. How do you think any mother would react to that?"

"You have a good point there. Though I may not be a parent, but you are by far the second worst mother I had ever met."

"I will not die today. Not until I have avenged my daughter!"

A loud raging storm blew over. The winds were so rough that they began to cut Alexander, but not much. It merely felt like an itch.

The Supreme Deity had no other choice but to use her other Graces. But, they proved ineffective against someone like Alex.

Her winds could not hurt him, the ocean would be burned by him, her flash is not fast enough to escape from Alex, and her Sunshine is useless in the night.

Alexander reached out to her face and squeezed her hard. Her head was short, and Alexander's hands were big. Her muffled voice could not be heard.

She tried desperately to kick him and punch him, but to no avail.

"Just remember, you brought this on yourself *Crack*."

He pressed her skull so hard that it cracked. She stopped struggling as her body went limp. She died instantly.

He extracted her soul from her corpse. Her soul was purer and brighter than even Meliodas' and Hao Ren's soul. It might be because she is from the goddess clan, no one knows.

"I haven't seen a soul this pure in… forever. You have to give it to me!" Satan popped out of nowhere with drool on his mouth. He could already taste the soul in Alex's hands.

"Sorry, but no."


"Our deal was that I will give you the souls of the main characters, plus any other souls that I want to sell. But, since the Supreme Deity is not a main character, I have the right to not give you this soul."

"Bastard! After all I have done for you!"

"I am close to eating this soul." Alex slowly began to put the soul in his mouth.

"Don't you dare!"

"Imma do it!"

"What do you want?!" Satan really wanted that soul. He will probably never get another chance like this.

"I want to unlock another system shop."

"No. That can only happen after you have teleported to another world."

"Oh yeah… then I want 100,000,000 SP"

"Is that all?" Satan did not seemed fazed by this number at all.

"What else do you have to offer me?"

"Very well. Just so you know, I was prepared to offer you 50,000,000 for that soul."

{But, the soul is worth at least 150,000,000}

"Bluescreen! SHUT UP!"

"Ohoho! Satan is trying to con me. That's new."

"I wasn't trying to con you. You were the one who came up with the offer."

"Well, now I want 200,000,000"


"Or, you can just see just how I will enjoy this soul very slowly. This. Delicious. Tasty… soul."

"Fine! Here!"

{Received 200,000,000 SP}

"Sweet!" Alex chucked the soul at him as if it were nothing.

Satan grabbed ahold of the soul and stuffed it in his mouth as if it were a chicken nugget.

"Bluescreen, I want to merge Ryujin Jakka and Sunshine."

{The cost is 100,000,000 SP}

"I know."

{You have successfully merged {Ryujin Jakka} and {Sunshine}

{You have made a new ability {The one V2} }

{Who needs to wait till 12:00pm? When your powers will rise by 300,000,000 PL until the sun goes down}

{In short, you literally get an extra 300,000,000 boost in power for 12 hours straight}

Since it was still nightfall, Alex did not experience that surge of power. Just wait until he goes in a time zone where the sun is up.

"What about the other soul? How much SP can I get from her?"

Satan already left, it most likely had something to do with the soul he just ate.

{The soul of the Mother of Chaos is worth 0 SP}

"But her soul is strong and unique."

{That may be true, but it can harm the soul on anybody who touches it. Even my master might get hurt slightly by it}

"I see, no wonder he showed no interest in this soul. What can I do with it?"

{I suggest going to other worlds, maybe you will find the answer to that}

The sad part about this, is that he almost died, he got two powerful souls, and yet one of them is useless to him. It will be rotting in his storage bag for a long time.

"Oh well. I might as well check up on the girls." He disappeared and appeared before the twins.

The zone was unrecognizable. There were volcanoes erupting everywhere. As well as thunderstorms, lightning, rain, earthquakes and other natural disasters.

He found the twins playing tag with each other on the ground. They did not mind their destructive surroundings one bit.

"Saviour!" Both sensed his presence, and just like two small kittens, they pounced on top of him.

"What in the world happened here? Where is everyone else?" Asked Alexander.

He could see that they were very happy. He has rarely ever seen them in this great mood.

"Well, when you left, my sister and I began fighting everyone. It was epic. Until two of the Archangels trapped us inside this weird dimension. But luckily, Steven released us and we were able to kill everyone present. We even collected their souls, look."

Linlin talked like a cute little turkey and showed him the rewards of their harvest.

He smiled at them. They might be over 1000 years old, but their personalities never change.

"You two did such a good job." He patted their heads. They enjoyed it when he pats their heads, like two lazy kittens who just wants to be petted.

"Saviour, your soul seems to be hurt." After a moment, Lili realized something was wrong with her Saviour's soul.

It was damaged twice, and the sisters were a bit knowledgeable when it comes to the human souls. They are very observant, and noticed that Alexander's soul was weird.

"I'm okay. Bluescreen said I will be healed if I take it easy for a few days or weeks."

"Oh… okay. But if there is anything we can do, just tell us." They both said at the same time.

"I can always rely on you two. If there is anything I need, I will tell you."

"'Kay." They knew their saviour is strong, so there wasn't any need for them to worry about him like a little kid.

"Steven! Let's go."

"Where are we going?" Asked one of the twins.

"There is nothing left for us left to do in this world. This world is already doomed. We are going to the Naruto world."


{You still need to gather Meliodas' soul to travel to another world=}

"Oh right."

As if she could read minds, Linlin handed Alexander Meliodas' soul.


{Meliodas' soul confirmed! You have been given 1,000,000 SP}

{I know that master has already given you 1,000,000 SP the first time you gave him Meliodas' soul, but since you had to do twice the work again, I will give you another 1,000,000 SP}

"I didn't know you were generous."

{Meh. I'm alright}

"All right then. Bring us to the world of Naruto!"

A portal appeared in front of them, just like the time when they left the Dragon King's son-in-law world.

Alex took the twins hands and jumped to the portal with Steven following behind them.

Once they left, the whole world literally stopped destroying itself.

The skies cleared, the ground stopped shaking, lava stopped pouring from out of the ground.

Out of the rubble, a head with pink hair showed itself shortly after Alex and the others left.

"He's gone. Thank the lord. Now… I will finally become the Demon Queen of this world!"

That was none other than Melascula. Alex had completely forgotten about her.

Melascula was smart not to get mixed up with the battle, so she hid herself carefully. Now her, and some survivors, were the only ones alive in Liones.

Even those humans that somehow survived, they could not stand against the power of Melascula's wrath.