My name is Madara Uchiha

"I think I got lost somehow." Alex said to himself as he scratched his head.

He had been flying for hours now, and he could not find anything. He did find some ships, but he blew them up for the lolz.

"I probably should have asked for directions before killing those men."

His luck is really bad. First, he doesn't get a ship, and he can't even find a single island anywhere. With his speed, you would think it would have been a matter of time before he found an island.

But this world is way bigger than the seven deadly sins world. Even Alex would take some time to fully circle the entire world.

Finally, after so long, he finally found an island.

"Finally!" Alex said in pure joy.

Upon arriving at the island, he noticed it was somewhat gloomy and dark. He felt right at home for some reason.

"This seems familiar…"

He could not put his finger on it, but why did this place look so familiar? Where did he see it in the One Piece series?

"Dammit! My sense of direction can't be as bad as Zoro's… can it?"

-Far away on a ship.

"ACHOOOO!" A young man, with three swords strapped on his waist sneezed so loud that it woke up his crew.

"Are you okay?" Usopp asked.

The man who sneezed is none other than the famous anime character, Naruto. Just kidding, it's Zoro.

"Yeah. Someone must be talking shit behind my back." Zoro then stretched his limbs and proceeded to take a nap. There was a snot bubble on his nose from sleeping.

"How did this guy sleep so fast already?" Usopp asked to himself.

-Back with the REAL MC.

Alex extended his senses that reached the entire island. He felt that most of the inhabitants here were not human, but apes.

However, there seemed to be two others who are indeed human, but are stronger than most common people.

There also seemed to be a huge castle in the middle of the island.

What caught Alex's attention, is that when he extended his senses, one of the strongest figures seemed to have sensed him as well.

"Interesting." Alex said with a smile. There are not that many people in this world who can sense him from far away.

Alex jumped up high to arrive at the location that one person resided.

"What's wrong?" a floating girl, who is young with blue hair and twin tails, asked the person in front of her.

That girl was Perona. In front of her, is the infamous Mihawk.

They were just spending time together, Mihawk was reading the newspaper as Perona was annoying him.

But, without warning, Mihawk eyes shot up. He threw is paper on the ground and grabbed ahold of his sword, Yoru,

"A formidable foe has arrived on my island." Mihawk said.

"A foe? Who is crazy enough to enter in this island?" She said that, but realized soon after that her and Mihawk are those two crazy people who entered this place.

"..." Mihawk. He just glared at her.

"Oh... right…"

*Boom* a loud noise sounded in front of the castle door.

"Hello? Anybody there?" Alex knocked on the door several times and called out to them.

Mihawk did not move, he merely said. "It's open." being the world's greatest swordsman, why would he even think of running away when a strong person appears.

Alex heard him, and his voice sounded somewhat familiar. But he could not remember it either.

He pushed the door open. The first thing he saw was those two people, looking at him.

"Mihawk?! And… ghost girl?" He remembered Mihawk very clearly. But, he forgot the name of the other girl. He remembered seeing her in the earlier series, but he just forgot her name.

"Who are you?" Mihawk asked in a deep voice. He did not know how strong the person in front of him was at first, but seeing him in person, he knew that he was leagues above anyone he has ever met, including himself.

"I am just a passerby. I just came here to ask for some directions?"

"Directions?" Perona twitched slightly.

Who would come to a horror island, surrounded by strong apes, just to ask for directions?

She thought he was lying at first, but remembering Zoro and his 'unique' sense of direction, she could not help but wonder if the man in front of her also had the same problem.

-Back in the same ship.

"AAAACHHHOOOOOO!!! Who is talking behind my back?!" That was the second time his sneeze interrupted his nap, and it made him mad.

"Zoro, do you want to check if you have a cold or something?" a young racoon-dog was worried about his crewmate's health.

"Nah, I'm good." He just yawned lazily and went back to sleep.

-Back with the MC.

Mihawk did not trust the man in front of him either. No strong man as Alex just asks for directions in an island.

What also weirded him out, was the fact he has never seen him before. As someone who reads the newspaper daily, he has seen many wanted posters, and several events caused by major powerhouses.

And yet, this man has never appeared before in the news. With his strength it seemed unbelievable.

Mihawk has indeed met some hidden experts, but not of this caliber.

"You just want some directions?" He asked.


Mihawk looked at Perona. He sheathed his sword on his back as he was about to say something before Alexander added "And I also want to browse your books."

"Browse through my books?" He thought he would ask for a duel, as several other no-named pirates had done the same.

"Yes. Do you have any books on Haki and swordsmanship?"

{Are you trying to act like Zhang Xuan now?}

'Something like that.'

But instead of a reply, Mihawk closes the door on his face without warning.

"Wow~ is that how you treat people, by shutting the door on their face?" out of all the things that could have happened, this wasn't something he expected to happen.

"Didn't you just say that he was a strong foe?" Perona asked Mihawk, not surprised by his rude action.

"Do I look like someone who will listen to others?" Mihawk just sat down on his table, picked up the newspaper and drank some tea.

"No. But, aren't you afraid that he might do something?"

"I have seen guys like him. He won't cause any trouble even if I chose to ignore him." Mihawk responded casually.

Alex almost reminded him of Luffy, strong, yet with a dull mind of a 9 year old.

*Boom* *Clank*

There was a sudden noise on the front castle door.

Alex merely punched the door as he sent it flying across the room.

"Mihawk, I have come to bargain." (Yes, this is the famous line from 'Doctor Strange')

"..." Mihawk.

"..." Perona.

Perona was seemingly scared. Even she does not have the power to launch a giant door like that. Sure, Zoro and Mihawk could have sliced that door to tiny bits, but she couldn't do something like that either.

Mihawk merely gave him a glimpse before turning to his newspaper.

"There is something you need to know, Mihawk." Alex walked closer and closer to Mihawk, his footsteps echoed through the inside of the castle.

"Don't care." He responded.

"I want you to join my crew." Alex said.

This caught Mihawk's attention for a bit. He shook his head shortly after.

"I am the world's greatest swordsman. There is no way I will join some nameless pirates. But, I must admit that this is the first time I have heard that phrase in a while."

"I thought that too. But, what if I offered you something that might interest you?" Alex proceeded to take out a sword from his inventory.

"There is nothing that can-" Mihawk choked on his words as soon as he saw the weapon on Alex's hands.

It was none other than Excalibur, from the seven deadly sins world.

Alex took the weapon from the world not because of its power, but for this single purpose only.

He has never viewed himself as a swordsman, but what if he used this as a chip against Mihawk?

Even back then, Alex had already wanted to recruit Mihawk as a commandment. With Mihawk on board, his team will be overpowered.

Alex was already showering in joy when Madara joined his team, as he expected him to reject it at first.

Mihawk was only interested in a few things, strong opponents, swords and fine wine.

And that sword in front of him, was without a doubt the greatest sword he has ever seen in his life.

"You want me to join you, in exchange for that sword?" He asked in a serious tone. Mihawk now knew that Alex was not fooling around anymore, he was serious now.

"What? No! I do not think that you are low to join me in exchange for this sword." That almost sounded like prostitution, and Alex did not like the sound of that.

Mihawk's view of Alexander grew. It seemed that even he possessed some sense of pride.

"Instead, I want to make a deal."

"What deal?"

"If you can kill me, you will have this sword. If you fail to kill me, you will join my crew."

"Is that it?" He asked to be sure.

Perona was shocked. What kind of deal is that? This guy is offering his life in a deal. That's pure madness in Perona's eyes.

But in a world of pirates, it would not seem that strange to some people.

"Yes, that is all. Do you accept?"

"I do."

After Mihawk finished his sentence, he stabbed Alex right in the heart without hesitation. In a fight it does not matter if one side is ready or not, all that matters is living and killing that person before he gets the chance to kill you.

"Wow… you stabbed me right after we sealed the deal. I like that." Alex said in a creepy smile.

This time, Mihawk was shocked. How was he still alive after taking a stab in the heart?

Alex grabbed ahold of Mihawk's sword and pulled it out. He already sensed Mihawk aiming to kill him long ago, but he didn't dodge his attack.

The reason he made this deal was because he knew that he would win no matter what. There is no way Mihawk could kill him, with his immortality and all.

"I see. You cannot die, can you?" Mihawk asked after thinking about it.


"I should have seen that coming, but I did not expect that you would have eaten a devil fruit that grants you immortality."

Mihawk even fused haki into his sword, because he thought that the reason Alex challenged him was a logia devil fruit user.

(I don't know if someone who has eaten a devil fruit of immortality can be killed with haki, can he? I mean, haki users are deadly against devil fruit users, especially logia users.)

"I am not a devil fruit user." Alex said.

Perona was shocked, but Mihawk just drank his tea, which had gone cold after leaving it for a while.

-Back with Madara.

His flying speed was not as fast as Alex, but his luck was higher.

He had found a Yonko's base after 'asking' some people along the way.

Madara did not care which Yonko's base it was, as long as he or she was strong. He arrived at a beach, surrounded by sand and palm trees. It was a great sight, until several people, some of them animals, came to attack Madara without any warning.

"Die!" a man yelled as he aimed to stab Madara with a katana, but how could he?

Madara merely glanced at them, and put them all in a genjutsu. They are now motionless, like mindless zombies.

"Does a Yonko reside in these parts?" He asked one of them.

"Yonko? I don't know what that is."

Madara was confused. He had asked many people, and all of them had pointed out that this island resides a Yonko with supernatural powers.

Madara was not going to give up. He walked past those men, which he commanded to kill themselves.

The men stabbed themselves in their hearts, killing themselves instantly. They could not even control their bodies, and they had no idea how they even died.

Madara was an expert in sensing. With his acute senses, he found a couple of towns.

Upon arriving, he saw a poor town filled with beggars and whatnot.

"What kind of place is this?" Even back in his world, he has never seen such a town or village in such a poor state.

He entered the town, and saw an old man on the street, either drunk or dead.

Madara wanted to get information, and he hoped that this was the place.

"You're not from the land, are you?" A young woman, asked. She was pretty. She had long-black hair, wearing a kimono with chrysanthemum floral patterns on it.

"So what if I'm not?" Madara responded. He was not affected by her beauty, mostly because he did not find her attractive. And most importantly, the person in front of him is a male. AKA a trap.

"Outsiders who trespass on this island are killed, because it is a crime for people to enter this island or to leave it."

"I haven't heard of that rule." Madara now knew why those men wanted to kill him without a warning.

"You don't even know the name of this island, right?" She asked.

"No, I don't."

"Then what brings you here?"

"I heard there was a strong man residing in this land that I want to fight. Do you know anybody named Kaido?"

There was a moment of silence. The girl(man) is named Kiku. Her face froze when she heard those words come out of Madara's mouth.

"Kaido… I have heard of him. But, I would suggest not fighting him. I have never met him, but the stories I hear about him are something that nobody should mess with."

"I know. He is the reason that I came to this island in the first place."

"But… you could get hurt or even killed, most definitely the latter!" She said worried for the strange man.

"I hardly doubt that." He learned of his immortality from Lili, so he is not worried at all. Even if he didn't have his immortality, he felt confident fighting no matter who he faced.

"But… is there a way that I can stop you?" She asked.


"Bu-" before she could speak, Madara had already cast a genjutsu on her. He didn't do this earlier because she knew that she was doing this for his sake, but that didn't matter anymore.

"Where is Kaido?" he asked one more time.

"Kaido resides in a place called 'Onigashima' it is on the west of this island."

"Thank you." He flew off to fight Kaido at last.

Kiku woke up from her trance, and saw that the man in front of her was gone.

Moments later…

Madara found a town on the west of the island, and just like Kiku said, Kaido is indeed there.

Using his Rinnegan eyes, he was able to locate a powerful source of energy in the center of a giant building.

"Hm… let's see if this is enough to bring him out." He made a single sign with his hands, he held onto that sign for a few seconds.

The people residing on Onigashima were going on with their lives, totally carefree. That is until they noticed that the sky turned dark all of a sudden.

Looking up, they saw a boulder the size of a huge mountain, coming down on them.

No one said anything, or even moved a muscle. The immense fear and sudden attack made anyone unable to think.


The boulder sized mountain was significantly bigger than the one Madara used in the anime. And that was just the beginning.

The huge rumble was heard by everyone on Wano country.

Madara purposely aimed right at the center where Kaido was.

Moments after the boulder crashed, a figure came out of the rubble unscathed.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE?!?!" Kaido's voice resounded throughout the island. His rage could also be felt.

Madara landed in front of the giant beast. Kaido was like a giant to Madara.

"I believe I was the one who destroyed your measly little town." Madara said with his arms closed. No hint of remorse could be heard from his voice, even when he had just killed innocents and others.

"YOU?! Interesting." Kaido sized up the little man in front of him. Kaido was interested more in the one who caused all this damage.

"A worthless little human like you dares to go against me?"

"I just wanted to see how strong you are… and quite frankly I am not impressed." Madara shook his head.

"Hm." Kaido raised his club up high and striked down Madara with full force.

Madara summoned a Susanoo arm to stop his attack. To his surprise, that attack managed to crack his susanoo a bit.

'It seems his strength is on another level compared to that old hag. It must be that black thing covering his weapon.' Madara made a mental note.

Kaido merely smirked, not too many people could stop his attack, even with devil fruit powers.

Kaido was going in for another attack, but was launched several feet back when another arm came out of nowhere and punched him like a sandbag.

"I came to this island for a good fight, but I did not expect that you would be this weak. It seems only your size, strength and vitality are your only strengths." Madara said disappointed.

Then, the ground rumbles once more. The skies turned black and gray, creating loud and strong winds that blew everything in its path.

"Trust me, I was merely holding back against you. After all, what kind of adult goes full force on children?"

In front of Madara, was Kaido's dragon form. His strength and size are something else compared to before.

"A dragon? I have heard legends about such beasts. And I had always wanted to kill one. Today must be my lucky day, as I will finally kill one with my own two hands." He was not fazed by his sudden transformation, if anything he thought it would finally be a fair fight.

Madara activated his perfect Susanoo, matching the size of Kaido's dragon form.

"Before I kill you, tell me your name." Kaido seemed to be more interested in Madara as time goes on.

"My name is Madara Uchiha. A member of the Ten Commandments. The Commandment of Patience."