Joining the clan

"Can I ask something?" Alex asked after sitting in the carriage for a long time.

They were still inside the carriage all this time. It had food and drinks which they all happily ate. They are also curious about this world.

"What?" The old man asked.

"What is this place?"

"This place called the 'Ignis land' it's the land where the fire lord, rules all of these lands in the Starfield. There are actually 2 more families that are on par on equal strength with our clan, but I believe that the Ignis clan is the strongest."

"Are you three on war with them?" Alex already read the man's mind, it brought a smile to his face knowing the amount of experts that resided in these lands.

"Yes. I do hate to admit it, but those clans are very stubborn. I myself have fought against them, but was crippled not too long ago. And now here I am. I used to be at the True god realm, but now I am a measly half god. Such a shame." The old man was angered because his strength was stolen from him.

'It looks like getting those infinity stones are not far away from my grasp.' Alex thought.

Linlin and Lili also thought the same way, it was the perfect opportunity for their Saviour to accomplish his goal. With the amount of people in these clans and with their strength, it would be a great harvest for them.

Eggy just sat there.

She wondered why the 'Ignis' clan sounded so familiar to her. However, she couldn't recall it.

"You okay, Eggy?" Linlin asked.

"I'm fine." She said. "The Ignis clan sounds so familiar to me."

"You are an Asura spirit, right?" The old man asked.

"Yes." Eggy responded.

"I heard rumours that someone captured an Asura spirit not too long ago, actually. Like 25 years ago I believe."

"Really?" Eggy was surprised to hear that. Then again, she too had been caught.

In the world of cultivators, 25 years to them would be like the equivalent of weeks.

"I was merely a soldier for the Ignis clan, so I do not know much other than the rumors. But I heard that the oldest son of the fire lord, captured a male Asura spirit. And after all this time, he managed to subdue him like 2 months ago I believe. I don't know."

Since he didn't turn to stone, it meant that he could be telling the truth, but he could also be wrong. Even if one if giving wrong information and he thinks its the truth, then the Commandment of truth will not punish the host, since they are technically not lying.

"Oh, Eggy, this might be your lucky break." Alex communicated with Eggy through telepathy.

"What do you mean?"

"If what he said is true, then maybe I won't need to refine your Asura energy."

"Wait! You were serious about that?" Eggy asked.

"Dead serious. And you still need to kill a True god before your time is up."

"True god? But you said an Exalted soul is enough!" Eggy retorted.

"I did. But now things have changed." Alex merely smiled.

"Stinky, brat, bastard, Anderson--" She continuously insulted him through telepathy.

"And also." Alex interrupted. "Deactivated your Commandment of purity. I am sure we are going to a place where men are gonna drool over your body and I don't want all of them to fall for your curse." Alex wanted to play it safe, for now.

"Are you admitting that you find me attractive?" Eggy teased him.

Linlin and Lili, whom were listening by the side somehow felt angry.

"I am admitting that you are indeed attractive, but not to me, only to those horny cultivators who think of nothing but with their lower part. And compared to Linlin and Lili, your looks are decent."

"YOU!!!" Eggy seemed a little pissed. But the twins smiled.

"We're here." The old man suddenly said.

They looked out the window and saw the huge city of the Ignis clan. It seemed that the Starfield world takes the cake on the greatest city of all time, even the Chu Heavenly clan base paled in comparison before it.

"Woah." They all said.

"I know. Magnificent, isn't it?" The old man smiled when he saw their reactions. It was as if this was him home.

"And where the hell have you been?" An angry woman came up to the old man and gripped on his robe.


"Don't 'honey' me. I thought I told you that you should be lying in bed. Your cultivation is crippled!" She said.

"Hon, it was urgent. I was summoned by the lord himself and…"

"Saviour, how is he a cripple? Isn't his cultivation high?" Lili asked.

"As it turns out, those people with a power of less than 500M are considered weak and useless, or crippled to be more precise. Those with a power level of 500M and above are considered cannon fodder. Those above 1B are strong, And so on." Alex said.

"Ah." Lili understood now.

"Hm?" The angry woman didn't notice it, but when she looked at Eggy, she was stunned.

"An Asura spirit!" Her voice rang through the city, and everyone turned to see Eggy.

No matter what, even in the Starfield world, it was rare to even see an Asura spirit. Even the Ignis clan had trouble taming one until recently.

"Oh my god, she really is an Asura spirit!"

"She is so beautiful! I want her!"

"But look at those twins beside her, they are more stunning!"

"Heavens! These three are more beautiful than the fire princess!"

"And who is that guy beside them?"

"I don't know. Could he be their master or even husband?"

An endless chatter began. 60% of them was about the girls' beauty, 30% was about Anderson and their envy and rage for him. The remaining 10% was about Eggy being an Asura spirit.

"Dear, why didn't you tell me about her!" The woman's rage seemed more apparent.

"You were yelling at me."

"Humph!" The woman walked up to Eggy.

"Hello there, I am Yu. I am a 2nd rank in the Ignis clan. I am here to welcome you." She said.

"Second rank?" Eggy asked.

"There are four classes in this clan. The 1st rank is considered the strongest, 2nd is considered the in the middle, 3rd cannon fodder, and the last one are the crippled. I may be young, but I am very powerful."

She let out her cultivation, and it was 1.1B she was really strong.

Eggy, Linlin and Lili were affected by her power, but just a little bit. Her power level was higher than theirs.

"Hon! What are you doing?" The old man interjected.

"I am inviting her, of course. The fire lord will be pleased to have an Asura spirit over."

"Hon, didn't you notice that young man behind them." He pointed at Alex.

"And what about him?" She said. Then, she noticed that she couldn't sense Alex's cultivation level.

Alex walked towards her with a warm smile on his face. He looked gentle, decent, with a mysterious aura surrounding him.


He raised his hand and slapped that woman hard that she flew and spun many times while in the air.

"Unless you have a death wish, then you will not even think about touching a single hair from them. Or else I won't hold back." Alex threatened her.

The woman would have originally retaliated, but she found herself unable to speak.

She could not speak, not due to fear, but because Alex used his invasion ability and impeded her ability to speak. If he could, he could even make her stop breathing and suffocate her to death.

The old man stood by the side. He wanted to help her, but she brought this to herself.

"Hon, I meant to say is that the man is more powerful than you. And also, they came from the Upper Realm through the teleporting formation that our lord left behind."


"They came from such a weak world?"

When the crowd heard those words they couldn't believe it.

To be able to reach Exalted realm in the Upper Realms would be akin to being a god, but in a Starfield they're measly crippled people that aren't even worth taking a look at.

So naturally, there should be no one who can even achieve Martial Goa Immortal in such a weak world with almost no resources.

"Forgive her. Please. I will lead you directly to the fire lord if you won't cause any trouble." The old man said wholeheartedly.

"Okay." Alex responded.

But this surprised the girls beside him. The Alex they knew would not be this merciful.

After that, the old man proceed to led Alex and the girls to the fire lord.

Behind them, people started to talk about them.

The woman that Alex slapped was seething with rage. But she couldn't do anything about it.

What she failed to notice in time, is that Alex and the others came from the teleporting formation. Those who manage to successfully enter the formation are very important to the Lord, and thus were told not to bring trouble to them.

This was an order from the lord himself, it was like a very important law to follow. Those who break it will be punished.

"Saviour, why did you let that woman go?" Linlin asked.

"It couldn't be because she was a pretty face, right?" Eggy added.

"No. This was merely bait." Alex said.


"I read her mind. Slapping her is the equivalent of slapping the people of the Ignis clan. If they were to hear about this, they would naturally come to look for us for trouble. After that happens, we can kill them and take their souls." Alex explained.

Alex knew how most people operate in this world. Even if it meant disobeying the Lord, they will do things behind their backs, like sending assassins or stealing from them. As long as they don't get caught, it was fine.

(So… basically everyone in MGA?)

"But couldn't you just go on a slaughter streak?" Eggy said.

"With your guys' current power level? Hell no! Once you three have at least reached a power level of 5B I won't need to protect you anymore."

Linlin and Lili felt happy that Alex cared about them, but also felt bad because it meant that they were holding their Saviour back.

If it weren't for them, Alex wouldn't need to protect them and he could go on a killing streak.

"And besides, I want to know more about these two other clans. Just a few more souls and I can get another infinity stone."

Alex made sure to clad his right hand in haki. It'll assure him that no one could be able to look or even sense the power of the soul stone in his hand.

Unless they had the ability to do so, then no one will be able to know the existence of the infinity stone.

They entered through a castle that looked sort of like the Disney castle, except that it looked more grand, expensive, had all sorts of formations in it, and so on.

Entering a room, that was lit by torches hanging on the walls, a chandelier, and a fireplace.

In the center of the room, was an old man wearing a crown with several defensive formations on it. In fact, almost his entire clothing seemed to have defensive formations, as well as others.

The old man was the fire lord. He looked a lot like 'Pai Mei' from the movie 'Kill Bill' only that he will never be as awesome or as memorable as Pai Mei is.

(See the movie, it's good. A bit bloody but good.)

In front of him, was a small table for one person. It had a small orb that was the size of one hand.

However, Alex and the other girls, except Eggy, noticed another presence watching them from far away. But they ignored it.

"Alexander Anderson, Linlin, Lili, and Eggy. Have a seat." The old man said.

"You know us?" Alex asked a bit wary. They had never met him before, but he still knew their names.

"I just know your names. My subordinate told me on the way. Nothing special." He said.


"My name is John."

(I know that MGA is a chinese novel, but I really don't want to add many chinese names in it. Not because I hate the Chinese or anything, but because most of the time I find the names confusing and hard to follow. I apologize if this is offensive. Even now, I still mix up Linlin and Lili together, everytime when I proofread it. I am not very smart.)

"I would like to cut to the chase, as time is very important." John added. "The teleporting formations is a way to seek out hidden talents from other places, and hoping to recruit them to our clan and nurture them into important and powerful people." John explained.

"I kind of figured that out already. But why would you want to seek other people with divine bodies? I know they are impressive, but they are very expensive to nurture." Alex asked, though he knew already.

"Simple, really. Those with divine bloodlines are actually heritable. If two people with divine bodies and/or divine bloodlines were able to consummate, then their offspring will be able to become a fine soldier with impeccable talent and have an amazing future. I myself, am also like that. My mom was not originally from this clan. But when my father and mother met, I was born, and now I am the strongest in the Ignis clan."

"What's in it for us?" Alex asked.

"Someone who cuts to the chase, I like it. Actually, you 4 will not have benefits now. You still need to pass another test." John said.

The orb in front of him glowed a bright, white colour.

"Touch the orb, and it will tell me the grade of your divine bloodline. It's your choice, of course. You can just decline and be on your way."

"Our grade?" Eggy asked.

"There are 9 ranks, each with their own perspective colours. From lowest to highest we have: White, yellow, orange, green, blue, red, purple, brown, and black. Thus far, only 3 people have ever received the black rank, like yours, truly." John explained as he stroked his beard.

(This is like the belt ranking in karate, jiu jitsu, and others that I am too lazy to mention.)

Eggy and the other girls seemed uninterested. They had no plans on staying in this clan. So there was no reason to actually do this.

Linlin then added. "But, I think I speak for Saviour that we are not interested in joining-"

"We will take the test." Alex interrupted her.

"What?" Eggy said out of shock.

"Come." Alex huddled with them in the corner of the room.

"Anderson, you never said anything about joining a clan!" Eggy said through telepathy.

"Don't you guys get it? This is a great place to make a name for ourselves!" Alex said. He had a great idea just now.

"Are you still going on with that? I think making a name is the least of our worries right now!" Eggy wanted to pull Alex's hairs out.

"Let me explain: This is literally a Starfield we're in. It means that this is the best of the best there is. And this clan is one of the strongest there is. And that also means infinite martial skills, powerful souls, and countless treasures." Linlin said after some thought.

"Exactly, Linlin." Alex said.

"So what? Are we just going to become lackeys for some random person?" Eggy did not approve of this.

"No. we're not. If we were to make a name for ourselves here, and show just how powerful and fearsome we are, then that will also make the two other powerful clans target this place. If possible, it could very well lead to an all-out-war." Alex told them his plans.

"And why would a war be good… oh." Eggy seemed to finally caught on.

"We don't have to kill anybody, we just need their souls. And with the soul stone in hand, I can steal souls from the dead from a great distance."

"Of course! How did I not think of that?" Eggy smacked herself in the head for not thinking that far.

"It's because you're too stupid, Eggy." Alex mocked her.

"How dare you call this Queen 'stupid' I am literally thousands of years older than you!"

While they were talking, John was getting impatient.

"Dad! Here you are." A voice of a male rang throughout the room.

The man was between the age of 20-30 years. He had blonde hair, smooth skin, pointy ears like an elf's.

He also had a rapier dangling from his hip. It looked like a simple weapon, but it was a rank much higher than an Sovereign/Exalted weapon.

(Here is the ranks of the armaments in case you didn't know…)

Elite Armement

Mastered Elite

Incomplete Royal


Incomplete Imperial


Incomplete Ancestral


Incomplete Immortal


Incomplete Sovereign/Exalted


To be continued…

"Son. How is your mission going?" John asked with a joyful expression.

The one who entered is the son of the fire lord. He is the fire prince. His name is Zuko. (Ha-ha! Very funny reference of Avatar the last air bender. NOT!)

His real name is Zack. Not Zuko, Zack.

"I arrived here as soon as I could to deliver some news. When you sent me to spy on the Glacies clan, I discovered that the youngest daughter of the ice king, has recently been murdered."

"What? How can that be?" John stood up from his chair and asked to be sure he heard him right.

"I also couldn't believe it. Vy was unfortunate enough to encounter some powerful foe or foes, and she died. I also heard that her soul had either been destroyed or taken. Either way, I don't think she will be revived any time soon."

"Was it the Fulgur clan who did this?"

"I don't think so. I left as soon as I heard about this news. And also, the Glacies clan wanted to keep this a secret from everybody else, it was just my luck and skills that I manage to know about this."

John got into deep thinking.

"Vy wasn't that strong to begin with, but her family still adored her, so this will without a doubt create some confusion and panic throughout the Glacies clan." John predicted what might happen.

"Should I send in some men to attack small parts of the Glacies land and take over? I think it seems like the perfect time to strike with this sudden turn of events." His son asked.

"No. We cannot underestimate that Glacies clan. They might have suffered a serious casualty, but the ice king will not let us or the Fulgur clan cause more trouble."

"I understand, father.... Hm?" He finally noticed the presence of the Ten Commandments.

Zack has never seen such beauties in his life. One was short, with smooth skin, wearing a black-feather dress. Her curves were perfect. She was very sexy. This was Eggy.

The twins were far more beautiful than Eggy. They were tall, slim, ladylike. They were the definition of 'perfect' in many man's eyes.

John and everybody else noticed his gaze on the girls' bodies. Though seconds later, Zack looked away.

Alex thought of his action a bit weird. All the other men that has stared at them would drool. But he didn't. It looked like Zack admired their beauty and that was it.

"Are you 4 done?" John asked a bit hurriedly.

"Yes. Linlin, you go first."

"All right." Linlin did not hesitate to answer. She walked up to the orb, placed her hand on it.

In a matter of seconds later, many colours popped out. It had even more colours than a rainbow.

The colours were so bright that it lumitated that the entire room was showered in light. Not an inch of darkness could be seen in the room.

John stood up out of shock and disbelief could be seen on his eyes. Even the chair fell to the ground from the sudden movement.

"But! But that can't be!" He took out a book from his cosmos sack and began searching for something frantically.

"Father, What does this mean?" Zack was visibly surprised. He has never gotten a black colour from the orb, only a brown rank, which was still really good.

But this was not just one colour, it was many bright colours. What could that mean?

John finally stopped at a certain page of the book. It was a thick book to begin with.

Alex secretly recorded the book in his library just by looking at it.

"I've read that only in legends, there existed a rank that exceeded the rank of black. The rainbow colour. It is said that those born with such talent, are born to reach the peak of Martial God Immortals!"

In this world, the highest cultivation rank that one could achieve was Martial God Immortal. But there were levels on top of that as well.


Martial God Immortal 1 1B PL

Martial God Immortal 2 2B

Martial God Immortal 3 3B

Martial God Immortal 4 4B

Martial God Immortal 5 5B

Martial God Immortal 6 6B

Martial God Immortal 7 7B

Martial God Immortal 8 8 B

Martial God Immortal 9 9B

Martial God Immortal 10 10B

Each level above Martial God Immortal means that they have 1B power level more than the last level.

So far, only a handful of people have ever reached the highest level.

It is not possible to exceed the rank of Martial God Immortal 10

John walked up to Linlin. He was about to grab her shoulders out of amazement, but then thought that it might somehow lead her to hate him.

He stood a meter away from here, and did a little bow to her.

"Please! Join our clan! We need your power." John pleadingly said. If he didn't offer to join her, chances are that other families will.

Linlin is still a bit weak. But in given time, she is bound to exceed the power of a Martial God Immortal 10.

"I cannot join your clan. I only follow Saviour, and no one else." She declined with a sweet smile that made it impossible for anyone to hate her.

"Your Saviour?" John looked at Alex still at the corner. He, Lili and Eggy were drinking coconut water that Lili gave them.

John walked towards Alex also slightly bowing.

"Alexander Anderson. This fire lord is extending his hand to you. Won't you please join our powerful clan?" He asked.

"I really don't want to get dragged in a fight that isn't my business. My friends haven't yet reached Martial God Immortal yet. It's too dangerous."

That was a lie. Alex wanted to see how the fire lord reacted.

"I know. But with the clans' resources, and with Linlin's talent, it will not be impossible for her to reach the peak of Martial God Immortal." John added.

"Father." Zack interrupted.

"What?" John asked.

"Can we also have those three take the exam? Since those two girls are twins, it is possible that the other one also has amazing talent."

John thought about it. Indeed. Why didn't he think of that?

Lili didn't wait for anyone to tell her and she just touched the crystal orb. And just like her sister, the crystal ball shined brightly and with the colours of a rainbow.

"MY GOD!!!" John could not believe it. Not just one heaven defying talent showed up on his doorstep, but two? It was unbelievable.

"Please!" John fully kneeled this time. "I beg of you, join our family. I swear that you 4 will be given the best, and will be treated the best."

Zack stared in disbelief. Because his father never kneeled to anybody, but now he kneeled before a man he didn't even know.

Zack thought that his father's act was reasonable. Those two girls could be the one to shift the tides of war. In fact, he too would do the same thing.

(WHAT?!?! Did he just show actual intelligence? My god!)

"I thought that the fire lord was supposed to have more pride and saw his reputation above all else. Why are you kneeling before us?" Alex was seemingly dazed.

It was obvious that Linlin and Lili would have great talents. But he never would have thought that John would act like that.

All of the people he met before John, viewed their dignity more important than their lives and families.

"Pride will not bring food to my table and it will not keep those other two clans away from my land." John said.

"But still, we don't like being used like tools for other people to use." Eggy added.

"I just ask that you will protect our land, my people as well."

Alex took a second to think about it.

"Okay. We'll join." Alex said.

"Really?" John and Zack couldn't believe it.

"Of course. Let's go, girls." Alex walked away.

"And just one more thing." John said. "We must keep this a secret from anybody else. Just to be safe."

"That was my idea as well." Alex smiled and left with the girls behind him.

There was only the father and son dou left in the room.

"Father, why didn't you ask that guy to take the test?"

"Is there any point? Those two girls are enough reason for them to join our clan."

"I am still curious to see his grade." Zack added.

"Can you ask your fiance for some river wood?" John asked.

"River wood? I don't think it's possible for anybody, including us, to get more riverwood."

Riverwood is a special type of pill made from thousand year old trees who have been absorbing the natural energy of fire.

It is priceless, as it can make a cultivator raise their cultivation by leaps and bounds without any side effects.

"Please ask her. I know you two have yet to marry, but we need it for those two girls to raise their cultivation." John said.

"I don't know how Marin will react if I asked her for some riverwood for some other girls…"


Then all of a sudden, flew in a black crow through their window. The black crow carried a message on his claw.

"An Asura messenger?" John and Zack said at the same time.

Like the name suggests, this was a bird that delivered messages from the Asura world.

The crow left the room quickly as it came.

John picked up the note and read it thoroughly.

"Dad, what does it say?"

"It says… that the Asura clan are willing to join in an alliance with us."

"Really? Isn't that great?" Zack thought that the heavens were finally helping them. So many good things are happening in one day.

"It also says that we must release the 2 Asura spirits that we have caught. Only then will they help us."

"2 Asura spirits? I already have one in a contract with me. But the other one is… oh." Zack remembered the Asura girl accompanying Alex.

"It also says that if by tomorrow morning, when they come to visit us to discuss about the terms, if they we do not release the two Asura spirits, they will become our enemies instead."



"You actually joined this clan?" Eggy asked.

"Of course I did. It's a great place to harvest some souls."

They were currently walking through the hallways. Alex already memorized the entire outline of the castle and the kingdom. He did it by reading the minds of various people.

"Just one more thing: Why did you choose to keep this a secret? Wouldn't revealing the talents of Linlin and Lili lead to a full out attack on this clan?"

"Eggy, did you not notice that other presence spying on us?" Asked Linlin.

"There was another person watching and hearing everything we said and did. No doubt that he is part of another clan, so it will be a matter of time before they attack." Lili said.

"Wouldn't that make Linlin and Lili a target?" Eggy asked.

"I know. But I already have something to counter that." Alex didn't say anything else.


On an icy region, were 3 individuals running through the cold and deep snow.

"It's here. I can almost feel it." Madara said.

Mihawk thought that they will be attacking some powerful people. He drew his sword to be ready when the time comes.

They saw a small building up ahead. Madara kicked in the door and entered the building.

The inside was nothing like Mihawk imagined. Instead it was a bar. A goddamn bar.

"Where did you bring us?" Mihawk asked.

"I saw that this place gives the greatest wine of the entire Starfield. There is nothing else that comes close to it. And I wanted to try it." Madara said.

Instead of being mad at him, Mihawk said. "Good job." They both sat on a chair. While Steven sat on a corner of the bar.

Mihawk and Madara are two different people from different worlds, but they loved drinking and fighting like no other.

Madara put the person on the counter under a genjutsu, and made him serve them wine for free. They tasted it, and thought, 'This is indeed the best wine there is.

Even when the weather was cold, they could still serve some decent food and great wine.

"I bet I can drink faster than you." Madara challenged Mihawk.

"Now those are fighting words." Said Mihawk.

Today was a good day for Madara and Mihawk.