Mother and daughter

The twins were sitting on a bench minding their own business. They were taking a short break after they left to collect some stuff they thought they might need. They also bought some ice creams 'cause they wanted to taste it.

"Sis, what should we do now?" Lili asked as she ate the ice cream in delight.

They had no other things to do at the moment. Most of the time they spent was when they took care of Alex, but he wasn't there with them.

"I don't know. Maybe we can just relax." Linlin gently laid her head on her sisters thighs using it like a lap pillow.

People around were watching them, and they thought about how beautiful they both looked.

Lili started to braid Linlin's hair. This is something only close friends or siblings do, even if they were in public.

"Saviour is busy with the new Commandment. Steven is with Mihawk. And Eggy is with Madara, I think they're doing fine."


Eggy and Madara were both fighting those huge sea monsters, and there was no end to them.

The ocean turned red, and it was covered in corpses of the monsters they killed.

"How many of these are there?" Eggy loudly asked. They were covered in sweat, blood, and some substance that they don't know what is was.

"I don't know. But this is a great harvest!" Madara was having so much fun in his Susanoo form. The giant serpents were too weak for him, but collecting their souls was worth something.

Back with Linlin and Lili…

The sisters could help the others, but they didn't want to be on everybody's case. They also wanted to be with Alex, especially after confirming their relationship, but they knew that what Alex was doing is very important to them.

Suddenly, Lili had a thought, "Should we get some presents for mother? We are going to be seeing her soon."

Alex promised them that after they completed the missions of this world, they will go back to their original world, which is the Dragon King's son-in-law.

"I miss Mother." Lili said.

"Lili, if you had a choice, would you prefer Mother or Saviour?" Linlin teasingly said.

"Saviour, of course." Lili didn't even hesitate at all.

"I would also prefer Saviour… Lili?"


"I am blessed to have a sister like you." She started to snuggle closer to Lili.

Lili blushed a bit. "I am also grateful that you are my sister. And we are grateful to have met Saviour."

"You're right."


Kalluto Zoldyck was busy hearing the conversations between Linlin and Lili. He thought he would find some information, but didn't find anything useful.

Even though he could hear everything, what Linlin and Lili were saying were nothing special to him.

He thought that the twins would have been hired to take them out or were enemies, but it seems he was wrong.


The battle between Hisoka and Chrollo started. Not long after, many innocent people were being slaughtered as they were caught in their fight.

It's their fault to begin with. Why would people ever want to witness a battle between two known murderers?

Mihawk felt that disturbance above their room, but since it wasn't his problem, he wasn't gonna bother with them.


Alex faced Meruem. They both were now in the middle of nowhere, which means that no one was there to disturb what they were about to do.

"Meruem, you are by far the weakest of this group. And I would like to change that. Come at me."

Alex got in a fighting position.

Meruem noticed that Alex's aura was very different from the ones he faced. But Meruem head on charged at Alex with an incoming barrage of attacks.

Using only one finger, Alex blocked all of Meruem's attacks with ease.

Meruem kept attacking and attacking non-stop.

Alex was surprised, because Meruem did not attack the same spot twice nor used the same move twice. He is trying to get Alex to show all of his tricks to him, until he runs out and Meruem wins.

'He is using the same thing when he fought Netero.' Alex thought.

Meruem attacked from all angles non-stop. He aimed at the sides, back, down, up, everywhere.

Alex brought out his Chastiefol and used it to attack Meruem.

He already expected an attack at any moment, and managed to block his Chastiefol. But he was launched back several meters, there was even a trail left behind.

Meruem's hands trembled, because Alex's strength caused his hands to tremble from the damage he received.

Meruem only smiled. He was having the time of his life.

"If you're gonna just stand there, I will have to attack." Alex threw his Chastiefol at Meruem, and he barely dodged it leaving a mark on his cheek.

'Strange. Why would he throw away his weapon? Unless." Meruem turned to where the Chastiefol was, and it was coming right at him from behind.

He jumped just barely reacting fast enough to dodge it.

Alex noticed that Meruem was getting used to his speed, and he kept getting stronger by the minute.

'I think I made the right choice in choosing you.' Alex thought and smiled. Right now, Meruem was a useless rock to him. But deep within the core of him, was a diamond. And Alex wanted to be the one who finds that diamond and shape it perfectly.

"Increase." Alex said. And the Chastiefol turned into several small kunai.

"They split up?" Meruem didn't expect that, and began to run away to avoid those knives.

Even though he ran at full speed, the small knives were slowly catching up to him.

So Meruem summoned out a pair of wings from his back, and flew away. This was an ability he had received from his royal guards.

"I can't outrun them, nor can I fight back nor block them. But I can destroy them!" Meruem extended his hand directly at the kunai, and shot a beam of energy, completely destroying them all.

Meruem took this moment to charge straight at Alex. But he only smiled.


Then several more knives shot out from the ground and up to Meruem. Without having time to react, those knives/kunais impaled Meruem like cheese.

While Meruem was running away, he didn't have the chance to keep an eye out for Alex. So Alex took this time to summon out his second Chastiefol, and hid it underground. He waited for the right time when Meruem charged at him, and he would attack him once again using the same method.

Meruem was sure that he was dead, he could feel an incredible amount of pain. But, the pain soon disappeared.

He noticed that his body regenerated at an alarming rate. There was no signs of any knives impaling his body. It was as if he never got hurt in the first place.

"Remember, you're immortal now, meaning that you cannot die."

"I forgot." Meruem stood up and looked at Alex.

"Until you can lay a single finger on me, we will not leave this place." Alex sat down and began reading some books that he brought with him.

Meruem launched a sneak attack at Alex, but he disappeared as if he had teleported. But it was his speed that he used, nothing else.

"Nice try."


'Hm… maybe I should do the same with the rest of the gang. After we all have reunited, maybe they can have a chance against me.' Alex thought of a great and evil idea.

After that, Meruem practiced with Alex for a long time.

Alex was doing this because this world did not have too many powerful souls, but did have a lot of quality souls. Even so, they are too weak and useless to them.

Quality souls = more SP for Alex. Alex had already so much SP and had nothing else to buy, so they were pretty useless to him.

Stronger souls = more power levels for Alex and everyone else.

Since the world did lack powerful souls, Alex is going to have to use the old method of gaining power levels for Meruem, by practicing.

He had the library of Hell's path to help him, so he didn't need much time to review Meruem's flaws.

Days have passed, since they entered the Hunter x Hunter world.

Meruem still had trouble laying a single finger on Alex. But improved at an alarming rate. The Chimera Ants ability to evolve is terrifying.

Linlin and Lili both were minding their own business as usual. There was nothing they could do. And luckily for Lili, she found a spot where they sold coconuts, and she was happy.

Linlin examined the couples nearby, and secretly took notes.

Eggy and Madara were literally still fighting sea monsters, they have not rested for days. If it weren't for their infinite stamina and immortality, they would have been done.

Mihawk, Steven and Blue have made it to the Dark Continent easily. There was this gate they had to go through, but since it was too much of a pain, they flew over it.

Mihawk did not expect the Dark Continent to be so vast and terrifying. Even he got goosebumps for some reason, as if there was something terrifying and dark lurking on those lands.

On the way, Mihawk also learned advanced techniques of nen, some by himself and others with guidance from Blue.

Right now, they crossed through a dark forest. It was dense, and all the trees were dead. Despite that, fruit grew from those dead trees and were actually edible.

"I know this world is different from yours, but you'll get used to it." Blue took one of these fruits and ate it.

"Just don't eat the seeds, those are poisonous." Blue wiped the fruit remaining from his mouth and proceeded to guide Steven and Mihawk through the Dark Continent.

"Mom! I want my mommy!" A little girl's voice could be heard from a distance. It echoed through the forest and it seemed to be coming from everywhere.

"MOMMY! WHERE ARE YOU?!" The voice of the girl kept crying for help.

"Is that something common in these lands?" Mihawk asked Blue. Why would there be a little girl in the middle of a dark forest?

"I honestly do not know."

"I thought you said you could see everything?"

"I could, or I mean I used to." Blue scratched his head.

"You see, after I had that vision of you and Steven, I could not see the future anymore."

"That's a problem."

"Mommy? Are you there?"

The little girl's voice came behind Mihawk. He drew out his sword in an instant, but only saw the figure of a little girl.

The little girl faced her back against them. They could only see that she wore a white dress, all nice and tidy with no spots and no wrinkles. Her hair was black, long and beautiful, and they were braids as well that were held by a beautiful blue rose.

The little girl kept crying to herself, as if she needed help.

Steven felt bad and wanted to help her. But Mihawk stopped him because he noticed that Blue was acting scared.

"Whatever you guys do, do not approach her." Blue stepped back very slowly away from the girl.

Mihawk also felt a chill from his back as he looked at the girl's back. He pulled Steven back with him as well.

Mihawk could not tell why he felt afraid of her. And also, he could not feel her presence. And the little girl had such nice clothing on, but that doesn't make sense, as the whole area was muddy and wet, and her entire outfit was sparkling clean.

It could only mean was that this was a trap.

As they were walking bach slowly, Steven accidentally stepped on a branch which created a *Crack* noise.

"Mama?" The little girl heard the noise, and turned to face Mihawk. When they looked at her, they were all utterly shocked and horrified.

The girl's face was not human. She had an alien tongue that stretched out an entire meter out, with saliva and blood dripping out of it. Her eyes were deformed, one was completely black with some strange black liquid oozing out of it. And the other was closed. She also had teeth that were long like pointy spears, with pieces of flesh sticking on it.

On her chest, her clothes were bloody with human eyeballs dangling on her necklace.

"You're not my mommy!" The girl's voice changed into a deep and growling voice, like that of a horror movie. She pounced directly at Mihawk with an amazing speed.

Mihawk was about to block her, but Blue kicked Mihawk out of the way, causing the little girl to miss her target.

"You can't touch that thing!" Blue said loudly.

"Why not?"

"If you even touch a single hair of that thing, the mother will not let you go easily. And also, if she touches you, you will transform into something much more hideous than that."


They heard something crash on the trees. It was the little girl, who had been kicked by Steven, breaking her spine and neck.

Blue had his jaw all the way down, maybe out of pure shock because Steven kicked the monster so bad. Or because only Blue knows the consequences that Steven brought upon them.

Steven just smiled as if he was proud of what he had just done, without a care in the world.

The little girl's body was completely worse than it was worse before. Until it started twitching it's leg, and it got up.

Her neck all the way back, and her back was broken in two. She turned around facing her back on Mihawk and the others, because since her neck was broken she could only face them this way.

"Mommy!" The girl's voice came back to that of a cute little girl's, but in a much joyful tone,

"That is just fucking disturbing, and I live here!" Blue could not stand the way the girl looked at him, and it almost made him puke. He could see her spine and neck poking out of her body.

Steven thought that the girl was strong, which is why he used a bit more force than usual.

"Ahhh..." They all heard a low moaning behind them. Steven felt as if water drops hit his back. He turned to his back, to see a 3 meter giant looking down at him.

The giant was bald, it's skin pink and pale with it's vines in a black colour. A little bit of hair could be seen hanging on it's scalp but it was almost bald. It was super fat, that their appeared to be layers of fat on it's hips and back and front. It had a pungent odour that made Blue smell like a dozen roses.

It's teeth were human, almost intact. It was human features which includes eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and that was it.

"Play…" The fat giant said.

Steven reacted by kicking it's flabby stomach, but it only managed to bounce it back several meters sustaining no damage at all. The fat giant reached out its hands to Steven and started to walk very slowly.

Mihawk was weirded out. Even he would have some trouble with Steven's kick if he wasn't on guard, but the giant sustained no injuries at all.

"How are these a threat?" Mihawk asked. All they had to do was avoid them.

"You don't understand, there isn't only one mother here, there are dozens." Blue said.

"Come again?"

"Ahhhh… play..." Another 3 fat giants appeared behind Mihawk and Blue.

Mihawk for some reason could not sense their presence at all. He cut them all down successfully.

"Mihawk! That won't work!" Blue said.

Then the 3 fat giants that Mihawk cut down reattached themselves once more. They extended their hands and started to slowly walk towards Mihawk and Blue.


"Unless we can destroy the daughter, we cannot kill them." Blue added.

"The daughter?" Mihawk looked at where the daughter was, and did not see her. He looked around, and saw that she was running at Steven with all fours, like in the movie The Exorcist.

Steven did not see her, because he was busy dealing with 4 more fat giants.

"Steven! Behind you!" Mihawk yelled.

Steven reacted and saw the girl running toward him, but could not react to dodge her and the fat giants.

Mihawk threw his sword impaling the thing's body and knocking her to the ground.

"*SCREEECH!!!*" The little girl let out a disturbing noise that made everyone's ears hurt like hell. Her body turned into a bloody pool of purple blood, and that was the end of her.

The other remaining giants also turned into a purple pool of blood.

Mihawk went to grab his sword from the ground.

"How did you kill it?" Blue asked.

"You said that the only way to get rid of them was by destroying it, so I did." Mihawk started to wipe of the disgusting substance from his sword.

"You don't understand, that thing is basically immortal. The only way to kill it was by destroying it's soul."

"It's soul…" Mihawk looked at his sword, and realized something.

"Good job, Master. You have absorbed a soul into your sword." Arm said inside Mihawk's head.

"So this is my ability." Mihawk understood that it was his specialist ability that let it kill the thing. If it impaled something, even if it doesn't die, he can absorb the soul of the victim.

The reason it didn't work on the fat giants, was because they were basically soulless puppets controlled by the daughter.

Even if they had used their full power on those giants, it wouldn't make a difference.

"That was close. Next time if we see those things again, we make a run for it." Blue wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Next time? Are are more of them?" Mihawk asked.

"Oh yeah. In fact, there are other things even more powerful than them, and possibly much more disturbing."

"Mommy… I want my mommy!" They heard a little girl's voice once again echoing throughout the area.

"Nope." They all said and ran off. Blue rode on Steven and flew off without looking back.

"What kind of world did Anderson bring us to? He must have a twisted sense of humour if he thinks this is funny." Mihawk asked to himself, that was a very disturbing scene, and that wasn't the end of it.


"AAAACHOOOO!!!" Alex sneezed as he continued to dodge Meruem's attacks.

"Someone is talking behind my back... It's probably Mihawk." Somehow Alex could tell who it was from that sneeze alone.