Only a God


Getting straight to the point, Ultra Instinct Vegito closed the distance between him and Alex in less than a second.

Just like last time, Alex could not react to Vegito's new power. He could barely do anything against him in Blue form, imagine Ultra Instinct?

Indeed. Vegito's power rose tremendously after attaining Ultra Instinct. Vegito's attacks are heavier and sharper than before.

This time, more than a drop of blood had been spilled from his body.

Many were ecstatic once more. Vegito continued to turn the tides. It felt like an endless loop: first they are winning, then another second they are losing, then they are winning, and losing, and again and etc.

"Are we going to do it? Are we finally going to win?" Krillin was feeling so joyful. It's just like all the other times Goku fought against tough enemies and prevailed, except that one time with Beerus and the pudding problem.

This was Ultra Instinct Vegito. Surely, even Alex could not defeat him, right.

Whis and several others thought the same thing. But looking at the calm reactions of the Commandments, something didn't feel right to them. Was Alex still holding back against Ultra Instinct Vegito?

Then again, he did manage to defeat Ultra Instinct Goku in one shot.

The Commandments were just observing the fight.

Alex is smiling once more. It's like the time when he fought Saitama.

At this point, he thought about transforming into his strongest form to deal with everyone right now.

Just about he was about to transform, all of a sudden, Vegito sensed a great danger. He even moved back because his instinct told him to.

Vegito looked at his body. He was doing just fine until now. It was like the time when Goku fought Beerus, and when Beerus was about to attack, his body moved back on it's own. It was difficult to explain now since he is in Ultra Instinct...

Looking closely, his body started to tremble slightly out of fear. Every bit of his body told him that Alex is far too dangerous. Despite having the power that exceeded a God of Destruction, his body trembled in fear.

Alex was surprised. Did Vegito actually sense when he was going to go all out?

He could tell that he was afraid of him. As if Vegito knew just how powerful Alex truly is. The only time he saw a Saiyan tremble in fear was when Vegeta met Beerus back in the yacht.

It was also because of Vegeta that Vegito trembled like that. They could sense the terrifying aura in Alex, way more terrifying than any God of Destruction.

"Whis, did you sense that?" Beerus asked to be sure.

"I did, Beerus-sama."

The remaining Gods and all the Angels felt a chill on their spine at the same time when Ultra Instinct Vegito moved back.

It was for only a moment, but they sensed a great power and danger coming from Alex.

Even Zeno's attendants, the tall ones with the unique attire could not help but get closer to both Zeno's to protect them.

"You know, Vegito. The plan was that I would slowly but surely transform and overpower you every step of the way." Alex clenched his fists tightly.

He had nothing against Vegito. But he will never feel satisfied unless he gives it his all.

"As much as I would like to keep fighting you, there are many things I must do."

Alex did have goals in mind, like having kids, keep travelling the vast multiverse. There is also that problem with this 'Rex' character, but that's for another time.

After travelling to multiple universes for so long, he and his wives, Linlin and Lili, loved to travel. They don't like being tied down to one place. They just want to be together and free.

After this world, he planned to disband the Commandments. It's not like he doesn't like them, it is just that they all want to live their lives. Nobody in their right minds, especially the people he recruited, want to follow someone else for the rest of their lives.

Mihawk, Meruem, Madara, Eggy, Garou, they are all prideful characters. Alex believes that if he were to keep them, then they would either retaliate, escape, or something else. Either way, the outcome will not be good.

And honestly speaking, Alex did not need their help. He alone is more than enough to defeat any character in the multiverse. He is just glad that they were all here for this moment. And most of them are overpowered and should have no problems protecting themselves.

As for Broly, he is shy and timid. But he is the Legendary Super Saiyan. Broly has also been living his whole life on a terrible planet with his father. Surely he doesn't need Alex to protect him.

And Steven is just lazy, and always has been. Most likely it will continue to follow Alex.

Alex believed that this is the last time he would have a satisfying fight. Which is why he is going to make it count.

Alex deactivated his Super Saiyan Blue form.

And then, a silver aura covered his body. Anyone who was watching could see that his silver aura looked oddly similar to Vegito's.

He missed this feeling. It has been a while since he had used this. The last time he used it was back when he was fighting Saitama in Purgatory.

Once again, everyone was so shocked that their mouths hit the ground,

Even Vegito had his eyes wide open. Did Alex just use Ultra Instinct?

They were right to believe that. This was indeed Ultra Instinct.

For some reason, Alex's transformation wasn't as dramatic as when Goku or Vegito transformed.

Alex's aura changed completely. He looked sharper than before and more badass.

He wasn't going to go easy, but he didn't plan to reveal all of his trump cards in front of the Angels and Zeno just yet. They were the biggest threats to him currently.

Only when the time is right, would he dare to reveal his full power. Ultra Instinct is indeed powerful, but he had something else that surpassed Ultra Instinct.

"This…" Meruem did not want to remember about Alex's transformations. Those transformations have practically scarred him for life.

Linlin and Lili blushed. They could not help but think that he looked very sexy. How they wished they could just pounce on him right now. They don't know why, but somehow, Alex in Ultra Instinct turned them on.

"Yay! You finally used it!" Eggy shouted as she waved her hands frantically. She had been waiting for this moment.

"Are you kidding me? He can actually use Ultra Instinct as well?!" Beerus shouted.

As far as anyone knows, even Beerus had yet to achieve Ultra Instinct. It was already a shock to see Goku/Vegito use it, but Alex, too?

Why were these Ultra Instinct users popping up like cabbages?

"I am afraid that universe 7 will not emerge victorious." Whis sighed. Good thing he came prepared and stored lots of food from Earth that could last him for several years.

Whis didn't say that because Alex could use Ultra Instinct. But rather because earlier he and the other Angels sensed something from him, something much more powerful and dangerous than even Mastered Ultra Instinct.

Both fighters were close to each other. Alex and Vegito did not move an inch from their spot. Alex stood on a piece of rock and so did Vegito. They were practically floating in space.

Alex took a little step forward

All of a sudden, thousands upon thousands of punches rained down on Vegito's body. Even when he is on Ultra Instinct, he could not even react fast enough to avoid a single attack.

To most people, it might look like no one moved from their spot. But Alex travelled at an unimaginable speed, that even the Gods of Destruction had trouble following with their eyes.

Vegito got on his knee for a second before standing back up. He felt his entire body was in pain. He also wiped off the blood that fell from his mouth.

Alex took another step.

And just like last time, Vegito was assaulted again, but this time it was worse. He spat a mouthful of blood, many of his bones were broken, his entire body was bruised.

He got on both his knees and arms. At that moment, his Ultra Instinct was flickering on and off repeatedly, it was a sign that his Ultra Instinct was coming to an end.

"Just how powerful is he compared to last time?"

Meruem muttered. Alex's power was unimaginable. Meruem is extremely intelligent, but even he could not comprehend how high Alex's power is.

Even Alex doesn't know the answer to that question. Running around between worlds and doing all sorts of things, he had no chance to test out his newfound strength.

Vegito, who was in great pain, got on his feet. He stood up and looked at Alex. He acted like he wasn't even in pain. Vegito gently closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Alex only smiled. He did not smile because he found Vegito's efforts to be in vain. It was the opposite. He admired Vegito's will to never give up.

Back in the world of Martial God Asura, at the end of a fight, his opponents would kneel down before him and beg him to let them live. That made him despise them more.

Alex took another step forward and thousands upon thousands of attacks rained down on Vegito.

Everyone was taken by surprise.

Instead of Vegito getting hurt, he actually managed to dodge most of Alex's attacks while also blocking most of them.

However, despite that, he could not actually avoid all of his attacks. Vegito felt many of Alex's punches and kicks landed on his chest and back.

It was definitely an improvement from Vegito's side.

Alex was surprised. Goku could barely handle Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla in the series. Now Vegito can handle him at Ultra Instinct while charging his kamehameha?

He had almost forgotten about Dragon Balls bullshit power scaling.

"Dad." Gohan.

"Son." Piccolo.

"Goku." Krillin.

Everyone from their side kept cheering for them. Even now, Goku and Vegeta kept improving by the second..

"This is dragging on long enough. Let's finish this right now, Vegito!"

Alex closed his eyes. At that moment, his aura changed completely. It was still silver, but it was different compared to before

Compared to Ultra Instinct, this new transformation is on a whole league of its own.

Every God recognized Alex's aura. They all knew that the transformations that Vegito and Alex were using before were not the real deal.

Right now, Alex just showed them that this transformation of his IS definitely Mastered Ultra Instinct.

They all rose to their feet out of respect. This was truly a miracle. Not one of the Gods of Destruction have been able to come close to attaining that ultimate form.

If they know that Alex had already mastered this transformation a thousand years ago, how would they react?

"It's been fun, Vegito. I would say that someday we meet and fight again. But I know that this is the last time we will ever see each other. Goodbye."

Alex merely walked towards Vegito at a slow pace.

Before he did anything else, he activated the reality-stone and somehow managed to deactivate Vegito's Potara fusion.

Vegito split apart into two separate people, which was obviously Goku and Vegeta. Both fighters were in shock as they were still wrapping their minds on what had just happened.

"What the?" Once again, everyone was shocked. Did he just break the Potara fusion by himself?

Not even Whis could do that by himself. They would need the help of the Super Dragon Balls or even the High Priest.

Although everyone did see Alex's reality stone, they weren't sure exactly what it was.

Alex did not mean to show one of his many aces, but he had no choice. He read the flaws on the new Potara fusion, and it was permanent, unlike the last time.

There were many flaws but there were only 3 ways to deactivate the Potara fusion, the first 2 were already mentioned, but the third method was by using the infinity stones.

Alex took the Potara earring and placed them in his space inventory. He was very satisfied to have a powerful item in his person.

He wanted to buy them from the system shop, but they were super expensive and he did not have the currency to buy them.

He has a plan on how to use them.

Anyways, Alex concentrated all of his energy and it burst out from his body. The sudden outburst of energy was so powerful that it felt like an attack from a God of Destruction.

"Shit!" Goku and Vegeta cursed. They could not even push back against Alex's powerful energy.

Goku managed to grab ahold a piece of stone which was sticking out from the ground.Then Goku managed to grab Vegeta's hand before he fell.

"Hang on, Vegeta!" Goku tried his best to push forward, but it proved to be very difficult to withstand Alex's immense energy.

"Father!" The remaining universe 7 members rushed to help Goku and Vegeta.


As they rushed to their aid, they were blocked by a giant arm made from chakra.

It was Madara in his susanoo form.

"As long as you're still breathing, we still have unfinished business."

"Crap!" Gohan and the others knew that they could not help Goku and Vegeta.

Goku could not hold on any longer. The piece of stone was giving out, and any minute it could break.



Both transformed into Super Saiyan Blue, but it did not help at all. Alex was just too powerful at Mastered Ultra Instinct.

There wasn't enough plot armor that could save them from this situation.

Alex didn't even bother to lift a finger. His presence was enough.



In a blink of an eye, a sharp string came out of nowhere and managed to cut off Goku's hand off.

Goku did not expect that. Without the support of his hand hanging onto that small piece of stone, he and Vegeta fell off the tournament.

"Kakarot, hang on!" Vegeta was going to throw Goku back into the tournament instead of himself. He did not want to admit it, but Goku has a better chance of winning this tournament than him.

He knew this, which is why he was about to sacrifice himself to give Goku another chance to fight and hopefully win.


Vegeta and Goku were both teleported to the bench by Lili. Lili has many spells on her, teleportation was one of the most common and easiest spells to use. Heck even Goku could do it.

"What just happened?" Vegeta asked.

"Vegeta-san and Goku-san are eliminated."

"Crap!" Krillin.

"Are you actually kidding me?" Tien.

"Dad!" Gohan.

"No." Piccolo.

Beerus had his eyes wide open. Did his two best fighters, in a Potara fusion, while in Ultra Instinct, actually lost in a fight?

The Commandments did not react. This is to be expected from their leader.

Beerus sat down dejected. Were they really going to lose this? They came so close, and yet they are so far.

Alex deactivated his ultra instinct. Turning to face the one who helped him.

"Thank you, Lili."

Lili was the one who cut off Goku's hand with her strings and teleported them at the last second.

"Anything for my husband." Lili gave him a quick peck on the lips.

Lili wanted to be able to help her husband even if it was a tiny bit.

"Also, here. One for you and one for Linlin." Alex handed her something. It was the Potara earrings.

Lili looked at Alex with a bright shine on her eyes. She would be lying if she said she didn't want to fuse with her sister.

At that moment, a shocking announcement was heard.

"18, 17, Gohan, and Piccolo-san from universe 7 have been eliminated. Universe 7 has lost all of their fighters."

While Alex was busy with Goku and Vegeta, Madara by himself managed to defeat the rest of universe 7's fighters. It wasn't hard. All it took was a little bit of genjutsu.

"It's all over…" Beerus shook his head with his ears down, like a sad dog.

Although Alex did mention that they would resurrect all the universes, something told him that Alex was planning something else, something evil.

"We… We lost?" Goku could not believe it either. All his life he has always emerged victorious, especially at times like these when everybody relied on him.

Both Zenos slowly raised their arms up and clenched their fists. They rarely ever played favourites. But it was clear that they wanted Goku's universe to win.

"...squish…" while hesitating, they clenched their little fists and universe 7 started to disappear.

No one in universe 7 had any words to say. Memories started to surface on their minds, like when someone almost dies and their whole lives flash before their eyes.

Some were angry at themselves for not being with their loved ones right now. Others felt bad for not being strong enough to defeat the 10 Commandments.

Gohan started to think of his family, Videl and his precious Pan. How he wished he could hold them in his arms one more time.

"It's okay." Piccolo assured Gohan. Even though they knew it was a big lie, it made him feel a bit better.

"Thanks, Piccolo, for everything." Gohan did not cry in front of him, he only smiled.

Piccolo has always thought of Gohan as his son. He was the one who trained him during the Saiyan arc. He was the one who took care of him when Gohan was a kid and when Goku wasn't around, which is always. He had sacrificed his life for him, and would do it again. Piccolo went from being a villain to a father figure thanks to Gohan.

Vegeta showed no emotions, but he was feeling something right now, sadness. His pupil was gone, his wife will be gone, his son will be gone, and his infant daughter will also be gone.

"I guess… this is the end of the Saiyan Prince."


Both 18 and Krillin tried to go back to Earth to their daughter, Marron. But it was impossible. Even if Whis were to teleport them back to Earth, their universe would be gone by then.

The reason they wanted to go back was because they did not want to die apart. They wanted to be together one last time.

"Whis, can you do me a favour?" Beerus asked dejectedly, but still put up a smile to hide his emotions.

"Yes, Beerus-sama?"

"After this, eat some pudding for the both of us. Because I never got some and this all started because of a damn pudding cup… damn, I wish I had some right now."

Whis only gave a subtle smile and a small nod.

"Hey, you!" Goku shouted out loud to Alex.

Alex turned and their eyes met.

Goku smiled like always as if nothing wrong was happening. He gave Alex a big thumbs up while still smiling.

"Thanks for the fight. It was a blast…"

Alex only smiled at him but showed no signs of other emotions. This is the same Goku that he had always known.


And just like that, all of universe 7 disappeared except for its Angel.

"That son of a bitch never said my name. But I'm still going to bring you all back." Alex said softly, then added, "How else am I going to send your soul to Hell?"

{Way to ruin the mood}

"We all know it was going to happen, Bluescreen."

"Universe 9, you are the winner of this tournament. With only 25 minutes to spare."

"Wait, it's been only 23 minutes?" Garou asked because it felt like hours instead of 20 minutes.

"Welcome to Dragon Ball, Garou."

Then all the Angels started to float near the High Priest, creating a lined formation with the High Priest in the middle.

"As per your request, Alex-sama, you will fight against us. Or would you like to take a break first?"

"A break? This tournament was merely a warm up for me and my crew… except Eggy."

Eggy felt like she was stabbed in the heart. She was the only one who lost in the tournament. Although she was feeling dejected and ashamed, she floated alongside with the group. She was tired of being alone in the stands.

"Very well then."

"But wait. We won this tournament so we get the Super Dragon Balls." Linlin said.

"You are most correct. Would you like to use your wish now?"

"Of course." Alex added then said, "I wish that all universes were brought back to how they were. That way, we will be able to fight 12 Gods of Destruction, 12 Angels and 1 High Priest."

'Oh, so he wasn't lying.' Whis thought. He was happy on the inside because it meant that Beerus could actually have that pudding like he wanted.

Some of the other Angels thought otherwise. Just when they thought that they were free from having to take orders from unqualified Gods of Destruction, Alex just had to bring them all back.

"If that is your wish."

As the High Priest summoned Super Shenlong, the rest of the group were shocked to see such a power and giant creature before them. It could literally swallow worlds easily.

"Another Dragon?" Madara said. This is the second time he has seen a Dragon, but this is the first time he has seen something so big.

"I wonder how it tastes."

"Hahahaha!" Garou started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Eggy asked.

"Now I understand why there are 7 giant balls, the Dragon is trying to compensate." Garou laughed again.

"Oh my God." Alex, Linlin, Lili, Steven, Madara, and Mihawk frowned. This was hardly the place nor time to be making jokes. And it wasn't even a good joke.

"Compensating?" Broly asked.

"Broly… you are just too innocent. Please stay that way." Linlin gently patted him.

"I don't get it." Eggy also did not understand.

"*cough* thousand year old virgin *cough*" Garou said softly.

"Wait, what?"

Alex, Linlin and Lili felt that. It wasn't long ago that they were virgins.

"Seippup etah I(speak your wish)" The Dragon spoke in a deep tone. It was speaking in the language of the Gods.

"aneC nhoJ ma I(restore all the universe to how they were)"

"tsecniw si tsecni(your wish is my command)"

Its body glowed brightly, like a golden shower that covered the entire area. It didn't take long until its body disappeared in a blink of an eye along with his balls.

Back on Earth.

The fighters of universe 7 woke up in front of Bulma's house. It felt like a dream at first, only to realize that they are not in a dream.

"We… we're back?!"

"Wait… where is that beautiful woman who seduced me?" Roshi began searching for Eggy. His memories were still blurry which meant that he could not remember her face, but could remember how beautiful she was. If he could remember, he could fap for the next 100 years without having to buy another pornbook.

"Videl, Pan!" Gohan sprinted towards his family to make sure they're safe.

"Marron." 18 and Krillin flew towards their daughter.

"Hehehe, he actually did it." Goku sat on the ground. He did have a good time fighting against Alex, which is by far the strongest opponent he has ever faced.

"Humph!" Vegeta walked towards his home to check on his wife and daughter. He did not need to check on Trunks because he believed that he was okay. Being defeated is nothing new to him, but it still hurts his pride. It hurts his pride more when he realized that he was getting used to the feeling of defeat.

Goku looked at the blue sky where he thought Alex was.

"Thank you so much for the fight, Alexander Anderson." In the end, he did manage to remember his name.

Then he noticed that neither Whis or Beerus were anywhere near him.

Back to Alex and the others.

Once the Dragon disappeared after granting Alex's wish, there was a notable change in the area.

There were 12 Gods of Destruction, 12 Angels, and the High Priest all lined up perfectly. They appeared quite imposing to anyone witnessing. It seemed as if this group was undefeated.

"Thank goodness we got resurrected. And here I was feeling guilty that I would never be able to try out that pudding." Beerus was feeling happy. He failed to notice that 20 other Gods were lined up beside him. He didn't even know why he was here and not back on Earth.

When the universes were restored, the Angels summoned their appointed God of Destruction beside them using their staffs.

On the other side stood 10 people also standing in a perfect line..

Linlin, Lili, Broly, Meruem, Steven, Madara, Mihawk, Eggy and Garou stood beside Alex. All the Commandments were there to show their unified strength.

The two Zenos were actually looking forward to this fight more than the tournament.

"To the death?" The High Priest asked.

"Gladly." The Ten Commandments said in perfect sync.

It was merely a few words, but everyone understood. They will not rest until one side is completely destroyed.


Without any warning, the High Priest and Alex charged at the same time, clashing with one another creating a powerful shockwave which didn't affect anyone.

'Flaws.' Alex muttered and started to examine the High Priest carefully. His eyes widened due to shock.

'No flaws? Are you kidding me?' there were no flaws in the Library of Hell's path. This is the first time Alex has seen something like this.

Even he can't compare to how flawless the High Priest was.

"You cannot win, Anderson. You are merely a mortal." Said the High Priest.

"And you are just a God."