Sect Dinner (1)

Not too long, Xu Hui got out of the tub, walking over to the screen to pull out a plain white cloth, drying the moisture from her hair and body. Discarding it to the ground, she reached for the screen again for her purple robes and white under garment, donning them one at a time.

Sliding the door to the side, Xu Hui walked out of the wash room. The maids on seeing her, curtsied and asked if they could help out in anyway. She chose to dismiss them, delivering instructions to inform "her father" of the need to rest until evening.

Curtsying again, the maids left her chambers to deliver her message to the sect leader.

Meanwhile, Physician Shen when he earlier left her bedchamber he sought out her father, who was at the ancestral shrine offering prayers for his daughter's speedy recovery. The sect's physician waited until he was done, before letting the sect leader know that his daughter was in safe hands and the heavens had blessed her with a miraculous change in her qi.

At first, Li Guoliang did not believe that his daughter's qi will drastically change in one day, he had for a while been trying to come to peace with his daughter passing away probably before his time. But, to be told that she was in good health, the sect leader was feeling thankful that all the prayers he's been offering on behalf of his daughter was finally answered.

When Li Guoliang got to know the cause of his wife's weak heart, they tried all they could to reverse her negative qi, but nothing worked. Night after night he will burn incense and offer prayers to the heavens to bless his wife with long life. Before he married Yuan Huiling, he believed that as long as he had a great Physician by his side, they could overcome her weak heart together.

It didn't take him long to find out that, what he foolishly thought he could overcome with a high level of medicine, was only wishful thinking on his part. What opened his eyes to the errors of his ways was their first night together, his wife could not stand the exertion that came from the joining of their bodies, coughing up blood, late that night the physician had to be called in, walking into the embarrassing position they both were on the bed.

From that day on, Li Guoliang had to practice restraint along with his wife, even though his body was on fire each time he thought of her and saw her in person, it was a torture they both went through.

Rising up from the floor cushion, the sect leader gave an heartfelt thanks to the sect physician, before they both parted ways.

Usually Li Guoliang did not visit the kitchen for any reason, but this time he ran over to convey to the kitchen attendants that a grand feast be made for the safe recovery of his daughter and even promised them that they will receive an additional reward to their usual monthly allowance. Feeling very happy by the generous gesture of their sect leader, they all gave a prolonged curtsy to him.

The kitchen was bustling with so much going on, different dishes was prepared. Some of the servants had gone into town to get jars of festive wine.

The sect disciples of YuanLi had been informed to gather in the hall at evening to celebrate the miraculous recovery of the sect leader's daughter.

In the bedchamber of Li Jiao. Asleep in bed from exhaustion as a result of inhabiting a new body was Xu Hui, wrapped in a dreamless sleep.