
Xu Hui tried to control the burning rage she felt towards the annoying smile on the seemingly nonchalant male disciple. He stirred within her, old memories of her past life that she wanted to lay buried, until the right time came for her to pull them out to look closely at.

Fu Zian's eyes twinkled in amusement, he remained where he was his back lazily resting against the wall of the hall entrance. Closely watching what her next action would be, as his hand rested lightly against the strings of the zither, in the event she decide to do the unexpected.

Force of habit made Xu Hui reach for her side, forgetting that she no long wielded her sword, as she used to when she was still alive in her very own body.

Frustrated by the discovery, that was when she made a mad dash towards where the junior disciple laid unconscious on the floor, stripping him of his sword, as she charged at the male disciple that was an eyesore to her, turning and twisting the sword in her hand by its hilt.

The movement of Li Jiao struck Fu Zian as odd, he had never known the sect's leader's daughter to hold a sword, let alone handle it at the level she was currently moving it. What he could see was someone who knew their way around a sword, that was when he began to wonder where and how she had learned that type of sword technique.

Unfortunately, he didn't have much time to think on it, as Xu Hui lunged at him with the sword, aiming straight for his heart with one strike. Fu Zian blocked the attack with the body of his zither, cutting the force of the sword almost by half.

By now, he knew he had to get serious or else, his might end up losing a body part. With a smile still on his face, Fu Zian released a string from his zither, the force from it pushed back Xu Hui, as she almost landed on the floor.

Undeterred by his moves, Xu Hui held the sword tightly in her hand, flipping the blade before going again at Fu Zian. Laughing at her tactic, he renewed the force of his attack, this time releasing two strings at once, doubling the effect of his technique.

Refusing to be fooled the second time, Xu Hui infused a portion of her spiritual energy wrapping it against her blade, as she place it in front of her to block the oncoming attack. The disciples by now, had gotten on their feet, clearing from where they sat, to give them some distance.

Physician Shen hurriedly got up from where he sat to attend to the unconscious disciple, carefully examining his body. They all watched in awe and surprise, seeing the sect leader's daughter fight, was something none of them had ever witnessed. They saw how fierce and determined she looked while facing the YuanLi sect's senior disciple, barely even flinching from his attacks.

They kept going at it, her sword striking against his luminous string and his wisp of entanglement pushing against her blade of fury.

Having been a long time since she held a sword in her hand, Xu Hui's palms was beginning to bleed from the force of her attack. The bright crimson drops slowly drenched the hilt of her silver sword, dripping on the spotless floor of the dining hall.

Fu Zian noticed what was happening, with the way she was acting he knew that if he didn't step in and stop their fight, she would keep going on. Moving in a sudden swift motion, he got behind her, and with two fingers he stabbed at a few pressure points at her neck, knocking her unconscious.

He saw the look of utter confusion, before her eyes closed, but before she could collapse on the ground, Fu Zian caught her against his chest, holding her firmly, with one hand he tossed his zither behind him, before lifting her with both hands, bringing her close to him. Her head lying unconscious against his shoulders.

"One of these day, you'll have to let me in in your secret."

Fu Zian whispered those words close to her ears, watching her chest rise and fall. He didn't understand why he was sudden curious to know more about the young woman in his arms. Walking towards Physician Shen.