
ShenJiangShi disciples stood trembling in mortification, that the cultivator that they saw as useless, was in actuality hiding a power that rivaled those of their young master's.

"I'm so angry, how best can I calm my anger? Should I pluck their eyes out and feed them to the hens in my courtyard?"


The faces of the cultivators were pale with terror, as the sound of fear escaped from their throat.

"Sect leader Chen, think carefully. If you spill a drop of their blood, I can promise you that if it means sacrificing my life, you will not be leaving here alive!"

The voice didn't plea nor change in their cadence while addressing Chen Yueming.

"Oh?! Oh?! Why don't we find out, if you really can kill me as you said."

Gone was the weapon that would have struck down with ease the cultivator that challenged him, instead he had but his sword Yaguhua, pulling out a silver blade with a crimson hilt from the sheath of silver-red. The sword of Chen Yueming clashed with those of Shi Yunxu, the two went at it, swinging their blade, while the force of it pushed the eleven cultivators to the ground. The bodies that laid on the ground in a bloody heap was flung far off, away from the two dueling cultivators.

Twisting to the side to evade the Wingzixin from stabbing him a second time, Chen Yueming threw his sword towards Shi Yunxu, who flew up to evade being impaled by Yaguhua. The WuYangChen sect leader was expecting him to dodge the attack, only to slice him through the abdomen, avoiding the vital organ in the process. What pierced through Shi Yunxu was a remnant of the silver string that was thought to have been completely handed over by Chen Yueming, which was cleverly hidden during the sword throw in a blind spot.

"Young master Shi!"

The terrified cries came from the disciples as they saw their sect leader's son wounded by Chen Yueming, this made them struggle to their feet to come to the rescue of Shi Yunxu, who fell to the ground, coughing up blood.

"Sect leader Chen! You..."

"I, what? Deceived you? Made you lower your guard? What else?"

Turning to face the disciples that was almost where the two were, in a look that held great contempt, "Take another step and I will rip your heads from your body!"

Not even for the son of their sect leader, did the cultivators move from where the stood, their skin drenched in sweat and pale stricken, unable to go against the words of Chen Yueming.

"You had this planned already? The slaughtering of your servants, you could kill the Nian based on your level of cultivation and yet you played at being weak, why?!"

As Shi Yunxu spoke, the pouch holding the core of the Nian was tucked underneath the sleeves of his robes. From the other sleeve Chen Yueming pulled out a red pouch taking out a handful of bluish power to scatter on the bodies that did not get thrown off during the fight. Right in front of their eyes, the bodies began to melt, foaming as they did, until there was no trace left.