
"Young Miss Li! Young Miss Li! Are you awake?"

Several maids that attended to the sect leader's daughter kept pounding on the door for her to open up for them to come in, the sound pulled Xu Hui from her sleep.

"What is it?"

"Young Miss Li! We fear for Sect leader Li's life! "

"Come in!"

The door slowly slid to the side as ten female servants dressed in the purple robes of the YuanLi sect walked into the bedchambers of Li Jiao. They bowed in greeting to their sect leader's daughter.

"Greeting Young Miss Li!"

"You can now raise your head up."

"Thank you Young Miss Li!"

Xu Hui was still stretched out under the purple floral bed cover, when the servants saw their young mistress had not sat up in bed yet after their greeting, they offered to lift her up from the bed.

"Young Miss Li, would you like us to help you up?"