Blood pact(5)

Fu Zian noticed that the moment she had her right hand in a fist was when he felt as though something was squeezing his heart, not longer after, he began to cough out blood from the constant pressure that was aimed at his heart.

"What..what did you do to me?!"

Xu Hui kept looking at him in a lazy manner, watching as he continued to throw up blood on the soft earth.

"Senior Fu Zian, don't be like that, how are you certain that it was I that did that to you?"

The soft melodious voice form Xu Hui belied the cruelty that she dealt to the other cultivator.

"If not you! Who else could it be? A Ghost? A Demon? An evil spirit?!"

"It seems you really have an active imagination, I have never cultivated once in my entire life, how then could I have done that to you? How?"

"Li Jiao! You two faced green tea! How could you? How could you look me in the eyes and lie?!"