Path of Enlightenment(3)

"Yan Xuequi! Where did you run off to?!"

The princess of the fox clan ran straight into the arms of her Aunt, a woman dressed in simple yellow robes with a plain hair pin of brown wood on her hair.

"Aunt Hairong! I missed you so much! The food at the fox clan don't taste as good after you left."

When the twins half fox and half human saw their cousin from the fox clan, they tossed the bamboo dragon fly that they were playing with on the floor to latch onto the feet of their cousin.


The twin toddlers called out to the fox princess, while playfully tugging on the hem of her robes. After a while the two women finally broke from the embrace, as Mou Hairong gazed into the eyes of her niece. It was then that the twin took off to continue playing around the room.

"Did you bring anything from the market on your way back?"

Yan Xuequi could not meet the eyes of her aunt, for she had been distracted on her way to visit the Mou family.