Path of Enlightenment(8)

Yan Xuequi flew all the way to Xuekejiu town, while holding onto the cloak of Lin Cheng which he had forgotten to return back to him. The bracelet she gave to him wasn't just a jewelry, but it was also an extension of her power. This way she could keep track of him from wherever she was, without the other knowing.

She soon arrived in front of the of Zenhaitao inn, which was a three layer establishment made from brown timber. Forgoing coming in through the entrance, the fox princess went to the last floor, while moving at speed beyond what the human eyes could see, through several rooms down the corridor. Eight doors later, she went through the door not wanting to wake Lin Cheng in the event he was still asleep.

The sound of water pouring made the fox princess stop at mid air, a quick turn of her head and she was face to face with Lin Cheng taking a tub bath in his room.